We both noticed that Josiah's face seems puffier today. If something is becoming blocked in Josiah, fluids could back up and cause his face to become puffy. Please pray about this.
The lovely wound care specialist came today and suggested some new taping possibilities and gave me some skin cream to try on Josiah's cheeks. I showed her a blog that my aunt told me about and she ordered a sample of one of the tapes for me that was recommended. It may also be that Josiah's skin will be sensitive to any tape. His poor cheeks get so red as you can see from the photo. (Please note that the tapes in the top photo look horrible but I didn't want to change them until the nurse saw what was happening.)
Josiah certainly put on a show for the nurse; he was going at his tapes with all his might. Even with thick socks on his hands, I'm sure his tube would have come out if I hadn't been there to stop him. We changed his tapes this afternoon and tried Duoderm with Tegaderm over top and sealed the edges with a Cavilon wipe. I haven't tried that last step before so I'm hoping it works. It worked well when she tried it on my arm.
I was talking to Isaac about Jesus yesterday (while he was being disciplined). He said that Jesus is in heaven and I was starting to explain how Jesus is also in Mommy and Daddy. He laughed and pulled on my shirt saying, "Jesus is in Mommy's tummy?" I'm so thankful Jesus walks with us through this journey.
I'm going to say goodnight. We thank you so much for your love and prayers.
Galatians 2:20
I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
Josiah has such a beautiful face and again, we appreciate your pics. We are praying for the 'puffiness' and leaving it with Jesus- to work out the remedies. We expect miracles and we believe that when we ask for new or unclogged arteries, we shall receive that miracle. Always believing and please God, more good sleeps and no sickness. We claim so many things in the name of a mighty God. Much love