Isaac was also able to open a big box after his celebration meal. This family gift was a digital piano. Isaac will be starting some music lessons in September.
I asked Isaac to help Kohen with his shoes one day. After I thanked him for trying to help he responded, "I'm a pretty good helper for a son."
Graham apologized to Isaac about something and asked if Isaac would forgive him. Isaac said yes and then asked, "Would you like me to make you a card?"
Isaac to me: If I could fly around all the world and pick the moms, I would pick my mom and that's you.
Isaac to Graham: You are the best daddy I could ever have.
I was putting Isaac to bed one night when he started telling me where his classmates were on his spectrum from bad to good. I think I was trying to test him so I asked, "Who do you think Jesus loves the most?" He told me that Jesus loved the friend whom Isaac had decided was the worst (on his far left). So, we discussed that and I tried to correct some theology. He classified himself as quite good (to the far right) but then I asked him where he would place himself when he is at home and he quickly moved his hand closer to the centre. Graham usually puts Isaac to bed and Isaac sometimes picks friends and prays that they will make wiser choices (obeying the teacher and not hitting or screaming, for example).
One definite highlight this month was our trip to Adventure Rooms with some friends. I'm not allowed to give anything away so I'll just quote what's on the website: "Your group has 60 minutes to find its way out of a mysterious room. This is accomplished by using logic, searching for clues and using unique items in the room to help you get through obstacles like locks and doors, etc." Only 20% have escaped ... and we made it out! We had 3 minutes and 5 seconds to spare! I definitely want to do this again (they have a different room to escape from). It was a lot of fun.
In my last post I mentioned that Isaac wanted to give some of his books to children around the world to let them know about Jesus. One of Graham's lovely cousins emailed us right away as she is heading to Guatemala and Tanzania in the next six months. We were able to get the books to her and she's going to give them away for Isaac. Isaac was excited as soon as we asked him if he'd like to do this and he went and found the same pile of books right away (including at least one book I would have loved to keep (and he would spend ages reading it) but thankfully I kept my mouth shut).
Graham and I decided to visit the counsellor again. It's always great to chat with him as he is smart, insightful, and seems to remember everything he has read. He thought it was a good sign that I have anger (mainly in my head) as it shows movement in my grief from when I didn't have any feeling at all. He also said that depression often follows anger. I quickly responded, "I don't have time for depression," to which he laughed and countered, "Depression might have time for you." I'm sure there are certain aspects of depression that are evident in my life. Decisions and planning are more challenging. The thought of planning trips or holidays seems really onerous. We haven't even decided when Graham is taking holidays this year, though he is taking Monday off as it's the second anniversary of Josiah's death. It's sad that it's been two years since I last held him close.
I think I've finally made peace with peonies. I've always thought they were beautiful but I haven't liked the way they are often draping on the ground. I looked at them with distain until I recently decided that they take every ounce of beauty that God gives them and they bloom as big as they can with all the grandeur they can muster, offering themselves back to God, to bring Him pleasure. They are full and heavy as they bow down their beauty before the God of all creation. It's interesting to me how I can change my thinking about something if I am able to reframe my thoughts.
I only nursed Kohen once today (before he went to bed tonight) so we are making progress with the weaning, but he also hasn't napped all that well the last few days. If I wasn't dealing with arthritis, I wouldn't want to wean him yet as both of us still enjoy nursing. I will miss it. Nursing is Kohen's quietest and slowest part of the day.
It's time to try to find a few photos and head to bed. Happy Canada Day (a few minutes early)! Happy Birthday Natasha!
Thanks for your prayers!
Psalm 18:1-2
I love you, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.