Friday 31 January 2020

Happy 2020!

Ebelskivers for New Years!
The new year has begun.  Happy New Year!  Lily-Anna started a free early literacy program two mornings a week, which she loves.  She has a friend who attends as well.  I've also registered her for Junior Kindergarten in September.  It's all going by too fast for me but I like to see her excited about learning.  I've also applied for French Immersion for Kohen so hopefully he is accepted for next year.

First day at her literacy program
Registering for JK
Sadly, the year started off with the passing of an important man to me.  This man and his wife generously offered to take me into their home before they met me, when I was expecting Josiah, as I needed to live near Mt. Sinai Hospital.  Before I knew that this place was an option, I was looking at Bed and Breakfasts near Mt. Sinai Hospital and pictured myself going into labour and walking to the hospital.  God had a much better plan that involved the Rev. Canon Dr. Walter Bryce Vipperman (a.k.a. "Duke") and his lovely wife Deborah driving me to the hospital during Toronto rush hour.  Deborah waited with me until Graham arrived from Kitchener with plenty of time before Josiah entered the world.  They were the perfect people for me to be with at that time.  After I bemoaned the fact that I couldn't find marzipan chocolate to have during labour, Deborah went and found some, unbeknownst to me.  I loved listening to their prayers.  They attended Josiah's dedication and Duke prayed at Josiah's funeral.

My parents and I attended the packed funeral in Toronto.  It's the only funeral I have attended in which there was no eulogy.  Duke was able to plan the entire service himself.  It was so evident that this service was to focus on Jesus Christ and bring Him glory.  It did.

I recently finished reading Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams by Matthew Walker, a professor of neuroscience and psychology and the Director of the Center for Human Sleep Science at the University of California, Berkeley.  My dad sent me a link to a Youtube video and then I signed out the book from the library.   Wow!  I wish I knew this information in high school!  I have been incredibly ignorant about sleep and the amazing things our brains do while we sleep.  I will gladly sacrifice my sleep for my children when they need me but I have started to try to give myself the opportunity to sleep eight hours.  This is a huge change for me.  I feel like I have permission to sleep for the first time.  It is amazing how God has created our bodies and all that happens during sleep.  Fascinating.  Which means ... I need to get to sleep soon.

My mother-in-law also passed on a song to us by the group CityAlight.  Graham and I have been enjoying listening to their music.

While I'm recommending things ... if you have trouble opening jars, I highly recommend the Lee Valley jar opener (one piece of metal).  We bought two recently for people we love, after trying it out ourselves.  This purchase came after I asked a neighbour to open a jar of pasta sauce for me.  So, this is for using if your neighbours are away.

Lily-Anna and I were in the van heading to Canadian Tire.  I told her that we needed to buy a scraper for the van (to remove ice) as our other one had broken.  (Thankfully we don't need this very often as we park in the garage.)  Our conversation:

Lily-Anna: If this one breaks too, you can just buy another one.
Me: Well, we want to be good stewards of our money and we want to take good care of our things.  We don't want to spend all our money on scrapers.
Lily-Anna: I have lots of money.  If you or Daddy need any money, you can have it.  

Gingerbread in January
I think for the first time ever, our whole family became sick, one after another.  Kohen started throwing up on a Thursday, Isaac on Friday, Lily-Anna on Saturday, Graham on Sunday, and then I felt sick late Monday into Tuesday.  I was feeling pretty good about our team effort as parents (one of us comforting and the other cleaning) ... until Graham became sick ... and then I was angry.  Really, I was scared but it comes out as anger.  I remember this happening when Graham had pneumonia a few years ago.  Yes, I was angry at him for getting pneumonia (scared because I had a baby and a small child who were high-risk if they caught pneumonia).  However, this time it didn't take me too long before I confessed and apologized.  So, I'd love to get to the point of skipping the anger/fear and just trusting God right away but I'm thankful for small steps of progress in the right direction.  And, I am very thankful for only one person throwing up at a time.  Lord, please bless the single parents who must deal with sick children by themselves.

The boys have missed two days of school so far due to strikes and there are three more days scheduled next week.  The kids find this exciting.  Thankfully the bus strike is over.  My dad has blessed us tremendously by taking Graham to and from work.  Our lovely neighbour also offered to help with driving.  God provides.

I'm back swimming at the pool after a couple of years break.  Thankfully everything has come back.  It feels good to be in the water.

Thank you for any prayers!  I'll see if I can add some photos quickly, otherwise it will have to wait as I need sleep.  I will add them this time though. (I just checked the time - sleep wins and there will be no photos tonight but they will be added ... or I'll be in trouble with my mother!  I am teaching Kohen's Sunday School class this Sunday for the first time (usually I just help) so I have more prep for that.


Philippians 2:4
Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.

Psalm 127:2
It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives to his beloved sleep.