Tuesday 30 April 2024

April Showers ...

 ... would bring May flowers if I had planted some.  It's on my calendar to plant bulbs in the fall.  I hope I make it happen as I am thoroughly enjoying looking at all the tulips and daffodils and grape hyacinths around the neighbourhood.  

I'm not sure where April went but I will gladly welcome May and warmer weather.  I'm looking at the calendar and I see that the highlight for the month was the solar eclipse!  I am so thankful that God prompted me to order the eclipse glasses (from a reputable source) and to ask Graham to take a half-day off.  

We drove to Simcoe and were able to experience the full eclipse.  We parked at Picards Peanuts and were able to access yummy snacks (and a washroom) before and after the main event.  It was remarkable to be able to take off our glasses when the moon fully covered the sun.  It was beautiful and a sight to behold; a gift from God.  It was a lovely few moments to share together and some excitement for the kids to remember.  We then drove to Port Dover to walk along the pier and stopped for take-out and some fun at a playground on the way home.  Good times on April 8, 2024.

We were also blessed to be able to watch Isaac compete in a doubles badminton tournament.  It was a short season but he worked hard, improved, and had fun.  

On Josiah's birthday we took flowers to his grave and ate birthday cake at lunch as Graham and I had a lovely wedding and reception to attend in the afternoon and evening.     

Isaac played in the Kiwanis Festival twice last week.  I loved listening to him but I was a little nervous.  Often my eyes were closed and I was praying.  He played well and received good feedback from the adjudicator.  He is hoping to have his Level 8 practical exam next January.  

Lily-Anna went on her first real fieldtrip today.  She told me she went on walks in the neighbourhood in Kindergarten but this time she had to go on a bus.  Lily-Anna also had her first gymnastics class on Saturday and enjoyed it.    

We went to the movie theatre to see Unsung Hero on Saturday.  I love reclining seats and this time I knew to lift up the armrest between the seats.  Graham guessed my favourite part correctly.  I loved the "Please" and "Thank You" lists on the wall where all family members posted their prayer requests and thanks to God.

I think that just about covers April.  May is a celebration month in our family with two anniversaries, Mother's Day, Victoria Day, and four birthdays.  

We also have a new little reading nook in our home.  I was able to move things from the top of our linen closet and now Kohen and Lily-Anna will climb up there, put on a light, close the door, and read. 

We tried the Wod Fam Choc Sod recipe from Adventures in Odyssey (World Famous Chocolate Soda).  Delicious!


Now it's time to get ready for bed.  The Internet is now turned off on my phone from 11:00 p.m. until 7:00 a.m.  I may switch it to start at 10:30 and then to 10:00 as I think it helps me get to bed earlier (other than Blog nights).  I'll see if I can find a few photos.


Matthew 8:26
He replied, "You of little faith, why are you so afraid?"  Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.

Sunday 31 March 2024

Happy Easter!!!

I'm not sure if March is going out like a lion or a lamb.  It feels like -1 degree Celsius but the weather app is warning me that "High-impact storm looms with snow, winds."  Spring 'tis the season for any and every weather in south-western Ontario.  It certainly tests my ability to be content as I am looking forward to warmer temperatures.

Today was a beautiful sunny Easter.  Happy Easter!  In addition to celebrating Jesus' resurrection, we were able to celebrate that one of my nieces was baptized.  16 family members were there to watch.  11 others were also baptized this morning at our church (six during each service).

This month started with St. David's Day and Welsh Cakes, then Kohen's birthday celebrations, the Festival of Arts at Isaac's school in which he played in the concert and jazz bands and played a solo on the piano, followed by March Break, the purchase of a "new to us" minivan, St. Patrick's Day, Grandma Betty's birthday, the first day of spring, Isaac making the badminton team at his school, Palm Sunday and Lily-Anna's piano recital at a Jazz Room, Good Friday, lots of fun with the cousins, and Resurrection Sunday.

I just fell asleep while deciding what to write so it's time to go to bed.  Tomorrow is a holiday for the kids so hopefully I can find a chance to find some March photos tomorrow.  Good night and thanks be to God that He is risen!  Jesus is alive!



Matthew 28:6

He is not here; He has risen, just as He said.  Come and see the place where He lay.

Thursday 29 February 2024

Happy Leap Day!!!

Happy Leap Day!!!

Celebrating Isaac with Bingsu

I think I've been doing a lot better at avoiding grocery stores late at night ... but tonight is an exception.  I realized we were running low on milk which we will need in the morning so I ventured into the cold night.  I also remembered that tomorrow is St. David's Day so I picked up some currants and we'll see if I can find time to make Welsh Cakes tomorrow.  My maternal grandfather was Welsh.  I don't remember hearing about St. David's Day as a child but my cousin encouraged me to mark the day a few years ago and it's a great excuse for a treat and an opportunity to teach my kids about their heritage.

All of my Valentine's dates with the kids were late this year.  Lily-Anna and I went for our date to Starbucks yesterday.  The kids and I were all sick with colds at various times this month so the outings were spread out.  Thankfully Lily-Anna was finally well for her dentist appointment yesterday.  We had already rescheduled twice due to her being sick.  No cavities and her teeth look great.  

Graham and I were going to go out for a meal but I was sick so he picked up some yummy Indian food and brought it home.  

A major highlight this month was Isaac's spelling bees.  He won for his class, his grade, and then for his school (he had to compete against the grade 7 winner).  He advanced to the Regional Finals where he tied for second place.  We are very proud of him and so was his school.  Eight teachers from his school showed up at the finals to cheer him on during a Sunday afternoon and only two of those teachers actually teach him.  

We spent a night at my in-laws' home to celebrate Family Day.  Kohen and Lily-Anna enjoyed sleeping in hammocks.  

Graham and I attended a Marriage Summit at our church.  It was a great opportunity to meet new couples and focus on strengthening our marriage.  Our church has a new Marriage and Family Pastor.  We are looking forward to hearing from the pastor and his wife during the parenting event in March.

Last Saturday evening, Graham, Kohen, Lily-Anna, and I walked the 5K route in the Coldest Night of the Year to raise money for Ray of Hope which is "a place of refuge and hope for vulnerable people in our community."  We walked with friends and had a good, though chilly time.  We had celebrated a friend's 50th birthday with a hike in the woods earlier that day so we were tired.  Isaac was at a youth retreat so he couldn't join us.  

I'm falling asleep at the table so I will stop and say goodnight.  Kohen is hitting double digits in a few days.  He's been counting the days for a while.  He's been reading a lot lately.  I found a stash of Beverly Cleary books at the used store to add to my own stash as a child.



1 John 3:16

This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.

Wednesday 31 January 2024

January Light

I just realized I never posted photos from December.  Hopefully I'll rectify that but tonight won't be the night as I want to get to bed.  

I am sitting typing in my kitchen with a new bright light shining over my sink.  An electrician came this morning to fix a light that stopped working in our laundry room.  To make the most of the one-hour fee, we also had three light fixtures changed on our main floor.  Isaac commented how nice it was to have a bright light when he came in the door from his piano lesson tonight.  

Graham also changed the light in the garage and laundry room to motion-detector lights and those have brightened up those spaces as well.  I'm so thankful God brought those other lights to mind as two of them have been here for almost 20 years (well, we've been here for almost 20 years) and they have never been my favourite.  

Graham blessed me with a Kindle for Christmas.  While I do enjoy turning the pages of a real book, I decided to jump in and order some books I've been wanting, thankful for the reduced price.  I've really been enjoying Justin Whitmel Earley's book called Habits of the Household: Practicing the Story of God in Everyday Family Rhythms.  

I've only read 70% so far but we have a few new practices in our home that will become habits.  I try to kneel beside my bed and pray as soon as I get out of bed in the morning "and spend the first moment of morning looking for the light" (Loc 708), we now light a candle before we start our supper and say, "Christ is our light and Lord."  Once a week I am asking a new catechism question during supper (I use an app with simple answers).  I'm also trying to include reconciliation as part of the process of apologizing and forgiving in the family.  There are other ideas I want to implement as well.  It was published in 2021 but I wish I could have read it when my kids were small.  Here's one long excerpt from the chapter called Waking:

"When the first thing I do in the morning is roll over, grab my phone, and begin scanning work emails, I wake to the monsters of performance.  The story of reality is about what I can get accomplished today and whether I can justify my existence.  When I begin the morning in social media, I wake to the monsters of comparison and envy.... When I begin the morning in the news headlines, the monsters of fear and anger nearly jump through the screen.... Or when I lie in bed recounting the day's to-do list (or when I jump up and immediately start the rush to get everyone out the door on time), I wake to the monster of busyness.  The story of reality is how there is always too much to do and never enough time to do it.... At best, the morning rituals of a household support the reality that God loves us and that his love is the defining fact of the universe.  Here our habits of waking serve as gospel liturgies that push us into the arms of a father who loves us, and then send us out into the world to love others.  But at worst, our habits of waking indulge alternative realities where the universe depends on us and what we do today.  This is the gospel of humankind, where our rituals tell us that we have to keep up to survive and turn the household into a school of rush, fear, and frustration.... we must see that the first role of a parent is not to get everyone up on time but to root our household habits of waking in the truth of the gospel.  For in the story of God, our call is not simply to wake up our bodies each day but to awaken our hearts to God's love." (Loc 660-669)

I've been enjoying volunteering with Strong Start one morning a week, playing literacy games one-on-one with three children.  

Isaac had his grad photos taken last week.  How is my first-born going to High School in September?  We toured his future school earlier this month and he's looking forward to attending.  

I went to a presentation on Vaping, Alcohol, and Cannabis at Isaac's school last night.  It was quite shocking and sad to hear about new nicotine products that are not restricted by age and look similar to one gum or candy package.  One local gas station attendant told the public health nurse that this product sold out the first day they had it in stock.  I looked  at some of the packages for cannabis edibles that look just like candy or even Doritos.  One mother commented about how cool vaping looks.  The devices look slick and they smell fruity and they start addictions young.  

Isaac was invited to play in a new jazz band at his school and I just registered him for an Honour Band in May.  He enjoys playing the trumpet.  He's also going to take part in Kiwanis to help him prepare for his next piano exam later this year.  

As a treat before school started, we went to the movies for the first time as a family.  This was also Lily-Anna's first time at a movie theatre.  We watched Migration and we had reclining seats.  That was a first for me but it made me want to only have reclining seats in the future.  I was sad that I didn't discover until after the movie ended that I could have raised the arm rest between Lily-Anna and me.  I missed out on some snuggling.  We had a fun time.  

We've been playing some more games including Dutch Blitz.  The expansion pack arrived today so that we can all play together.  Isaac also looked up how to play the game oware and mancala that I bought in Ghana in the summer of 2000.  Both boys can easily beat me. 

I'm also loving writing down three blessings in my Gratitudes and Beatitudes Journal each night before bed.  Speaking of bed, it's time to say goodnight.  Hopefully photos will come but not tonight.  



Matthew 5:3  Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Sunday 31 December 2023

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!  2024 is almost here.  We are celebrating with Graham's parents and lots of food.  

It's been a busy, wonderful month.  We celebrated Isaac becoming a teenager with family and friends, and enjoyed various Advent and Christmas activities.  

Christmas Eve morning at our church was lovely (Kohen and Lily-Anna enjoyed a pancake party).  We attended a beautiful evening candlelight service at First Baptist with friends followed by fun at their home and a late night.  

On Christmas morning we celebrated at the Christian Reformed Church.  I'm so glad they like to go to church on Christmas as that's how I grew up.  It's true that it's a tradition that I appreciate but it was also a wonderful time to worship with other believers singing the glorious carols.  I also feel closer to Josiah when I'm singing at church on Christmas morning.  It's related to something I once read about the saints on this side and that side worshiping God together.  I picture that, especially on Christmas.  I was extra blessed when the kids were called up to the front of the church and Lily-Anna happily skipped up to the front with all the children she didn't know.  Most or all of the other children had practiced actions to Away in a Manger.  She followed along so well and it was a joy to see her able to take part in that way.  

I had told the kids they wouldn't have to come to church on Christmas Day if they were too tired from the late night but Isaac was looking forward to it and the others came willingly.  It's their tradition now too.  

With Graham being sick before Christmas and our late night Christmas Eve, I was actually wrapping a number of presents after church on Christmas Day.  The kids were very patient and I think the results were worth the wait.  

It's time for me to continue celebrating with family so I will say goodnight and wish you and yours a very Happy New Year!  

I enjoyed the sermon this morning based on Matthew 11:28-30.  We need to come to Jesus, take His yoke and find rest.  Amen!



Matthew 11:28-30

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Thursday 30 November 2023


Well, according to the calendar, it's been a busy November but it's all a bit of a blur. We managed to get the Winter tires put on the van in time for the latest snow.  (That is, Canadian Tire managed to get the tires changed.)  We think the van may be on it's last legs but it would be great if could last a few more months at least.  There are some new noises and rattles so we'll see what the mechanic says.

The kids enjoyed seeing the grass covered by snow.  It was pretty. 

I'm so thankful that God helped us to fix our kitchen faucet so we could save some money.  The same faucet came on sale so I picked it up as insurance but thankfully I was able to return it.  I looked online and used a drill and then a chisel to remove a plastic nut that was stuck (clearly this is a known problem based on what I read online).  It took a good while but eventually it came out.  

I was a little too full of myself and an ignoramus and didn't put two and two together to realize that water would come out when I managed to remove this.  Of course it came spraying out when my dad was there observing my work. 😏   The water that sprayed out while I tried to turn off the water under the sink managed to get into my dishwasher and cause it to stop working but thankfully I knew that was an easy fix (though not something I wanted added to my plate that day).  Yes, pride goeth before a fall.  

After I removed the offending nut, I wasn't able to screw in the new one and figured it was a lost cause ... but I still prayed that God would intercede.  He did so using Graham's muscles.  He was able to screw in the one.  This fixed some issues but it was disappointing to see that our cold water pressure was still low after all of that.  The handle was fixed though.  However, after a couple of weeks, the cold pressure is now high.  It's been a long time since we've had that and it certainly is a blessing to fill up the Brita quickly.  Lily-Anna was excited to be a plumber too.

Isaac is starting to think about what high school to attend next year.  He's been able to visit some of the schools.  At the moment he's hoping to attend the closest school which is a short walk away.  I'm getting ready to be a mom to a teenager next month.  How did this happen so quickly?

I just remembered that we all had a stomach bug in November.  Thankfully we each took turns, one after the other and there wasn't too much extra laundry.  

December will be a fun whirlwind.  Lily-Anna is looking forward to playing the piano in a recital and singing in a performance at school.  We'll go to the Christmas Memorial again at the Coping Centre.  I think this will be our 10th year going there and possibly our last.  It seems to be most important to our youngest children to attend.  It is fun to put Josiah's ornament on the tree outside.  

PD Day crepes for breakfast

I need to take my needle tonight and get bloodwork in the morning so I need to get to sleep.  I'm hoping my inflammatory markers in my blood look better than last month.  I'd rather not start another medication but I suspect my doctor will recommend that when I see him next week.  Physically I have felt quite good so I am thankful for that.  

We were blessed to see a deer

The kids each have a day of the week when they help make the supper.  Isaac chose to make Swedish Meatballs one of his days and Kohen chose Chicken Enchiladas which he and Isaac made together (with some guidance from me).  Lily-Anna and I pounded and rolled chicken breasts filled with a dill and parmesan mixture.  At the moment this system depends on me having my act together to ask them ahead of time what they'd like to make and then make sure we have all the ingredients.  I think they are starting to learn that some recipes take a lot of time and cause a lot of mess ... and are worth it.  And some recipes sound better than they taste.  

Each December we try to have Advent readings and a candle lighting each night and this year I have some new wooden tree ornaments that go along with the readings so I am excited to surprise the kids with those tomorrow.  We need to put our tree up soon - hopefully this Saturday.  


Isaiah 7:14

“Therefore, the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel.”


Tuesday 31 October 2023


Happy Hallowe'en!

My knight, pirate, and astronaut were very happy with their haul of candy tonight.  Isaac went out with a friend and Graham took Kohen and Lily-Anna around our neighbourhood while I gave out candy and cleaned up from supper.  No one was sick and it wasn't raining.  The youngest wore gloves and boots and said they were warm enough but I met some chilly treat-or-treaters. 

I was impressed with the costumes this year.  I was at Once Upon a Child and I didn't realize costumes were 50% off until I went to buy them so the pirate costume came to $6 and the astronaut costume was $7.  Isaac already had everything for his costume except for the mask which cost $8.  

I remember seeing a few grotesque or scary/creepy masks or costumes in past years but I didn't notice that this year (though we don't get a ton of kids here).  There are a few over-the-top yard displays but they don't bother me as much as they used to (though I will never be a fan).  After we buried Josiah, seeing skeletons and pretend graveyards took on a new meaning.  I naively thought that perhaps it was just me but I recently read posts from other mothers grieving the loss of their children and they had similar experiences when seeing Hallowe'en displays.  

Isaac realized we were twinning at church

I am feeling pretty good these days, though I can't seem to shake a cough which I've had for weeks.  I had my weekly needle last night so I'm extra tired and will need to say goodnight without much of an update.



Joshua 1:8-9

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it.  For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.  Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.