Friday, 31 December 2021

Goodbye 2021!

Happy New Year!!!

This may be short as I want to get back to the festivities (movie and snacks in the basement with Graham and the boys).  Lily-Anna just said a sleepy goodnight, though she wished she could stay up until midnight.  Maybe next year.  We were actually able to watch a movie together as a family, which is quite rare: Paper Planes.  We looked through a lot of reviews to find one.  

December was a full month up until the 26th when we relaxed.  We began the month by going to the Coping Centre's Memorial to remember Josiah and hang an ornament with his name on an outside tree.  There was an extra surprise for Lily-Anna.  A boy who lost someone this year arranged for a number of stuffed animals to be given to kids who were attending the memorial - all those five years of age and under.  Lily-Anna chose a beautiful soft wolf pup and named him Wolfie.  He is keeping her warm as I type.  

On the 8th, the kids were able to get their Covid vaccines.  I took all of them together and Kohen and Lily-Anna both wanted to go first but Lily-Anna called it first.  When we walked into the main room, we could easily hear some small kids screaming and the person taking our information was apologizing to me but thankfully my kids took it in stride and were fine.  All the staff and volunteers did a great job.  

The next big event was Isaac's 11th birthday and party on the same day as Kohen and Lily-Anna's piano recital.  I was praying that everyone would stay healthy so these events could happen and they did.  Isaac and his friends had a great time at SkyZone.  I'm so thankful they were able to have fun together as kids.  We also celebrated Isaac with some extended family the following night.

Both Kohen and Lily-Anna did a great job at their recital and both enjoyed playing.  This was Lily-Anna's first recital and Kohen's second in-person recital as he has had online recitals since Covid began.  Kohen played Little Drummer Boy and Lily-Anna played Go Tell It On the Mountain.  Isaac recorded and submitted We Three Kings for an online show of sorts and all three took part in playing their songs for a spontaneous family concert.

We were able to be with Graham's parents when they were honoured at their church for their 50 years of ministry with the PAOC - a great achievement.  It was special to be there.  

Our new stove was delivered on the 14th and I am very happy with it.  It's so nice to have burners that fit my large pans and a glass-top that cleans easier than my coils.  I did think to buy one of those silicone "lids" that stop saucepans from boiling over (as I am an expert).  In fact I was reminded to use it the first time on Christmas when I watched the potatoes boil over.  It worked really well ... now to remember to use it from the start!

Okay, I have sort of redeemed my horrible turkey-cooking-experience from two years ago with a tasty turkey this year.  I had actually decided to just make a roast beef as we had already had turkey when celebrating with my side of the family but when shopping I could not find yorkshire pudding so I was definitely not willing to have roast beef (I know I could make my own yorkshire pudding but it's been a very long while and I wasn't willing to gamble).  That worked out well because the turkey and gravy were great (I now know to write down the weight of my bird and the time I put it in the oven) and I was able to make lots of turkey soup with the broth.  My food thermometer did decide to die while I was checking the temperature but the two Grandmas were able to advise successfully.  Next year's meal should be even better as I should have time to practice keeping food warm.  That's not my forte yet but I can improve.  Next goal: a delicious HOT turkey meal. :)  I also have a new super-duper thermometer which even came with an extra battery.

We were able to celebrate Christmas with both sides of the family and we had a lovely time.  I was on for making chili and was able to find a yummy recipe which called for some cocoa powder.  I made it again tonight.  I'm used to making vegetarian chili but I think this will become our new go-to recipe.  Actually, I heard an idea on an episode of Adventures in Odyssey (which we listen to during breakfast six mornings a week as it is on the radio): corn chips in chili.  So good.  New norm.  I love the added crunch.  Yum yum!  Even my mother thought they were a good addition.  I usually make corn bread in my cast iron pan but tonight it was just corn chips.

I thoroughly enjoyed our Christmas.  Stockings in the morning with the kids.  Cinnamon Rolls while listening to the birth of Christ from the Bible.  Opening a few gifts followed by bacon and eggs and fruit.  More gift opening and then kids playing while preparing for our turkey meal.  Snacking all day and then enjoying our meal.  Cleaning up and having dessert.  Saying goodbye to the grandparents and putting the kids to bed.  Good family time.  Thank You Lord!

Graham and I have both had our booster shots.  It sounds like school is starting in person just two days late, next Wednesday.  We'll see where these Omicron numbers are.     

One exciting piece of information I learned on Christmas Day - Graham does not like his napkins folded in a triangle, which is my preferred shape over the rectangle when it comes to napkins.  I shall endeavour to please.  Yes, we have been married for 17-and-a-half years. 

Shortly before Christmas, a neighbour came to our door with a big basket of goodies from Hickory Farms.  He told Graham he should just consider it as a gift from the whole neighbourhood as everyone sees what he does to make it a good neighbourhood and to help out.  That's my man!  He does lots of driveways and lawns.  

Graham and I watched The Most Reluctant Convert: The Untold Story of CS Lewis last night and enjoyed it.  I think it's only available to rent until January 2 and it's certainly not cheap for a rental but we enjoyed it (you wouldn't call it action-packed!)

We visited Josiah's grave this afternoon and took flowers.  We love you and miss you Josiah!  Thank You Jesus for Your birth, for coming to us, for saving us, loving us, dying and rising for us and sending Your Holy Spirit to live in us.  Amazing.  Incroyable.  Thank You.  



Hebrews 12:1-2

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.