I trust you all enjoyed a wonderful Easter celebration. It's hard to believe Easter happened in this month as it seems like a long time ago. I'm thankful for Jesus' death and resurrection as that is why I have hope today.
Christ doesn't just give me hope for a better future, He gives me new life now. I'm offered the fruit of the Holy Spirit in my life (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control). I have an advocate in Heaven interceding for me. Jesus showed me how to live, the Bible tells me how to live, and the Holy Spirit reminds me. Jesus shows me that the God of the universe loves me unconditionally and desires me with His unquenchable love. Amazing.
I am slightly disappointed that we didn't get Easter cards checked off our to-do list. That means we'll be doing Christmas cards this year.
We celebrated Josiah's birthday by going to a hotel with the boys and going swimming. We returned home the evening of his birthday so I ran out to get a cake from the store as I didn't have time to make one. I knew the exact cake that I wanted. Except, when I went to get it, the whole endeavour became very stressful for me. All of a sudden it became very important to get the right cake for a little boy's birthday (as opposed to the cake that would be delicious for me to eat). There were tears as I asked them to put Josiah's name on the cake. I'm always thankful for any unsolicited tears.
I don't have many tears but I think three evidences of my grief are my anger (often inside my head), my current obsession with something I "need" to buy (for example, pizza stones), and my eating of junk.
Last week at the women's Bible study I attend, I was able to share about God's amazing faithfulness throughout our Josiah journey. It was very easy to make a huge list of all the blessings God brought our way and how He cared for us and prepared us so perfectly from before we knew that Josiah would have problems. I'm not sure how many people know all the ways God prepared us so I'll have to write about that one day.
Isaac attended his first Blue Jays baseball game. He and Graham travelled there with many others from our church. I wasn't ready to take a one year old to the Skydome so Kohen and I hung out at home.
Kohen finally had a new tooth today. He's had six teeth for months. Thus far he hasn't seemed to get too upset when he's been teething. We finally took Kohen for his first haircut last Saturday. He was well overdue for a cut.
I'm really enjoyed meeting weekly with our Bible study group in our home. I love that our ages span from the twenties to the eighties. We also have a relatively new Christian who asks wonderful questions and four people were born in other countries. We all bring our different ideas and experiences to the table as we discuss the Word of God. We're studying Philippians and being challenged to live a life of humility and service, like Christ.
Isaac and I have been enjoying doing some science experiments. It's quite to fun to watch an Ivory soap bar expand in the microwave. Our big soap cloud was then fun to play with at bath time.
Kohen is enjoying the library program that we attend. It is a different experience from when I attended with Isaac. Isaac would be happy to sit in my lap. Kohen is a boy on the move. Kohen loves to climb. He'll climb onto chairs and then want to climb on the table. He takes his toys and stands on them to help him climb onto other things. He has now had his first trip to the ER. Thankfully he was fine after a fall. I was actually in and out of the hospital in an hour and we had such a lovely doctor.
It's been fun seeing Kohen learn some signs like please, thank-you, and more. He has the softest, smoothest cheeks and a joyous smile. He loves to be outside and gets excited if he sees a bird. He is also Mr. Drama who throws his head back when his plans are foiled by his parents.
I'm currently wishing that I had a degree in Child Discipline. Enabling people to procreate must be one of God's key strategies for getting people to realize that they don't have a clue and need His wisdom. At least it's working that way for me.
It's time to think about my bed. Thank you for your prayers. I'll add photos another day.
1 Corinthians 1:18
For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.