Saturday, 14 June 2014


I am tired.  I am waiting on our laundry so I'm going to try to write a post quickly.

Graham and I celebrated ten years of marriage on Thursday.  We celebrated by moving to my parent's home!  They are away.  We are having some new carpet put in our bedrooms so the contents of our three bedrooms are in our living room.  Graham and his dad screwed down our subfloor today so hopefully our floors won't be nearly as squeaky as they have been.

On Wednesday one of my cousins was married in Northern Ireland.  We wish we could have been there.  We are thrilled for them.  

Isaac turned three and a half this week.  Here are some recent Isaac moments:

Isaac:  Where was Baby Kohen born?
Graham: At Grandriver Hospital.  You were born there too and we were so excited when you came out.  We said, "Oh, here's our baby boy Isaac."
Isaac: No.  You didn't know my name.  You and mommy looked on the computer lists while you were waiting.
Graham: Did Mommy tell you that story?
Isaac: It's not a story.


Isaac: Mommy, when I'm a Daddy and my wife is doing dishes, I'll cut my children's nails.  If I'm in bed, my wife will cut their nails.
(For the record, Graham usually does the supper dishes - but I guess that's while Isaac is sleeping.)


Graham and Isaac were singing our goodnight song together when Isaac stopped the song and said, "Daddy, when we sing together, it sounds like Mommy singing.  It's sort of like painting - mix them together and we get Mommy's voice."


Isaac checked my eyes with one of his doctor toys.  He said, "I found the problem.  There's a bug scratching your eye.  I have a machine that will scare the bug away."


Isaac is sweet and also strong-willed.  We've been finding discipline a challenge of late.  I just read one of the Love and Logic parenting books and I've been putting some of the ideas into practice.  I think I'm seeing small improvements.  I'm hopeful.  This process has reminded me of the great responsibility of parenting and the difference our parenting makes.

Kohen is over three months old now.  He started rolling from his back to his tummy on Thursday and he seems to enjoy practicing this new trick.  He's giving out more smiles and if I work hard at kissing his face and neck, he'll give me some laughs.  

Some signs of Josiah:

The Rubbermaid reusable cup in the cupboard over the stove.  We bought this for him to use but he never reached that stage.

The many tread marks on the baseboards in the hallway and on the doors from turning the stroller around in the house.  Often a stroller ride would calm him down so this was the answer on cold or rainy days.

The holes in the bottom of the stroller where the heavy oxygen tanks sat during his stroller rides.

The unopened needle I found behind our dresser that were for his enox shots.

The alarms set on my iPod (not set to go off).

His toys, blankets, clothes, etc.

It was exciting to watch our neighbour and friend get baptized last Sunday.  It also made me think that I'll never watch Josiah get baptized.  The foundation for his gravestone has been poured. The comment of my cousin's wife was so perfect: "He's so horribly far away."  I look at his photos and just see photos - two dimensions - the absence is stark.  I like this quotation from "A Severe Mercy":

"The death of any familiar person leaves an emptiness.  If the person is deeply loved and deeply familiar the void seems greater than all the world remaining.  Under the surface of the visible world, there is an echoing hollowness, an aching void - and it cuts one off from the beloved.  She is as remote as the stars.  But grief is a form of love - the longing for the dear face, the warm hand.  It is the remembered reality of the beloved that calls it forth.  For an instant she is there, and the void denied.  It is not the grief, involving that momentary reality, that cuts one off from the beloved but the void that is loss.  In the end one can no longer summon forth that reality, and then one's tears dry up.  But while it lasts, it is a shield against the void."

I need to get some sleep so I'll say goodnight.  Thank you for your prayers.



1 Peter 1:24-25
24 for

“All flesh is like grass
    and all its glory like the flower of grass.
The grass withers,
    and the flower falls,
25 but the word of the Lord remains forever.”
And this word is the good news that was preached to you.