Tuesday 31 October 2017

Dishwasher joy

We have our first built-in dishwasher.  Yay!!!  We decided to finally lay our portable dishwasher to rest - it leaked a puddle every time it was used, it often had a burning smell, it would refuse to run (and then a few hours later would work again), and then it stopped draining out all of the water.  Our patience has limits.  We washed all the dishes for a number of weeks but that definitely got old quickly.  My dad helped me move some drawers to accommodate the new arrival and an electrician and plumber did the rest.  We still need a new counter that actually extends over the entire dishwasher but that will come.  Sadly, our more pressing need is a dryer.

We bought the dishwasher on a Saturday and then on Tuesday morning I discovered our dryer malfunctioning.  It was actually a fire hazard so I thank God for keeping us safe.  Today, our great appliance repairman told me that it would need a new motor and that after 13 years it wasn't worth fixing.  So, bring on the sales.  Thankfully my parents don't live far away and they happen to be very hospitable, even with their dryer!

I must confess my new luxury - our dishwasher has a third rack at the top for big knives or small lids, etc.  I am a fan and I am thankful for my friend who also needed a new dishwasher a few months ago and introduced me to this great invention.  Did I mention that Isaac can now take his dishes from the table to the dishwasher?!  I had never realized that the location of our portable dishwasher meant we couldn't just fill it up if anyone was still at the table.  Graham is happy that he can use the sink when the dishwasher is running, I am happy to not be lugging the beast back and forth and watching for dents in our new flooring, and Isaac and Kohen are happy to put their dishes away.  Win, win, win.  I now put the dishwasher on after dinner (when needed) before I put Lily-Anna to bed and then it's finished in the evening.  Thank You Lord for Your many blessings!

We also have a "new" blackboard on the wall behind our kitchen table (actually a less than beautiful find off Kijiji but it looks much better with the Word of God written on it).  I had listened to a sermon by the wife of our previous pastor many many months ago in which she mentioned that if her kids were young she would get blackboard paint and paint a section by the door for verses to say before school, etc.  I have finally put the idea into practice.  I was affirmed this Sunday when our pastor used the very verse I picked as our first verse (at the bottom of this post).  Actually, I only wrote the first verse but after seeing it on the screen on Sunday I realize that it should not be separated from the next verse so I need to add it.

We praise the Lord for health.  A year ago today Graham was very sick with pneumonia and I had to head to the ER with Isaac because he had the same symptoms (thank You again for sparing him Lord!)  My brother met me at the hospital and took Lily-Anna for a walk in her stroller to keep her away from extra germs while my dad took Kohen to see his aunt and cousins because Graham couldn't even take care of him while I was gone.  Thank You for bringing us through that trying time Lord!

So, Lily-Anna needs to be fully weaned soon.  She just turned 17 months and the blog informed me that I fully weaned Kohen at 18 months old.  She is down to morning, night, and once in the day but unfortunately she drinks very little milk from her cup.  She prefers water.  We want to move toward more freedom and flexibility so that she doesn't need me to put her to bed.  I'll miss nursing her - they are the most peaceful times of my day.

Lily-Anna loves shoes.
I've recently read a little about 'Electronic Screen Syndrome' in kids.  I haven't read enough to know if it's fully true or slightly wacky but it seems to make sense and it has made me limit even more the limited amount of screen time that my children have.


Kohen: Why does God pray to Himself?
Me: When?
Kohen: In the garden.
Me: Oh, when Jesus prays to His Father God?
Kohen: Yes.
(Some discussion on the Trinity ensues.)


Kohen: How big is God?
Me: He can't be measured.  He's too big.  He's infinite.
Kohen: He's bigger than the measuring tape?
Me: Yes.


Kohen was talking to me about Josiah and telling me that he was looking forward to going to Heaven.  He told me that he would see Josiah.  I think his story of his first meeting with Josiah in Heaven involved Kohen landing on Josiah's head!  Thankfully, there will be no tears in Heaven.

Isaac has really been enjoying his piano playing this month.  I think the songs are more interesting this year.  As soon as he heard that there would be a talent show at school, he wanted to play the piano. (Whose kid is this?!)  I am a huge fan of Music for Young Children and very thankful for the blessing of being able to give our kids this opportunity. 

Lily-Anna loves trying on clothes
I would love it if the month of November involved putting out all the lights at 10:30 each night and laying my head on my pillow.  It seems like an impossible dream but I'll let you know how it goes in one month.

We asked our small group to pray for us to have wisdom in disciplining our children.  I looked up consequence charts and Isaac became quite excited and started making a chart with ALL our names (Mommy and Daddy included).  I then found the Child Training Bible online and I plan to order that as soon as I can.  I think it will be a great way to teach my children that we go to the Word of God for wisdom and to get used to thumbing through a real Bible (Graham and I most often read our Bibles in a digital format). 

We are very thankful that my mom is feeling much better than she was a month ago.  She still has a ways to go but she's headed in the right direction.  We're praying for Graham's dad as he has a procedure tomorrow. 

Thanks for any prayers.


2 Timothy 3:16-17
"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."

1 comment:

  1. I think we were the last people on our street to get a dishwasher - we too had an old one like yours - I couldn't believe the difference it made. In fact, years later when we are stacking it with dishes, we still thank the Lord for it - especially after we have had guests for dinner. So happy for you! Met up with Graham's mom and dad at the missions alumni Christmas luncheon this week. It was good to find out that his dad's procedure went well. I had to apologize to him for staring at him - he reminds me SO much of Graham! The Child's Training Bible sounds like a great way to get children into the Word - it's never too early!
