Monday, 31 October 2016

In Need of Prayer

Hi Everyone,

There's so much to write and no time to do so.  Graham has pneumonia and has been in bed for five days straight and isn't much better.  He's on antibiotics but we're wondering if it is perhaps viral pneumonia.

We had scheduled a doctor's appointment for Isaac this afternoon because he had the same symptoms Graham had when this started - a fever, he threw up, and had chills.  I woke him up to go see the doctor and he was wide-eyed and incoherent and speaking gibberish and screaming and asking me to help him.  I called the doctor's office and they said I should take him to emerge.  He was better by the time we arrived at the hospital so I think that episode had to do with waking him up - perhaps he was still half asleep.  The x-ray showed congestion on his lungs but the doctor wasn't sure if it was pneumonia and said someone would look at the x-ray tomorrow and send a report to our doctor's office.  So, I am giving Isaac Tylenol and Advil.

Sweet, two-and-a-half year old Kohen put himself to sleep on the couch as I was nursing a sad Lily-Anna who had just woken up.  I woke Kohen later to go pee and then he was inconsolable so he ended up watching Paw Patrol at 10:30 PM as Isaac was calling me.   Kohen is sleeping on the loveseat and I'm on the couch.

I have lots to do before Lily-Anna wakes up to feed (she'll only sleep on me or in the swing during the day).  If Kohen doesn't cough at all tonight then we're going to assume he's fine and he'll be with Grandma and Grandpa tomorrow.  The high risk categories for pneumonia are over 65 years and 2 and under.  Lily-Anna only nurses and she's never had a bottle.  We are praying that the three of us stay healthy.  I see what this has done to Graham (five days later I pick up his water for him) so I'm wondering what it will do to Isaac, etc.

So, please pray for us.  I said today that I am going to trust God through this.  We're studying suffering in our Bible study so I have lots of reflections but no time to write.  Thanks for any prayers!
