The restaurant's prices had increased because of the new minimum wage but the notices on the walls said that they had also increased the wages of the experienced workers as the management did not think it would be fair for new employees to make the same amount of money as those who had already worked there. I hadn't thought about that ramification but I'm glad they did. Thanks for the Khao Soi, Panang Curry, Tom Kaa gai, and Som Tom. I hope they have the laab next time!
Isaac is really enjoying playing the piano. It is so nice to see him so excited! I assume it's partly because he can now play some interesting pieces. He is always happy to play for people. He asked me the other week if he could play for our small group, telling me he could entertain them. I love listening to him play.
We have a new tradition - we'll see if it lasts. At 11:11 AM ... it's dance time! Actually, we sing the 11:11 song (made up) and dance in the kitchen IF we look up at the clock when it is exactly 11:11. But, at 11:12 the dance is over. This usually involves Kohen and Lily-Anna and myself during the week when we are eating an early lunch. This will probably change as Lily-Anna is able to go longer before her nap. The other day we stopped dancing at 11:12 and then Kohen asked me what the word 'kitchen' starts with. He guessed 'k' and then he pressed 'Kitchen Timer' on our microwave and set the timer for 11:11 (but did not start the timer) and said we could dance! He's a clever boy who often makes me laugh.
Lily-Anna loves to dance and she'll put up her arms when she is in her chair and say, "Dan" or come up and ask to "dan". When the boys were small they loved it when I danced fast with them in my arms and did big dips upside down and pretended they were a guitar. Lily-Anna wants to slow dance with her head on my (or Graham's) shoulder and moving slowly. She's happy to do this for quite some time.
Lily-Anna is now going to bed better after a little sleep training. We leave her awake and she cries for a very short time before going to sleep. Daytime naps were going better and are now more hit and miss but she is happy to be left in her crib with dolls to play with so that still helps me have a little breather and space.
This morning the kids were eating toast. Lily-Anna has discovered that she loves butter on toast. Isaac told me this morning, "Lily-Anna gave me the idea of turning your toast over so that my tongue touches the butter. But then I remembered that I read it in a book in Kindergarten. The Butter Battle by Dr. Seuss." At least once a day (often more) I hear Isaac say, "Oh, she's so sweet." or "Oh, she's so cute." Lily-Anna has two adoring brothers but we all think she's lovely, though her recent discovery of loud squealing leaves a little to be desired.
I have often thought that I am a marketer's dream. I get pop up adds on my computer for Harry's razors. I finally clicked and saw that you can obtain a free trial (sort of). I thought to myself, "Graham should get this." Then I saw that people end up getting regular deliveries of the blades. I thought, "Why do they need so many blades?" Then I saw the icon of a man with shaving cream all over the bottom half of his face and I turned and looked at Graham on the couch and thought, "Oh yes, Graham has a beard." Sadly, Graham does not need a Harry's razor. They look nice though. I hope they are as good as they say.
I am taking swimming lessons. I am quite excited about this. I have never been a good swimmer and have wanted to improve. One of my roommates in university was going to teach me but after one lesson I realized that I couldn't possibly write a thesis and go to the pool (I've never known balance.) I've always liked the back stroke but I've had a mental block with the breathing for the front crawl. I looked up some online advice and watched some videos (and bought goggles) and I did much better at my last lesson. I would love to get really comfortable in the water and be able to swim laps for exercise one day. I really enjoy being in the water and it's good for my joints. I like being able to talk to the boys about my lessons. I never want to have to save my children swimming but it would be good to one day be able to say that I could.
I am thoroughly enjoying listening to Audrey Assad's hymns but I think my favourite song (prayer) of hers is currently "I Shall Not Want." Here is a link to a Youtube video. Yes, Lord, "When I taste Your goodness, I shall not want." That's true now but one day it will be fully known and I will be fully free. Josiah tastes the goodness of the Lord.
The boys have both missed Josiah this month with tears and sadness at unexpected times. Tears are a blessing. I was driving this morning and looked back at Kohen who looked odd.
Me - Are you okay? Are you tired?
Kohen - No.
Me - What's the matter?
Kohen - I'm just sad.
Me - About what?
Kohen - [He pointed to the sky.]
Me - You're sad about God?
Kohen - No. I'm sad about Josiah.
When I parked, we hugged and chatted. It's hard to have a brother in heaven whom you've never met. They would have had fun together. He told me that if Josiah were here, there would be six of us so we talked about where Josiah would sleep (he said on the roof but I think he meant the ceiling in their room).
I was able to cry on the couch while reading "The Miracle of Jonathan Toomey" to Kohen. Mr. Toomey took out the photo of his wife and baby son who had passed away and that did it for me (I was crying about Josiah though).
Isaac and I have both enjoyed reading "The Princess and the Goblin" by George MacDonald. I am also reading Eric Metaxas' book, "7 Women and the Secret of Their Greatness."
It's time to say goodnight and look for some photos. We received sad news these last few days about an uncle who has lost a sister and an aunt who is in need of a miraculous touch from God. May the peace of Jesus be theirs (and yours).
Lamentations 3:21-26
21But this I call to mind,
and therefore I have hope:
22 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;[b]
his mercies never come to an end;
23 they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
24 “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
“therefore I will hope in him.”
his mercies never come to an end;
23 they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
24 “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
“therefore I will hope in him.”
25 The Lord is good to those who wait for him,
to the soul who seeks him.
26 It is good that one should wait quietly
for the salvation of the Lord.
to the soul who seeks him.
26 It is good that one should wait quietly
for the salvation of the Lord.