Wednesday, 31 July 2019

Fun in the Sun

It's been a good month and a nice change of pace and schedule.  We started the summer holidays making slime and rice krispy squares (separately) and today we went to the cemetery and had fun on the Orange Berg Buddy.  When either of the boys were driving the Berg, the other stood on the back for the ride.  There are great long smooth paths in the newer section of the cemetery with no other people or vehicles to avoid.

The boys enjoyed a week of VBS at our church and then the following two weeks, all three kids were able to go for swimming lessons at the same time.  There have also been trips to parks, playdates with friends, and two overnight sleeps in the Glendale at Raybeth.

For the first time, Isaac swam in the pond at Raybeth (thankfully none of the huge leeches found him) and we also saw a turtle swimming in the water while we were on a raft.  This was actually the first time that I went on the raft according to my recollection.  This was also the first time that I tried s'mores with chocolate covered cookies  - what a great idea!  We will certainly miss visiting Raybeth (the property has been sold) but we have lots of great memories of our adventures there including all of the Martin get-togethers.  The place has been a blessing to so many and will continue to be so for others.

We took flowers to Josiah's grave on the 6th along with all the grandparents.  It was a very hot day so we weren't there long.  We then went back to my parents' home where we ate pizza and watched Women's World Cup.  Seven years ago this morning, I rushed Josiah to the hospital, the beginning of our stint at SickKids and Ronald McDonald House. 

My mom is recovering from her hip replacement.  It's a slow process but she's making progress.

We are looking forward to a great August together!

Thanks for any prayers.


1 Peter 1:3

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, ...