Lily-Anna was dedicated to the Lord today at our church. Afterwards we had lunch with some family and friends and then Graham and I said a blessing over Lily-Anna. It was a lovely day. I discovered after the dedication that the bloomers attached to the inside of her dress when I bought it, were still attached to the dress.
Lily-Anna is growing so fast. Some of my favourite things about her are her stretches ( I LOVE the newborn stretch when she puts her head back as far as possible - it's just too cute). I love her soft smooth cheeks, when she's nursing well and comes off me sleeping, her froggy legs (she keeps them bent like this much more than the boys did), and when she's asleep on me. She's also started to coo or gurgle/babble when she's on the changepad and I say something to her. I tell her I love her stories and ask for more. I am clearly in love and Graham and the boys are also smitten. :)
I was reading a Bible story to Kohen about Jesus blessing the children. I said, "Let the children come to me." and Kohen immediately said, "And do not forbid them for such is the kingdom of heaven," (with the annunciation of a two-year old). That is the power of music and song. It constantly amazes me how quickly they learn songs such as this year's VBS songs which we sing every time we're in the van.
Kohen wanted to go to camp with Isaac.
Kohen: Can I come with Isaac?
Mommy: Can you go with Isaac to camp?
Kohen: Yes.
Mommy: You need to be going into Grade 1.
Kohen: I think I am going into Grade 1.
Unfortunately, I have in the past told Kohen that when he's really upset about something (something that I don't think warrants any tears) it can make Lily-Anna sad because she doesn't understand what's happening. The other day he was all upset because he didn't get to turn off the phone so I suggested that he go and give Elmo a hug. He replied, "No, that would make Elmo sad."
In the far off past I wrote about the Chippy and Skippy stories (and later Super Skippy and Chippyman) that Graham told for Isaac each night. Now, he tells the boys "Eugene stories" that he makes up each night. Eugene is a very clever bunny who invents things.
Isaac will often tell me something exciting and finish his story with an emphatic, "For real life!"
Isaac: You're the best mommy in the whole world.
Mommy: I wish I were an even better mommy. We can pray about that.
Isaac: I know, but you're still pretty good.
On another day:
Mommy: Isaac, what if you practice your piano and then mommy makes popcorn for us to eat as a snack while we watch a show?
Isaac: Mommy, you are the best mommy in the whole world (and gives me a hug).
Isaac singing in the bath: "I am cheerfully and wonderfully made."
Kohen singing in the bath: "Oh clap your hands, happy people." (instead of "all ye people.")
This morning, after the boys were up around 5:00 AM:
Daddy: When I don't get enough sleep, I get angry more easily.
Isaac: That's why bees are angry because they just get little naps.
Isaac has been asking new theological questions such as, "How did the first people know God was the one true God?" He's going to keep us on our toes.
This month has flown by as usual. Isaac enjoyed Engineering Science Quest camp and VBS at our church. We then had a morning day camp at a friend's home (I went will all three children) and one week at home. Graham is off on vacation for three weeks in August so we are all excited about that.
It's been a long day so I'll good-night before we welcome August and a new day. Thanks for any prayers!
Mark 10:15-16
"I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.” Then he took the children in his arms and placed his hands on their heads and blessed them.