Monday 30 September 2024

September Stories

It's the end of September ... and I am tired.  I need to put another alarm on my phone that reminds me to do laundry.  The following happens far too often: I am getting ready for bed when I realize that I need to do laundry as one or more of us need something in the morning.  I hang up a number of things to dry so I usually need to wait until the wash is finished so that I can hang items before I go to sleep. 

I've also just switched this past week from taking my medication by injection to taking it orally.  It's the same medication but I don't know yet if it will work for me or not.  I thought it was worth a try to get away from the needles that Graham kindly administers.  This change could also make me more tired.  

It feels good to be back into a fall routine and this is the most organized I've been yet, at least in terms of the kids.  They each have lists to check off each day.  

All of the kids are enjoying being back at school and seeing their friends.  Isaac likes being in high school and has joined the band.  Thankfully there is only one early morning band practice at 7:00 a.m. and the other practice is after school.  I drive him and it reminds me of my dad driving me to band practice, though that started at 7:30 a.m. and I thought that was early.  

Kohen is one of two grade 5 boys in the grade 5/6 class.  Thankfully he is good friends with the other boy.  He goes with him to his church to a kids' program during the week.  We all went to watch Kohen play lacrosse tonight.  It's a short season with just five sessions but it's been fun to see him learn a new sport that I have never before watched.  His final practice and game are next week.  

Lily-Anna has been to two birthday parties this month.  I always like finding out who she plays with at recess and what they do.  She is so creative and has lots of ideas.  

It's been so nice to see my dad's cousin and his wife who are visiting from Northern Ireland.  It's also been fun to meet the children of one of Graham's coworkers.  We went to the park together where I realized it's been a long time since I chased after a two-year-old.  They are fast!  

I forgot to mention that we started the month with a trip to Toronto Island with friends.  Our family took the bus and train again and we managed to meet our friends on the ferry so we could eat lunch together and the kids went on some rides together.  It was a fun day.  We then saw another family from church at Union Station and another couple at a different station on the way home.  Good times!

We made some changes to our bedroom which is why I am sitting on a Lazyboy chair typing this in my room.  We were able to find a tall dresser on Marketplace so we said goodbye to our big long dresser which we were given when we married which has enabled us to have a chair in our room.  I found a little round table that can hold a hot drink and it has shelves to hold our Bibles.  

It has definitely made me want to hang out in our room more and I've found Graham sitting on the chair reading a number of times.  I didn't realize this was a needed change until it happened.  I'm thankful Graham mentioned that he'd like to have a chair in the room.  We are using one that was in the boys' room and they have one that was in our basement which also means that our basement has more available space.        

We've been able to declutter a little but there is so much more that needs to happen.  

We've been listening to lots of Vanderbeeker and now Penderwick audiobooks.  It's so nice to listen to stories of people whose company you love ... even when they are characters in a book.  I even love the pets in these books.  

Graham and I are going to co-lead a Bible study with friends from our church.  It starts this week.  It's the first time we have been part of one with children so it will be interesting to see how it works.  The idea is that the children play in one area while the parents are meeting in another room.  We'll see how it goes.  

It's time to end this and see if I can figure out how to post some photos before I fall asleep.  


Ecclesiastes 12:13

Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter:  Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind.

Sunday 1 September 2024


Summer and School Vacation are not over yet but we've said goodbye to August, a wonderful month. We began it in Kincardine where we were ending a lovely week at our neighbour's trailer. We enjoyed a night in Listowel with my dear in-laws on our way home. 

After celebrating the Civic Holiday with my side of the family, Isaac began volunteering at our local community centre with the Building Youth Leadership Development Program (BYLD) offered free from the City of Kitchener. Isaac was provided with a day and a half of training in June as well as feedback and mentoring during his seven days of volunteering. Most youth volunteer for ten days but Isaac's supervisor kindly allowed him to take off two days for camping with his family. Isaac received lots of positive feedback and he enjoyed being with the children. 

This is the first year that Isaac has been able to join the camping trip. He went with Graham, Kohen, Lily-Anna, two of his uncles, and two of his cousins. It used to be a Daddy-Daughter trip for Lily-Anna and my four nieces but nephews have been allowed last year and this year as some of my nieces were unable to get time off work. They rented three canoes and paddled for hours, portaging three times. They made some lifelong memories. I enjoyed meeting with three friends while they were away and I appreciated the break from cooking. 

Kohen and Lily-Anna have both had lots of swimming lessons this summer. They both passed a number of levels, making lots of progress. Kohen is now a good swimmer and Lily-Anna is comfortable in the water, enjoys jumping in, and can swim 10 meters on her front and back. One huge highlight of the month was seeing my niece get baptized in the river. I love watching any baptisms but they mean even more when someone I know and love is getting baptized. 

Last week I noticed that there was some water coming from our hot water heater. Thankfully it had an 8-year warranty that ended this coming November.  I emailed the company that installed it and they came and replaced it the next day. We just paid for the installation. PTL!!! 

I have been to the St. Jacobs Market three times this month. The first time I went with Kohen who wanted to buy Jibbitz for his Crocs. The second time, we went as a family and enjoyed delicious cinnamon buns. None of my kids seem to remember being there before so I guess they were too little to remember.  The third time, Kohen and Lily-Anna were with me after we bought Lily-Anna a pair of Crocs and she wanted to buy Jibbitz. 

Lily-Anna also decided to change her hair this month. She had over ten inches cut off and she's enjoying her short hair, though she's thankful it's just long enough to pull back into a ponytail when she wants. 

My two local nieces have left for university. It will be different not having them close by or seeing them on Sundays. I'm happy and excited for them but I'll miss them. 

We reduced screen time this summer and it was helpful (one of my children may disagree). The kids read more and played more outside and were more creative.  We also enjoyed listening to a number of audiobooks. We recently had a family meeting to come up with some ideas for a healthy schedule for screen time. We'll try it for a couple of weeks and then discuss what changes are needed. I'm hopeful. 

Kohen decided that he wants to try playing lacrosse. We were able to find a program that will help him learn to play in September. It will end with a tournament in early October so it's a short season. Thankfully, we were able to find all the necessary padding on MarketPlace as well as some balls and sticks (in addition to one new stick). We now have three lacrosse sticks and Isaac and Kohen played with a friend tonight. 

Isaac and I need to volunteer at church in the morning so I'll say goodnight. 

I'll have to skip photos now but given that the kids go back to school next week, I will soon have a little more time.  I hope everyone is having a great long weekend.  


Psalm 119:105 ESV 
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

Wednesday 31 July 2024

First Month of Summer

It’s been a great first month of summer filled with swimming lessons and VBS and a couple of camps (a maker camp for Lily-Anna and a 6-day overnight camp for Isaac) as well as family time in Kincardine.  Kohen’s main request this summer was to go camping so he is excited about the portage camping trip coming up in August.  

I had forgotten that summer feels busier for me in some ways but it also has a more relaxed rhythm (except perhaps for the first week when I still needed to pack a lunch for Lily-Anna’s camp that happened to be across town for drop-off and pick-up.). Actually, VBS was also exhausting and much earlier than normal school days but so very rewarding to be able to connect with the children in my group and the other leaders.

This is the second year that Isaac had gone away to a Christian camp with a friend.  He has so much fun there.  I’m so thankful he can have these experiences and make these memories.

Kohen and Lily-Anna have both made a lot of progress in their swimming lessons and I am thankful.  We’ve been blessed with a couple of great teachers and they make such a difference.  I love that the pool is in the same building as the library so everyday we go to the library after they finish at the pool.  

As of today, my doctor for the past twenty years has retired.  There were three doctors at our medical center and they all retired.  He was able to find a doctor to take his patients but we don’t yet know where the new doctor will be located, though we have paid to have our medical records digitized.  I guess we should finish up the paperwork for the transfer.  We have been very blessed to be under the care of Dr. King and his staff.  I can think of a few times when he called me at home to give me results.  I will certainly miss him and his staff.

Our amazing neighbour had blessed us with time at her mobile home in Kincardine.  We all enjoyed time at the beach and the pool and the kids have fun at the playground and parks.  

It is time of course to say goodnight.

One last thought - I am really enjoying the book, Practicing the Way.  

Photos will have to wait. 



Ephesians 3:20-21

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.

Sunday 30 June 2024

Joy-filled June

Uncle Craig introduced the kids to appetizers and floats with supper

It's been a wonderful, packed June, and I'm thankful for the arrival of July tomorrow.  July has a different pace.   It always begins with a party every year (Happy Canada Day and Happy Birthday Natasha!) June also has so many reasons to celebrate, including birthdays, an anniversary, Father's Day, summer, the end of school, and graduations.  Three of my nieces graduated high school this year and this past Wednesday evening, Isaac graduated Grade 8.    

Isaac playing O Canada

Isaac was asked to play O Canada at the graduation and he played very well!  Graham and I were proud parents as we stood and sang along.  Actually, in typical "us-fashion" we arrived just in time for "standing room only."  Graham decided to look around to see if he could find somewhere for us to sit and a woman said she had decided to sit on the floor at the top of the bleachers due to a health condition and she and her husband gave us their seats.  And, they were right behind where Isaac was playing the piano so we had the perfect view!  Thank You Lord!  

JK to Grade 8

Kohen and Lily-Anna enjoyed a Kids' Retreat with our church.  Unfortunately, Lily-Anna's piano recital was the same day so she couldn't perform but she and Kohen had a great time.  Isaac performed well in his year-end recital.

Isaac is part of the Building Youth Leadership Development program.  He had a day and a half of training and he will volunteer at a city-run summer day camp for two weeks in August.  He'll have a mentor who will provide feedback.  He needs to plan at least one activity during the first week and daily activities the second week.  Isaac volunteers with 2 and 3 year olds at our church and he loves it (and has a few little fans) so I know he'll do a great job.  When I first told him about the leadership program he wasn't too excited until I told him that he would be working with kids and he knew he would enjoy that.  

It was so lovely to see Graham's brother who was visiting from B.C. as well as my Auntie Celia who was visiting from England.  She moved back to England two years ago so I don't get to see her often.

I enjoyed helping out with Track and Field at Kohen and Lily-Anna's school.  This is the first year that Kohen was able to participate as it is only for the junior students.  Kohen's birthday is right around the cut-off age so he was the youngest in his group and he said he had a great time. 

Lily-Anna's 8th birthday was at the end of May but her family celebration and her party with friends were both in June.  She really wanted a party in our home and while I was very nervous about this given that we live in a small home with one washroom and there would be 12 extra girls and a mom, bringing the total of people in our home to 18.  Did I mention there was a heat wave so it felt like 37 degrees outside, thus cancelling the plans for a picnic and outdoor time?  For all of these reasons, we  came very close to switching to bowling (as it's easy to book a spot at the last minute this time of year).  Lily-Anna wanted no part in that plan.  

I believe God gave me wisdom with an easy and fun paper flower craft and ways to split up our space into stations for different activities.  It was a family affair with Graham leading the craft and games in the living room, the boys leading target practice using foam arrows as well as other team games in the basement and cupcake decorating in the kitchen along with some Giant Jenga in the hallway.  Apart from washing hands, I'm not sure if any of the girls even needed to use the washroom.  God knew what would work and I'm thankful.  I heard from a couple of moms that their daughters had a great time.  The mom who stayed was also an immense blessing.  She went right to work and we definitely needed her help.  

Kohen recently became interested in watching hockey so he and Isaac decided to contribute towards the price of a one-month subscription to one of the sports channels online.  We enjoyed watching the Oilers win those three games in a row!  Too bad about the last one.  Graham also decided to use some birthday money to subscribe to another channel so we've been enjoying watching some football (soccer) games of the Euro and the Copa America.  We were quite surprised to listen to the opening prayer of the Copa, which quoted Jesus saying He came to bring abundant life; acknowledged God as the source of all life; and asked for blessing and protection in Jesus' name.   I wouldn't mind hearing more prayers like that before sporting events.  

Lily-Anna has been thoroughly enjoying riding her bike of late.  She is always up to going out with Graham or me around the block or down to see the ducks or to a park.  We learned about a local Pump Track recently.  Isaac enjoyed trying it though he said he doesn't completely have the hang of it as he still needed to pedal his bike.  One of Isaac's teachers organized a bike club at the school so Isaac went on a few rides.  They were planning to go on a couple of long rides but unfortunately the heat wave cancelled those plans.  I'm hoping we can go on some family rides this summer locally.  

Another highlight of the month was seeing one of Isaac's friends (who is also the son of friends) get baptized in the river.  What a wonderful reason to celebrate.  I love baptisms but they are definitely extra special when I know the person getting baptized.  

L-A made flowers for her teachers

At Isaac's middle school, all of the grade 7 classes and grade 8 classes compete again the same grade classes for points all year.  Isaac's class won both last year and this year.  They were rewarded with a bbq on the last day of school.  We continued our tradition for the last day of school.  Graham and I both go to pick up Kohen and Lily-Anna (and Isaac came with us as his school ends earlier).  We then take some photos in front of the school (we started the photos in 2020 when the school was closed on the last day as it had been since March).  We then go to the convenience store for a treat - usually a slushy or ice cream.  I picked a cake pop from the bakery close to the store.  This year we invited the girl whom we picked up and dropped off for school all year.  We weren't late to school once.

I finally planted perennials

Isaac saved me a little work by completely forgetting that his class had planned a potluck until he someone asked him what he brought.  Thankfully, there was enough food.

I volunteer with a literacy program at the elementary school with three children each week.  We were able to celebrate all of their hard work and progress.   

As part of her birthday present, Lily-Anna's cousins invited her for a sleepover.  She had such a good time.  

It's well past bedtime so I'll see if I can quickly add a few photos.  

Oh yes, Graham and I also celebrated our anniversary this month with our annual trip to the Keg for steaks and a delicious Billy Minor Pie (SO good!).  



Psalm 28:7

The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me.  My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him.

Saturday 1 June 2024

May’s Post

I figured it would happen eventually.  I accidentally set my “Blog” alarm for the wrong evening so I wasn’t reminded to write a post.  

It was Graham’s birthday “today” (May 31st) and Lily-Anna’s birthday “yesterday” so it’s been busy.  Kohen and Lily-Anna are going on a Kids’ Retreat in the morning so I need to get some sleep.  

Hopefully I’ll post more soon.  



Tuesday 30 April 2024

April Showers ...

 ... would bring May flowers if I had planted some.  It's on my calendar to plant bulbs in the fall.  I hope I make it happen as I am thoroughly enjoying looking at all the tulips and daffodils and grape hyacinths around the neighbourhood.  

I'm not sure where April went but I will gladly welcome May and warmer weather.  I'm looking at the calendar and I see that the highlight for the month was the solar eclipse!  I am so thankful that God prompted me to order the eclipse glasses (from a reputable source) and to ask Graham to take a half-day off.  

We drove to Simcoe and were able to experience the full eclipse.  We parked at Picards Peanuts and were able to access yummy snacks (and a washroom) before and after the main event.  It was remarkable to be able to take off our glasses when the moon fully covered the sun.  It was beautiful and a sight to behold; a gift from God.  It was a lovely few moments to share together and some excitement for the kids to remember.  We then drove to Port Dover to walk along the pier and stopped for take-out and some fun at a playground on the way home.  Good times on April 8, 2024.

We were also blessed to be able to watch Isaac compete in a doubles badminton tournament.  It was a short season but he worked hard, improved, and had fun.  

On Josiah's birthday we took flowers to his grave and ate birthday cake at lunch as Graham and I had a lovely wedding and reception to attend in the afternoon and evening.     

Isaac played in the Kiwanis Festival twice last week.  I loved listening to him but I was a little nervous.  Often my eyes were closed and I was praying.  He played well and received good feedback from the adjudicator.  He is hoping to have his Level 8 practical exam next January.  

Lily-Anna went on her first real fieldtrip today.  She told me she went on walks in the neighbourhood in Kindergarten but this time she had to go on a bus.  Lily-Anna also had her first gymnastics class on Saturday and enjoyed it.    

We went to the movie theatre to see Unsung Hero on Saturday.  I love reclining seats and this time I knew to lift up the armrest between the seats.  Graham guessed my favourite part correctly.  I loved the "Please" and "Thank You" lists on the wall where all family members posted their prayer requests and thanks to God.

I think that just about covers April.  May is a celebration month in our family with two anniversaries, Mother's Day, Victoria Day, and four birthdays.  

We also have a new little reading nook in our home.  I was able to move things from the top of our linen closet and now Kohen and Lily-Anna will climb up there, put on a light, close the door, and read. 

We tried the Wod Fam Choc Sod recipe from Adventures in Odyssey (World Famous Chocolate Soda).  Delicious!


Now it's time to get ready for bed.  The Internet is now turned off on my phone from 11:00 p.m. until 7:00 a.m.  I may switch it to start at 10:30 and then to 10:00 as I think it helps me get to bed earlier (other than Blog nights).  I'll see if I can find a few photos.


Matthew 8:26
He replied, "You of little faith, why are you so afraid?"  Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.

Sunday 31 March 2024

Happy Easter!!!

I'm not sure if March is going out like a lion or a lamb.  It feels like -1 degree Celsius but the weather app is warning me that "High-impact storm looms with snow, winds."  Spring 'tis the season for any and every weather in south-western Ontario.  It certainly tests my ability to be content as I am looking forward to warmer temperatures.

Today was a beautiful sunny Easter.  Happy Easter!  In addition to celebrating Jesus' resurrection, we were able to celebrate that one of my nieces was baptized.  16 family members were there to watch.  11 others were also baptized this morning at our church (six during each service).

This month started with St. David's Day and Welsh Cakes, then Kohen's birthday celebrations, the Festival of Arts at Isaac's school in which he played in the concert and jazz bands and played a solo on the piano, followed by March Break, the purchase of a "new to us" minivan, St. Patrick's Day, Grandma Betty's birthday, the first day of spring, Isaac making the badminton team at his school, Palm Sunday and Lily-Anna's piano recital at a Jazz Room, Good Friday, lots of fun with the cousins, and Resurrection Sunday.

I just fell asleep while deciding what to write so it's time to go to bed.  Tomorrow is a holiday for the kids so hopefully I can find a chance to find some March photos tomorrow.  Good night and thanks be to God that He is risen!  Jesus is alive!



Matthew 28:6

He is not here; He has risen, just as He said.  Come and see the place where He lay.