Sunday, 31 December 2017

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

The end of the year is quickly approaching.  We have yet to decide if we are staying awake to greet the first minutes of 2018 but first I need to post something.  We had no hesitation putting the kids to bed at the normal time.  We'll try to make ebelskivers in the morning.  I think we may have skipped last year so it may be a biennial tradition.

December was a busy month.  Isaac enjoyed his spy birthday party and we had fun as well.  We also had a family birthday dinner and two Christmas celebrations and one more happening next weekend.  We went to the cemetery today and Isaac tried out his remote controlled car in the snow.  Lily-Anna says Josiah's name if I point to his picture.  She keeps surprising us with new words.  It is a very cold day.  People were ice fishing on the pond at the cemetery.  (Yes, my thoughts are coming randomly.)

For the first year, we missed the Christmas memorial at the Coping Centre due to sickness but they left our Josiah ornament and gifts in the mailbox so we went on a Saturday and put the ornament on a tree.  It was nice to be there together as a family.

A few stories from the month:

I hadn't heard back from one of Isaac's friends as to whether or not he was coming to the birthday party.  I saw his mom and spoke to her but she hadn't seen the invitation.  She later asked her son about it and was told that the invitation said 'Top Secret' so he thought he wasn't supposed to tell her about it.


Lily-Anna was drinking milk from her glass.  She put down the glass and said, "Bye bye milk."


Kohen found me and asked me to come downstairs as there was something moving with legs.  It was some sort of insect so I found a glass to take it outside.  He wanted to hold it but I said it was a job for me.  When I came in he was very upset that I hadn't let him put the glass outside.  Between the tears he said, "I wanted to practise being a daddy!"  Next time I will let him help.


Kohen started singing our "We Miss You Josiah" song.  Then he said, "I wish I were Josiah."  I asked him why and he answered, "Because then I could be in heaven."


Clearly Graham and I need to go on more dates!  I told Kohen that Mommy and Daddy were going out (to a Board dinner).  He asked me if we would bring home a baby!  He was remembering one of the previous times we went out together ... and ended up bringing home Lily-Anna.


Well, I was quite proud of myself for staying up late on Christmas Eve and making a 'wifesaver' for breakfast.  I felt very motherly.  Not one of the kids liked it.  Graham and I ate it for three days.  Perhaps we'll just do Cheerios and toast next year.

At the end of this year, we are very thankful for our many blessings.  We are especially thankful that my mom is feeling better than she was a few months ago and my father-in-law is back in good health.  We are grateful for our family and friends and health.  We also think of the deep losses and grieve with those who are grieving.  I can think of beautiful reasons to celebrate and others for which I would like to cry.  There are many things I do not understand but I know I can trust the only One who is good, who is love, who is in control, who brings good out of bad, who has good plans, and has good works for me to accomplish.  I pray that my family will grow closer to our Lord Jesus this year and seek His face, and do His will, bringing glory to Him alone.

I wish the same for you in a happy new year!


Matthew 22:37-40

37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[c] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[d] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

Hebrews 11:6

And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.

Thursday, 30 November 2017

Christmas is coming!

We've been listening to fun Christmas music for a while now.  Tomorrow I will surprise the kids with a nativity set.  I bought a Little People one so that I don't need to worry about Lily-Anna breaking or swallowing something.  A wonderful gentleman in our small group also blessed the kids with an Advent Calendar and a magnetic nativity scene.  They are going to love those!  For the last two years, since we've given Isaac a birthday party with friends, we haven't put up our tree until after his birthday, given our limited space.  His birthday is on the 11th, two weeks before Christmas.  Speaking of his birthday, I still have no idea what we're doing so I need to focus on that as soon as I'm finished typing this.

Graham was elected to our church Board earlier this month.  He's looking forward to all that will entail.  He also enjoyed a weekend in Montreal at a conference for his work.  My lovely in-laws came and helped on the Saturday, enabling the boys to go to their swimming lessons and me to go to the pottery show for my annual mug purchase.  It always takes me a while to choose the mug and then I fall in love with it at home.

I love boots!
Lily-Anna has been weaned.  She still asks for "Mil!" "Mil!" when I go to put her down for her nap but I think it's getting easier.  It is bittersweet.  I am so thankful that God allowed me to nurse all of my children and my supply was never a problem.  There were always normal struggles with nursing during the first number of weeks after birth but after that was usually smooth sailing.  I find many parts of child raising to be very challenging so being able to fully enjoy breastfeeding was a lovely gift from God.  I think it was also a gift from my husband to always support this decision which meant less flexibility in our schedule.

Lily-Anna can now climb up on any of our chairs and then our tables.  She and Kohen have lots of fun together.  Kohen is the "fun" ideas man and Lily-Anna is happy to play along.  I found them with a ride-on toy on top of the loveseat and I took a photo before they fell off.  Kohen tipped up our lazy boy chair this week so they could run up it and fall on each other, thankfully resulting in only minor blood loss.  

Isaac played at his Christmas piano recital this past weekend and sang in his school choir for Remembrance Day.  He's hoping to play the piano for the talent show at school (he'll audition next week) and sing in the Christmas Choir at school and church.  Isaac does most of his practicing in the morning which seems to work better than trying to do it when he's tired after school.

Allow me to recount some Kohen moments:

At the kitchen table during lunch one day:

Kohen - One day we'll have a new baby, Mommy.
Me - I don't think so.
Kohen - Yes we will.
Me - Why do you say that?
Kohen - There was a card at the grocery store about a new baby.
Me - Well, it wasn't our card.


Kohen yelling from the washroom:


"No Lily-Anna, you can't share your germs!  Only God can share His germs."


Fort time!
Kohen - Let's send a letter to Josiah and the other guys.
Me - What would you say?
Kohen - We love you but I'm sad you died guys.  I guess we could call them with a phone.


Kohen yelling after climbing something at the playground:



Kohen was sitting with Graham at Tim Hortons on a Daddy-date and he started singing about the beautiful name of Jesus.


I came home from the hair dresser and these were the first words I heard from Kohen:

"You're bald."
[I can still put it in a ponytail!]


Kohen loves parks!
The boys were both very excited about the first snow.  They were dressed and outside at 7:15, helping Graham shovel driveways.  When Kohen came back in and I helped him get out of his snowpants, I realized that he hadn't put any pants on!  We started a new tradition: the boys may have hot chocolate in the morning during the first real snow of the year. 


Usually Kohen is very quick to pray about things but one day I started praying about something in regard to him and he said, "No!  Don't pray!"  I asked him, "Why not?"  He replied, "He already knows."


Kohen often talks about his friend "Coco" who does all sorts of things and knows all sorts of things.  The original Coco's parents died.  I believe there are a number of Cocos as one of the Cocos has also died.  The other day Coco's friends died because they were playing in thunder and lightening.  It is interesting to see what Kohen is processing.

I think Lily-Anna knows what she likes.  I've caught her taking off her grey socks to change them to pink and purple socks.  I have seen her refuse her blue and red bibs in favour of the pink bib.  I have now taken to putting Kohen and Lily-Anna's boots up high as otherwise she would always be in them, walking around the house.  The other day there were five pairs of footwear in various locations in the hallways as I was trying to make dinner.  She put on her lovely red Christmas dress and actually turned around in it, just like a little girl might want to show it off.  She has a new white cozy top that she loves and becomes quite displeased if I try to take it off her when she's not ready.

Isaac with the Child Training Bible
We made our Child Training Bible this month.  Actually, Isaac did almost all of it.  I thought he would really like the process of making it and I was right.  He did a great job and the process has helped him understand where more of the books of the Bible are located.  We're already started using it - Defiance and Disobedience have been hot topics!

I had an unusual thing happen to me this month.  I woke up on November 11th and realized that I couldn't focus my eyes if I looked straight ahead or up.  Looking down was fine and my vision was also fine if I covered either eye.  I ended up going to the ER where I had a CT Scan and bloodwork, both of which came back clear, thankfully.  My vision wasn't clear until Thursday when I first drove again (though it wasn't much of a hinderance in other ways as I always had my head slightly elevated so that I was always looking down with clear focus).  Thankfully, my dad and neighbour helped with taking Isaac to school and picking him up.  I saw an opthalmologist this week and he couldn't figure out why this happened and told me to come back if it happened again.  I know many people prayed for me and I'm thankful for your prayers! 

'Princess Knight' with hockey stick, tool belt, helmet and shield
I was able to get a couple of cries out of the above experience.  The first time was when I walked into the room with the CT Scanner.  I forgot what it looked like.  I forgot that the last time I saw one, I was putting sweet Josiah onto the scanner at SickKids after God miraculously put him to sleep for this scan about a month before his death.  The technician in the room this time was very sweet and kind.  I would have loved to have a really good cry but of course it wasn't the time and I needed to have this scan.  The second cry was the following morning when I thought about what would happen if I lost my vision and how I wouldn't be able to see my kids or look at Josiah's photos and I would forget what they looked like.  That was the only time I let myself go down that train of thought.  It was certainly inconvenient not being able to drive so I am very thankful for my sight.

I talked to Isaac about God's perfect timing.  This happened on a Saturday when Graham was home to watch the kids.  It didn't happen the following Saturday when Graham was in Montreal. 

Lily-Anna likes to "read"
Okay, it's time to add some photos, get out the nativity sets, and think up something for Isaac's birthday!  Thanks for any prayers!  May you have a blessed Christmas, full of the love and light of Jesus.


Luke 2:10-14
And the angel said to them, "Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.  For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord.  And this will be a sign for you:  you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger."  And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom He is pleased!"

Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Dishwasher joy

We have our first built-in dishwasher.  Yay!!!  We decided to finally lay our portable dishwasher to rest - it leaked a puddle every time it was used, it often had a burning smell, it would refuse to run (and then a few hours later would work again), and then it stopped draining out all of the water.  Our patience has limits.  We washed all the dishes for a number of weeks but that definitely got old quickly.  My dad helped me move some drawers to accommodate the new arrival and an electrician and plumber did the rest.  We still need a new counter that actually extends over the entire dishwasher but that will come.  Sadly, our more pressing need is a dryer.

We bought the dishwasher on a Saturday and then on Tuesday morning I discovered our dryer malfunctioning.  It was actually a fire hazard so I thank God for keeping us safe.  Today, our great appliance repairman told me that it would need a new motor and that after 13 years it wasn't worth fixing.  So, bring on the sales.  Thankfully my parents don't live far away and they happen to be very hospitable, even with their dryer!

I must confess my new luxury - our dishwasher has a third rack at the top for big knives or small lids, etc.  I am a fan and I am thankful for my friend who also needed a new dishwasher a few months ago and introduced me to this great invention.  Did I mention that Isaac can now take his dishes from the table to the dishwasher?!  I had never realized that the location of our portable dishwasher meant we couldn't just fill it up if anyone was still at the table.  Graham is happy that he can use the sink when the dishwasher is running, I am happy to not be lugging the beast back and forth and watching for dents in our new flooring, and Isaac and Kohen are happy to put their dishes away.  Win, win, win.  I now put the dishwasher on after dinner (when needed) before I put Lily-Anna to bed and then it's finished in the evening.  Thank You Lord for Your many blessings!

We also have a "new" blackboard on the wall behind our kitchen table (actually a less than beautiful find off Kijiji but it looks much better with the Word of God written on it).  I had listened to a sermon by the wife of our previous pastor many many months ago in which she mentioned that if her kids were young she would get blackboard paint and paint a section by the door for verses to say before school, etc.  I have finally put the idea into practice.  I was affirmed this Sunday when our pastor used the very verse I picked as our first verse (at the bottom of this post).  Actually, I only wrote the first verse but after seeing it on the screen on Sunday I realize that it should not be separated from the next verse so I need to add it.

We praise the Lord for health.  A year ago today Graham was very sick with pneumonia and I had to head to the ER with Isaac because he had the same symptoms (thank You again for sparing him Lord!)  My brother met me at the hospital and took Lily-Anna for a walk in her stroller to keep her away from extra germs while my dad took Kohen to see his aunt and cousins because Graham couldn't even take care of him while I was gone.  Thank You for bringing us through that trying time Lord!

So, Lily-Anna needs to be fully weaned soon.  She just turned 17 months and the blog informed me that I fully weaned Kohen at 18 months old.  She is down to morning, night, and once in the day but unfortunately she drinks very little milk from her cup.  She prefers water.  We want to move toward more freedom and flexibility so that she doesn't need me to put her to bed.  I'll miss nursing her - they are the most peaceful times of my day.

Lily-Anna loves shoes.
I've recently read a little about 'Electronic Screen Syndrome' in kids.  I haven't read enough to know if it's fully true or slightly wacky but it seems to make sense and it has made me limit even more the limited amount of screen time that my children have.


Kohen: Why does God pray to Himself?
Me: When?
Kohen: In the garden.
Me: Oh, when Jesus prays to His Father God?
Kohen: Yes.
(Some discussion on the Trinity ensues.)


Kohen: How big is God?
Me: He can't be measured.  He's too big.  He's infinite.
Kohen: He's bigger than the measuring tape?
Me: Yes.


Kohen was talking to me about Josiah and telling me that he was looking forward to going to Heaven.  He told me that he would see Josiah.  I think his story of his first meeting with Josiah in Heaven involved Kohen landing on Josiah's head!  Thankfully, there will be no tears in Heaven.

Isaac has really been enjoying his piano playing this month.  I think the songs are more interesting this year.  As soon as he heard that there would be a talent show at school, he wanted to play the piano. (Whose kid is this?!)  I am a huge fan of Music for Young Children and very thankful for the blessing of being able to give our kids this opportunity. 

Lily-Anna loves trying on clothes
I would love it if the month of November involved putting out all the lights at 10:30 each night and laying my head on my pillow.  It seems like an impossible dream but I'll let you know how it goes in one month.

We asked our small group to pray for us to have wisdom in disciplining our children.  I looked up consequence charts and Isaac became quite excited and started making a chart with ALL our names (Mommy and Daddy included).  I then found the Child Training Bible online and I plan to order that as soon as I can.  I think it will be a great way to teach my children that we go to the Word of God for wisdom and to get used to thumbing through a real Bible (Graham and I most often read our Bibles in a digital format). 

We are very thankful that my mom is feeling much better than she was a month ago.  She still has a ways to go but she's headed in the right direction.  We're praying for Graham's dad as he has a procedure tomorrow. 

Thanks for any prayers.


2 Timothy 3:16-17
"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."

Saturday, 30 September 2017

And ... she's vertical!

Did I mention that she can climb as well?
Yes, Lily-Anna has finally decided to become an official walker, shortly before her 16 month 'birthday'.  Last week she decided that she didn't need any more enticing.  At the same time that her mobility has taken off, her verbal skills are also providing a lot of fun for the rest of us.  We started a list and she has passed 30 words (including a number of names) with new ones each day.

Lily-Anna is sweet and delightful and loves to laugh.  She enjoys putting on everyone's shoes and trying to put on clothes.  She has started to enjoy books more.  Her brothers are her cheerleaders, very excited about all of her accomplishments, exclaiming, "Lily-Anna's standing!"  "She's walking!"  "Oh, she's so beautiful!"

First day of Grade Two
The transition back to school has gone well.  Isaac is enjoying the second grade and Kohen is very happy to still be home with Mommy.  For two weeks now I have planned my meals before grocery shopping so that must be a record for me.  It would be great if I could keep it up as it certainly helps during the week when it's time to make dinner.

Kohen loves Mo Willem's Piggie and Elephant books!  I wish I had known about them when Isaac was younger, although he and I like them just as much as Kohen.  I actually read one to Graham before bed the other night.  I keep 'ordering' different ones from the library.  Thanks to a friend for introducing me.

I sleep-trained Lily-Anna for five nights to get her to go to sleep without me in the room (after I nurse her and put her in her crib) because we had developed some bad habits.  It worked well ... and then she promptly became sick and needed me more.  She's now well again so I'll need to start some sleep training again soon. I want her well trained before she has an entire vocabulary to yell at me through her tears and closed door.  And, I need her well trained with good habits before she can get out of bed and her room.

We did have a great time at Toronto Island.  Isaac actually went down the Log Flume Ride with friends of ours and he loved it - I thought he would be scared but he had a huge smile on his face at the bottom and wanted to go again.

The boys helped Graham rake leaves last weekend.  Isaac worked really hard and then he came in and made all of them peanut butter sandwiches.  Kohen noticed that a man was coming along the sidewalk with a stroller so he went over and moved the leaf bag out of the way on his own accord.  

Our Bible study has started again.  We are studying the Sermon on the Mount.  It's always great to be challenged from the Word and to hear the wisdom and encouragement from the others in the group.

My mom still isn't feeling well so we continue to pray. 


One night at dinner Kohen told me that he would go to a flower store and buy me flowers.  I asked him what type of flowers he would buy me.  He said, "What colour do you like?"  I chose purple.  He said, "I'll buy you tulips - purple flowers."


Kohen to Isaac: "Isaac, isn't it great that you have a brother who's funny?"   


I decided I wanted to teach Isaac that everyone can serve God no matter their age.  So, I was sort of asking him a trick question, but he's smarter than me:

Me - Isaac, do you think you can serve God more as a child or an adult?
Isaac - Do you want to know what I think?
Me - Yes.
Isaac - I think as an adult because they would have lots more years to read the Bible.  A child only has had a few years.

Nice answer!  We then spoke about how he can serve God now and listen to God and he brought up how God spoke to Samuel.


Last month, Lily-Anna passed her 450th day.  All of my children are now older than Josiah's age when he died.

Kohen said a couple of nights ago before bed, "It's sad that Josiah died and I didn't get to meet him."  I agreed and then I reminded him that we would all be together one day.

Thanks for any prayers.


Matthew 5:16
In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

Our annual pumpkin farm wagon ride

Two cool brothers
I can put on my shorts

Thursday, 31 August 2017

Good-bye Peach Season!

We have enjoyed lots of delicious peaches this past month - they are definitely one of my favourite fruits when they are ripe and juicy.  The BBQ season and times with friends have also been fun.  We have had a lovely summer.

Isaac had a great time at a four-day camp where he dressed up and was immersed in the daily life of a rural village in the year 1914.  He did not enjoy fishing as they used dough for bait and his hands became sticky with no place to rinse them.  He loved playing with the goat, doing farm chores, and making a toy in the blacksmith shop.  We had an old glass jar for his water and he took his lunch wrapped in wax paper inside a basket.  We actually made him homemade bread (though we used our bread maker!).

Graham was on vacation for a week.  We had a great time at Wasaga Beach and Collingwood.  We went to a candy factory that I remember visiting as a child.  Lily-Anna enjoyed sitting in the water and playing with Kohen in the sand.  Graham's parents joined us so there was no stress juggling the kids.  We also thoroughly enjoyed visiting Storybook Gardens in London.  The boys loved all the climbing structures.

Kohen often prays.  Tonight he had us all repeat after him his supper prayer.  Last week we were going to the library.  Isaac rode his bike and Kohen was on his scooter.  I passed Kohen with the stroller and then looked back to see his hands up and his eyes closed.  I asked him if he was praying.  When he was finished he told me that he was praying that he could catch up to Isaac who was ahead of us.  Then he took off.

Kohen has also been talking about dying.  He said that God told him each day that he was going to die that day.  I told him that God always tells the truth and since Kohen wasn't dying, it can't be God telling him that.  I also reminded him about how Josiah was very sick his whole life, from before his birth and explained that Kohen wasn't sick and doesn't have a sick heart.  Isaac told him he didn't think he would die in the next week.

Both of the boys LOVE listening to a musical story about Sir Bernard and Little Dog when we are travelling in the van.  It presents twelve chivalric virtues.  One of those is bravery.  Sir Bernard explains that we can only be brave when we are afraid.  Last weekend I was watching Kohen play on a swing set.  He was too short to reach a bar that he wanted to swing on.  He climbed up on a swing and tried to balance.  He then let go with one hand to grab the bar and then swung over and grabbed it with his other hand.  While doing this, I could hear him saying to himself determinedly, "This is my chance to be brave," just like in the story.

We were having lunch at our kitchen table when Isaac told me the following:
Isaac: I have to know how to drive before I get married.
Mommy: Yes?
Isaac: Because I'll probably have to drive to the wedding.  Or, I could get a taxi.

I let him know that someone else would probably drive him to the wedding but I also said that if his bride was stuck and couldn't get to the wedding, he would want to be able to go and help her so we agreed that he should get his license before getting married.

Lily-Anna has started calling us Mommy and Daddy instead of Mama and Dada.  It seems too early to lose my Mama title for the last time!  We have been able to get her to take two or three steps walking between us but she never wants to try as she prefers crawling.

We said good-bye to our wonderful music pastor this week.  We will miss her.

My mom had back surgery this month.  We're praying for her to feel relief and gain more mobility.

I enjoyed reading "Unafraid: Learning to Trust God in an Unsafe World."  The author witnessed a school shooting as a child, a few days after I was born.  She was traumatized and lived a fearful life for years, loving God but not trusting Him.  God has given her freedom from her fears.  I have been challenged to take my thoughts captive when I choose fear instead of trust.  He is trustworthy.  I am now reading "Am I Messing Up My Kids? ... and Other Questions Every Mom Asks."  The author says I am not, so I'll take her word for it.  It is reminding me to take everything to God.

I am very sad that one of my relatives has passed away, far too young. She was sick for only a short time and her death has shocked everyone.  I last saw her 17 years ago, to the week she died.  How has it possibly been seventeen years!  I took a train with her to London, England.  I am sad for her family, my family.  I am sad I didn't really know her, though I remember her joyous laughter, her red hair, her art in her bedroom, and playing with her as a child.  She liked sunflowers.  I regret not taking the time to know her more.  I miss her.

Separating the cream from the milk
This tragic death, along with seeing lovely photos from recent weddings of cousins in Northern Ireland has opened my eyes to see some of what I have missed as a second generation Canadian.  My dad emigrated from Northern Ireland when he was 17 and my mom arrived from England in her early 20s.  Thankfully I always had one aunt and uncle and cousin in Ontario but they never lived close by. We were always excited to see them but being a PK (for which I am thankful) means you don't just up and go see them for the weekend or special holidays.  Mine was a lovely childhood; I never lacked.  I felt special - other children went to Florida, we went on two family trips to England and Ireland.  However, I now see my children playing with their cousins and visiting their grandparents, aunts and uncles.  I don't get to attend the funerals overseas to say good-bye or celebrate holidays, weddings, and showers with all the family.  I realize my life is good and has always been so, but it has taken me to 39 years of age to realize and cry about what I never had and can never know.

That's all for this month.  We have one more weekend before school starts.  As of today, Isaac has shoes for school so we're ready early.  I believe this will be our fifth annual trip to Toronto Island this weekend.  We need to say good-bye to the carousel that has been sold.

Thanks for any prayers!  Goodnight!


Psalm 125:1-2
Those who trust in the LORD are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the LORD surrounds his people both now and forevermore.

Monday, 31 July 2017

Happy Birthday Canada!

We began the month by celebrating Canada's 150th birthday.  We enjoyed food and fun with some extended family and then returned home later.  The boys were sleeping in the van so we thought it would be fun to stop and watch the amazing fireworks on display.  An even better idea would be to wake the boys up so that they could experience the thrill as well for the first time.  A special treat.  Apparently we are still newbie parents because it turns out that when you wake up children who are sound asleep at 10:00 PM, things don't go as planned regardless of the incredibly beautiful and artistic fire in the sky.  Suffice to say that next time we'll let them sleep!  They were not impressed.

We remembered the anniversary of Josiah's death by taking flowers to his grave with family.  The lovely yellow mini roses we had planted earlier that week had turned pink!  It's hard to believe it's been four years. 

It was lovely to spend time with Graham's brother's family from B.C.  We enjoyed visiting African Lion's Safari together.  Isaac was especially sad to see them leave.  Isaac slept in a tent for the first time while they were here.  Our last meal together was some delicious Bee Bim Bop!

Isaac enjoyed going to VBS at his friend's church.  He was very happy to be able to sing for us one evening and show us around.  Isaac is also loving riding his bike.  He asks every day if he can go biking. 

I've been helping Isaac organize his Lego the last few days when we get a chance.  I was thoroughly enjoying it tonight and didn't want to stop.  Isaac asked me what I liked best about Lego.  I said, "I like the order and following the directions and finding the pieces and accomplishing something.  What do you like best?"  Isaac: "I like that it's from Italy."  The next day I commented on this and asked if the box said it was from Italy.  He told me that he had read in a book that they make Lego in Italy.

I don't think I mentioned fidget spinners in my last post.  We bought one for Isaac the last week of school.  Apparently he was the last person in his entire class who had one.  Graham was fine with that.  Isaac was excited to show it to his friends.

Isaac has been reading lots of books this summer.  Most are fiction but the other day I heard him call excitedly,
Isaac: "Mommy!"
Me: Yes?
Isaac: The person who discovered the law of gravity has the same name as me!  Sir Isaac Newton.

Graham told me that he was reading the Bible to the boys.  The story was about King Josiah.
Graham: It's surprising that Josiah is just eight years old but he loves God so much.
Isaac: It's not that surprising.  Kohen is three and he loves God.

About a month ago I was at my parents' home with Kohen and Lily-Anna.  I had taken away Kohen's screen time for the day but Grandma didn't know this and she presented Kohen with an exciting DVD.  I decided that I would explain grace to Kohen - about how God showed us grace by saving us through Jesus' death and resurrection even though we didn't deserve it.  I then showed him grace and let him watch an episode on the DVD.  Just last week we were again at my parents' home and Kohen had lost screen time.  He starts whispering in my ear, "Show me grace," over and over until I understood what he was saying and started to laugh.  I asked him what it would look like if I showed him grace and he said I would let him watch a video.  I asked him who showed us grace and he knew the answer.  He received a big hug from Mommy and then I told him he was getting justice that day.

Kohen is never excited to go to his Sunday School class.  Last week he started crying.  I told him that I needed to check on Lily-Anna and that I would come back and look through the window to see if he was okay.  When I came back and looked, I saw that he had stopped crying and was doing something with a leader.  Later when I picked him up he told me that he was crying.  I told him that I had looked through the window.  He told me that he was crying in his head.

Kohen gives me many grey hairs but he is such a sweetheart.  He loves cuddles and randomly telling me that he loves me.  I had told him about someone who couldn't walk.  He whispered in my ear, "Mommy, if you can't walk, I would help you and hold your hand."

Isaac loves making PBJs which Kohen now calls "Bluejays"
Today is July 31st.  I will probably always remember that this is the day (five years ago) I rushed Josiah to the hospital and we ended up heading to Sick Kids for three and a half months.  I was talking to the boys about this today but I also mentioned that I thought it was a nice gift from God that we were able to dedicate Lily-Anna to the Lord on the same day last year.  Kohen said to me, "If I could be big I could say, I love you Josiah."  After chatting a little I think he meant that if he had been bigger than Josiah, he would have been alive to tell him that he loved him.  I told him that he could tell Josiah he loves him as much as he wants because he is alive in a different way and we'll all be together one day.

Kohen has been waking up a lot tonight.  The last time I took him back to bed and was praying for him.  He interrupted and said, "I want to say something.  And thank You for Daddy, the best buyer ever!"
Me - The best buyer?
Kohen - Yes.
Me - Buyer of what?
Kohen - Of toys and things like Lightyear (big smile).  [He was cuddling Buzz Lightyear that Graham bought for him when was away at a conference in May.]  Earlier in the day when Kohen was in the washroom he yelled out, "Mommy, thank you for buying me new underwear."  I bought him some dinosaur underwear about a month ago.  He's a thankful boy!

I'm sure I'll have lots more Lily-Anna stories when she is three years old.  She loves the Happy Birthday song, the Hallelujah song (think 1980s Pentecostal church slow version), pretending things are telephones, saying 'Dada' with so much excitement (oh, how she loves her Daddy), exploring and pulling things out of bins, saying "I-yuh' for Isaac, having a bath, and walking while holding onto someone's hands.  She now has a "whale spout" on the top of her head to keep the hair out of her eyes.  She refuses to drink cow's milk so far.  She did enjoy her first ice cream though. 

Time for bed.  I'll post and then look for some photos quickly.  Thanks for any prayers!


1 Peter 4:8-9
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.  Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.