Monday, 30 September 2019

Sunny September

What a beautiful September this has been!  It's nice to be back into the school routine.  The boys both enjoy their classes and Lily-Anna and I enjoy our treks to the school where Lily-Anna often plays with a friend. 

Isaac graduated from Music for Young Children and passed his level one exam in June so he started with a new piano teacher this month (his cousin's teacher) and is doing well.  Kohen started Music for Young Children and is really enjoying it.  I had forgotten how much time and effort the practicing is (for the parents) in the early years but he is getting his five weekly practices checked off. 

Lily-Anna and I love participating in the farm program each week.  I was so thankful we were able to register as I did the program with both of the boys. 

We are taking a break from leading a small group this year.  We may join one in January, but for the present I am taking a parenting workshop each week and starting to implement some positive changes at home (many more are needed).  I am also attempting to do a better job at planning meals.  The kids have yet to fully embrace "Meatless Mondays" but I'm sold and Graham and I have enjoyed the meals. 

The highlight of this month was celebrating Graham's parents' 50th wedding anniversary with family and friends.  All the B.C. family flew in for the weekend so it was wonderful to be together again.  We were even able to get family photos taken. 

I watched a great Youtube video about sleep this month that I wish I had seen when I was in my teens.  Anyway, it has inspired me to try to get more sleep.  I'm also doing a better job watching what I'm eating and I'm thankful for these small successes.

First day of Grade 4 and SK
Speaking of sleep, I'd better keep moving here so I'll say goodnight.  Thanks for any prayers.


Richard Scarry appeals to all
Proverbs 1:33
"But whoever listens to me will dwell secure and will be at ease, without dread of disaster."   

P.S. Our adventure on the last day of August was our 7th annual trip to Toronto Island.  Great times had by all and so lovely to be joined by our friends again.
On the log ride
On the ferry