Remembering the anniversary of Josiah's death |
I've collected a lot of conversations this month as Isaac has been home. I guess I'll start by recording those. I hope he'll enjoy reading them one day.
On the morning of July 6th, the second anniversary of Josiah's death:
I said to Isaac, "What are some things we are sad about regarding Josiah?" Isaac said a few things and then said without any prompting, "But Mommy, there are some happy things." I asked him what those were and he responded, "That God let him be alive. And we could tickle him."
On the evening of July 6th:
Mommy: We had a lot of fun today. I think Josiah would have enjoyed it but he is having even more fun in Heaven.
Isaac: I wonder if it's like a circus.
Mommy: God created humans and humans thought up circuses so I think Heaven is even better than circuses because God is the creator of all.
Isaac: Maybe it's like a circus and a birthday.
Mommy: Wow.
Isaac: Or maybe a circus, birthday and Christmas all mushed together.
Mommy: Every day.
Visiting a friend's farm |
Grandma Lucas was with the boys in the living room and she told them that she had two wonderful grandsons in them. Isaac stopped for a moment and then said, "Three Grandma." and pointed to himself, then to Kohen and then up in the air.
Graham barbecued four very large hamburger patties for dinner one day and put them all on a large plate. Isaac was concerned.
Isaac: Daddy, you should barbecue more burgers because there are only four. If this one is mine (touching it) and I want another one (touching the bun) then there are only two left.
Graham: This one is for Mommy and this one is for Daddy.
Isaac: What is Kohen going to have? Mommy can share with Kohen.
The brave adventurers at the viewing deck of the CN Tower. |
Isaac was showing Grandpa how to play a game. I was pleasantly surprised when he said to Grandpa, "What colour would you like to be?" However, he followed that by, "I'll be yellow." There are only two colours.
Isaac tried to teach me the phrase, "Cool, eh?" He told me that a friend at school had taught him to say, "Cool, eh?"
I asked Isaac what people used for lights before electricity. He answered, "Solar panels."
Isaac: I wonder if Josiah has a birthday party in Heaven. I think God gives him a bed for his birthday. Every birthday they get a new bed.
Isaac was trying to find a toy. I suggested that he look in the basement. He told me that he didn't think it was down there because taking it downstairs wasn't in his "picture maker" (this is how he often refers to his memory). He agreed to go and look for it. He was downstairs a long time so when he came up, I asked about the toy. He said, "I was looking for it. Then I asked God to help me find it and I started playing with my trains."
The toy was in the first bin I checked.
I'm afraid I'm confusing Isaac about the food groups. He was looking at my grocery list one day. It's a printed list on my fridge with boxes that I check off and it's divided into different categories. He said, "Mommy, did you know that eggs are dairy?" I then explained why Graham had asked me to move 'eggs' to the dairy category as they are near where we buy our milk at the store. The following day I was talking about pasta and Isaac said, "Did you know that pasta sauce is a grain?"
Miniature train ride in Toronto |
On July 1st our family planted yellow marigolds on Josiah's grave. On the 5th all of our local family met at the grave site and we each placed an orange Gerbera daisy in the new permanent vase in front of the headstone. We added extra daisies for each family that lives far away. Isaac then led a walk around the cemetery, followed by a meal at our home.
On July 6th we went to Toronto. Graham and Isaac went up the CN Tower after we all enjoyed a picnic lunch together. Later we all enjoyed the aquarium next door. We walked a little further to the south to see an old train roundhouse and go on a miniature train ride. After some time at a playground, dinner and Starbucks, we headed home. It was a nice to be in Toronto and remember Josiah by doing things we think he would have enjoyed.
I am thanking God for cortisone. My rheumatologist drained both of my knees and gave me cortisone shots in my knees and my elbow. My entire body feels so much better and I have more mobility in my right arm than I've had in about four years. Thank You Lord! I was actually running outside with Isaac, playing tag.
The "firetruck" at Ronald McDonald House |
Isaac had asked to visit Ronald McDonald House again (specifically the fire engine playground in the courtyard) so we were able to go there before my doctor's appointment in Toronto. He enjoyed it. It was nice to see him take Kohen's hand and tell him about the place.
We often thought how perfect Isaac's personality and temperament were for all he had to go through during Josiah's life. Let's just say we would have needed other plans with Kohen! I hadn't thought until recently how Graham and my personalities also helped. I remember our pre-marriage counsellor telling us that one our of challenges would be that we were both introverted and more melancholic and thus neither of us would be the party planner (or something like that). However, I think these characteristics about us helped us to live apart during the weeks while Graham worked and I stayed at Ronald McDonald House.
On July 7th Isaac and I started eating gluten-free and dairy-free due to see if it would help Isaac feel better. His symptoms actually decreased dramatically from Day 1. We have an appointment with a doctor in August so we'll see what our next steps will be. Isaac has done a super job. This week he did ask me how long we would need to eat like this. He was a little sad to find out that Timbits have gluten.
We had a fun time with the boys at Day Out with Thomas the Tank Engine last weekend. Isaac's eyes were pretty big when he saw Thomas drive up to the station the first time.
Kohen being cheeky |
Kohen is as cute and loud as ever. He copies everything his big brother does, though he also thinks up great tricks all by himself - such as throwing things in the toilet and turning over the salt shaker. I think he and Josiah would have gotten into lots of mischief together ... and no doubt their older brother would have joined them. I'm wishing they could be together.
It's a little bizarre meeting new people, such as at a dinner party. I wouldn't purposely bring up Josiah unless he naturally came up as it's a time of lighthearted conversation. However, you can't know me unless you know about my beautiful son in Heaven.
Visiting Thomas the Tank Engine |
We finished up our summer Bible study last night. We are looking forward to having a little break before the fall. Graham is taking a week off of work in August, though we have yet to decide what we'll do.
I confess my likeness to Pharisees when I am in the grocery store, almost at the checkout and the cashier sees me but still puts up his 'closed sign'. No biggie. I'll just go in the only line that's open at 10:45 at night, right behind the person who has bought a month's supply of food. No biggie - I'm thankful the store is still open. As I finish putting all of my items on the counter, management has been asked to and has agreed to reopen the original line I was headed to, so most people behind me head over there while I wait. I love grace ... when it works in my favour. Oh how I wish I delighted in grace. Thank you Lord that these people behind me do not have to wait. Isaac just started telling me when things are not fair. May I teach him (and me) to look for and delight in grace.
Picnic in the park |
Three years ago today I rushed Josiah to the hospital and he was taken to Sick Kids for three and a half months. How is it possibly three years ago? I wish it were yesterday.
Thanks for your prayers!
John 1:16
For from His fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.