Tuesday, 30 April 2019

April (Snow and) Showers

I have new goggles!
This may be short as I need to continue to prep for our small group tomorrow night that I am facilitating.  It's so nice to have four of us who divide up the facilitating.  We're reading through the book of Amos right now with a study guide.

As usual, this month has flown by.   I feel like this is the first time I have realized that the beautiful picture of springtime in my head does not compare to its reality in southwestern Ontario.  Lily-Anna and Kohen wore their winter jackets again today.  I barbecued yesterday and saw some snow.  This is the season of having every type of jacket and footwear in the front hallway.  Yes, the weather does give us something to talk about.  It is lovely to see shoots coming up through the soil, promising flowers to come.
The snuggle chair

One great thing about cooler weather is that I can still enjoy the hot water bottles that keep my feet warm at night.  I used to only use one but now I've discovered the joy of having a water bottle for each foot.  The kids are all pretty good at sleeping through the night but it's also not a rare occurrence that at least one calls me for something or other at 2:00 AM.  Returning to bed, I am ever so pleased to find warmth greeting my feet. 
Watching the ducks

It was great to celebrate Easter and Jesus' death and resurrection with family.  Last Thanksgiving I made biryani, so for Easter Sunday we decided on Middle Eastern food - chicken shwarma and grilled veggies on the BBQ as well as flatbreads and majadra.  Last summer we bought a bigger barbecue as our old one was long past its prime.  It is lovely to have room for both meat and veggies on the grill.

We went out for breakfast on what would have been Josiah's 7th birthday.  We also took flowers to the grave and tried to fly a kite and enjoyed some cake.

Last week, Isaac played in the Kiwanis Festival for the first time.  He placed second with a gold standing.  Graham was able to watch him while I stayed with Kohen and Lily-Anna. 
Graham generously gave Kohen breakfast in bed

We will soon have new flooring and furniture in our living room.  Thus, we made our final fort with the old furniture on Sunday and Kohen slept in the fort last night.  Isaac enjoys sleeping in his own bed.
Searching for Easter eggs

A few weeks ago, Lily-Anna was happy to inform me that she's going to buy me light-up boots for my birthday.

This morning she called excitedly from the bathroom:

Lily-Anna - I can put the light on!
Me - Wow!  You're growing!  Let me see.  [I went and watched her do it.]  Don't grow too fast.
Lily-Anna - I won't.  I'll grow slow.

Fun at the park
Isaac likes to eat the pbss - peanut butter and salsa sandwich.  I haven't tried it.  Both boys are enjoying their swimming lessons and Lily-Anna and I will start in the pool next week.  This is the class in which she will transition from being with me in the pool to just being with her teacher.  I am hoping that this will mean in the summer, all three can go in with just their teacher.
Visiting the museum

It's time to work on small group and say goodnight.  Thanks for any prayers!

Learning about life in space

Amos 5:24
But let justice roll on like a river,
righteousness like a never-failing stream!