At the park |
We have had a wonderful August and I love that we have this extra week before school starts for Isaac. We began the month by spending time with my side of the family for the long weekend. All of the cousins (except Kohen) slept over at Grandma and Grandpa's house for a night. It's always nice to be together.
Later in the month Isaac was able to sleep in the big trailer at his other grandparents' property. He loves his little nook in the back and Kohen slept well in the playpen.
Graham and I actually went on two dates this month! For the first time, we went mini-golfing together. We then went to Chapters, followed by some Thai food to celebrate Graham's amazing skill with the golf clubs. On our second date we actually made it to a movie theatre for a movie we wanted to see (Inside Out).
A breakfast date with Daddy |
One of Graham's wonderful uncles passed away. It was a blessing to be able to attend his funeral. We will miss him. He was a great example and a godly man who loved and followed Jesus.
Isaac enjoyed two weeks of swimming lessons. It's great to see him enjoying the water.
Isaac and I went for a walk on trails in a nearby natural area with a forest and a pond. I mentioned that I wished I had brought a camera. He quickly told me to let him know if I wanted him to take a picture and he would put it in his picture maker. I immediately said he should take our picture and told Isaac to smile with my head by his but then Isaac told me that his camera "doesn't do selfies." I didn't even know that he knew that word.
Kohen loves to "drive" and beep the horn |
I was happy to learn that Graham's bedtime stories are educational for Isaac. Isaac made a spaceship with his magformers one morning. I asked him where it was going and he said the Spacestation. He told me the spaceship was taking a sucker for the bathroom in space. I asked him why they need a sucker in the bathroom. He told me it was very important so that the pee doesn't go everywhere. I asked him where he learned about this and he told me that it was from his Super Skippy and Chippyman stories. On a side note, Graham just told me that Isaac retired Super Skippy and Chippyman from catching robbers tonight, though they will continue to help people. Don't let the robbers know!
Yesterday our church said goodbye to our Pastor and his wife who have served the church for 28 years. I was in Isaac's Sunday School class so I haven't seen the video of the service yet so it hasn't really hit me. I haven't known our church without them and they have blessed our family in so many ways. We will miss them to say the least. We are excited to see what God has in store for them next.
Sometimes it is hard to live in the present. I want to think about the memories of Josiah in the past.
I loved reading The Spark this month. It tells the story of an incredible woman and mother, Kristine Barnett. It was certainly an inspirational read, encouraging me to see what my children are interested in and encouraging them to explore those more. It was also a good reminder to have fun and play. It did make me wish that we had figured out how to have a little more fun with Josiah. I wish I had figured out how to get him into a pool.
Brothers! |
I'm trying to experiment with going to bed earlier so I'll end this here. Thanks for your prayers!
1 Chronicles 16:8
Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done.