Saturday, 31 December 2022

Year End

So, I’m hoping this works.  We are away at my in-law’s place and I accidentally brought the wrong laptop which doesn’t have Wi-Fi.  I’m typing this on my phone and hoping I’ll be able to post it.  I’m guessing photos will have to wait unfortunately.  

I’m also missing Kohen’s first introduction to Star Wars so I may be brief.  We just finished watching Little Women (the Winona Ryder version) and now Lily-Anna is trying to fall asleep.

I also don’t have my calendar in front of me to remind me of what happened this month.  Let’s see: Josiah’s Christmas memorial, Kohen and Lily-Anna’s piano recital, Isaac’s 12th birthday, and a beautiful Christmas and all that entails.  

I find December challenging as there are so many things to keep track of.  Of course, it’s also rewarding.  I wrote a list of all the special things we do in December and read it to the kids today and asked if there were things we should take off the list but no one wanted to take anything off the list so I may just need to figure out a way to start things earlier in November.  

Graham and I were pretty exhausted after Christmas and needed to miss a family get-together but thankfully we were able to rest for a couple of days.

The kids and I went sledding with friends this week when there was snow on the ground.  This is the first year that Lily-Anna has been happy to go down the hill by herself and didn’t want to leave. 

Some of us were sick in early December so we couldn’t actually go to the scheduled Christmas memorial at The Coping Centre but we were able to go by ourselves to the property and hang the ornament with Josiah’s name.

It was nice to end the year with a prayer meeting at our church this morning.  I am also quite excited that the church service tomorrow is at 2:00 PM!  That should give me time to make ebelskivers in the morning … if Graham is able to get me out of bed.

I’d better get back to our party. 

Thank You Lord for Your love and faithfulness in 2022.  I’m so thankful to know You will walk with me through 2023 and grateful for the amazing family and friends You have blessed me with.  May I honour You with my thoughts, words, and actions; and may my life bring You glory.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

Happy New Year!!!

Blessings to you and yours!


“Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭37‬:‭4‬ ‭NIV‬‬

“The Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭147‬:‭11‬ ‭NIV‬‬

“The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him;”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭37‬:‭23‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Wednesday, 30 November 2022


When I last wrote one month ago, only our princess was sick.  Each of us ended up getting sick one at a time ... and now we are in the middle of round 2.  I can hear Lily-Anna coughing as I type ... in between blowing my nose.

We've been making very good use of our pull-out couch so that Graham and I can try to get a better sleep, depending on who is sick and waking up coughing.  One night when I was sleeping in the living room, I awoke to the sound of music playing.  I checked the time: 5:10 AM.  I got out of bed and went to the kitchen where I found the iPad playing a wake-up alarm.  I put it off and then thankfully thought to check if any other alarms were set.  Oh yes.  6:00 AM, 6:25 AM, 6:30 AM, 6:31 AM, 6:45 AM, 6:50 AM ... .  We haven't used the iPad for alarms in years and I don't remember ever using the wake up alarm.  I had a little chat with the known suspect later that morning after getting some more sleep.  It hasn't happened again.

Isaac was excited to get into the band at school.  He is playing the trumpet.  It's been nice to hear him practicing.  He is enjoying learning to play and it's been great to hear his progress.  He has also been invited to join a math club at school.  I think I may have mentioned it before but Isaac likes having tests at school and looks forward to them. 
Heading to a concerto with piano and trumpet solos

Kohen really enjoys science.  He also really likes Adventures in Odyssey.  We decided to become members and we have listened to many more adventures.  We used to just listen to the ones played on the radio for free six times a week.  I enjoy them as much as the kids.    

Lily-Anna is so creative.  She loves to draw and make cards and write stories.  She enjoys learning French and loves to help.

After our last fish died in July, I cleaned the tank and it has sat on Lily-Anna's dresser since then.  I finally set everything out and took photos this past Monday.  Graham posted them on Marketplace at lunch and shortly after, a woman said she would pick it up on Tuesday for the asking price.  That Monday night I drove across town to buy a beanbag chair that the kids wanted.  It was the same price as the fish tank.  The kids were happy to use their money from the fish tank sale to get the bean bag chair ... and to see God's provision in the little things.   

Lily-Anna is officially six and a half years old today.  She wanted to make cookies today as she was home from school.  She would love to just dump random ingredients in a bowl to mix and then put in the oven.  I prefer a little more control over the outcome, especially given food prices these days.  We used a peanut butter cookie recipe that we like and then she chose to add:  mashed banana, honey, vanilla, raisins, walnuts, oats, and marshmallows.  She decided on most of the amounts but I did draw the line when she asked if she could add a second cup of sugar.  The cookies are tasty.  We all like them.  She originally wanted to have kiwi in her cookies and according to the Internet she's not the first person to want that.  We didn't have any kiwis and I chose not to remind her that she had also wanted to add strawberries.  My loss.   

Lily-Anna lost her first tooth this month.  It was loose a long time.  I just now remember what happened.  In the middle of the night she threw up in bed.  While she had a shower, I cleaned up and changed her bed.  While she was dressing, the smoke alarm started blaring from the steam coming out of the bathroom as I had forgotten to put the fan on.  I dumped a laundry bin while running to put off the smoke alarm which somehow did not wake Graham or the boys.  Then I heard Lily-Anna say, "My tooth just fell out."  Thankfully the tooth fairy remembered to show up.  Our tooth fairy gives money but lets the kids keep their teeth  ... as that's what the tooth fairy did when she was growing up.  

The two youngest get a note from me in their lunch boxes each day at school.  Lily-Anna asked me on Monday if she could write the note to Kohen and surprise him.  Here it is:

Last Sunday was a Generations Service at our church.  That's when all the children in Grade 1 and older join with the youth and adults for the service.  All ages participate in the service and there is usually a game.  This time there were four Hungry Hippos games set up.  Also, everyone was invited to wear a Christmas sweater.  Isaac wasn't feeling well so I stayed home with him.   We did take a Christmas sweater picture at home (for a chance to win a prize).  Here it is:

It's time to head to bed.  I can hear the wind outside.  It was raining this morning and now the ground is covered in snow.  Thank You Lord for our beautiful seasons.  Advent is here.  We are preparing to celebrate the birth of our Saviour.  Lord, please help us to focus on You and share Your love.   



John 1:9-10

The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world.  He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him.

Monday, 31 October 2022

Happy Hallowe'en

It's been a busy evening over here with a Praetorian Guard, a policeman, and a dinosaur who hasn't been feeling well.  All are now asleep but the dinosaur could awake at any moment and need her Mommy.  This is one sweet dinosaur but when she gets a fever, she often tells me that I seem so very far away even when I'm right beside her.  So, I hold her in my arms and remind her that she can feel me so I can't be far away.  

I am surrounded by candy as I type.  The kids had time to sort their candy, but not time to do their trades so my living room floor and table will stay covered with candy until tomorrow.  

It has been such a beautiful October!  I have loved watching the leaves change colour and fall.  It was lovely to get to the forest and walk through the leaves.  

The month began with a visit to the Seiling Family Farm where we met other families from our church and enjoyed seeing the animals.  The bunnies were pretty cute.  

The next day we went to a small theatre for a musical concert that included Isaac's piano teacher.  I was excited to expose the kids to this and hopefully inspire them.  I thoroughly enjoyed it but next time the two youngest may be left with Grandma and Grandpa to be inspired in other ways.  Thankfully we were at the very back and end of a row and it was dark so children who needed to move around were able to do so.  Hearing, "When is this over?" in a not-quiet-enough whisper, is a little stressful for me.  They were able to let our their steam at a park afterwards.        

I'm enjoying my new role at church every other Sunday morning.  The kids range from Grade 1 to Grade 5 and we spend the first part playing games or building with Lego or drawing, etc.  It's a nice way to chat and get to know the kids better.  Later there is a discussion time in small groups with prayer time at the end.  I try to make sure that everyone in the small group knows everyone else's name.  I still have lots of names to learn in the whole group.

It was lovely to get together with family for Thanksgiving and birthday celebrations.  The grandparents all joined us the one day for chili and my side of the family (those who are local) all met together for a delicious turkey dinner and sweet treats to celebrate my nieces' 16th birthday.  

I've really enjoyed volunteering with Strong Start in the school.  I usually spend some time prepping one morning and then meet with three children separately another morning to play games that practice letter sounds.  Thankfully the schedule is very flexible as I often need to change my time as someone is sick at home.  

Kohen and Lily-Anna have been enjoying karate on Saturday mornings.  They tested for their red belt last weekend and earned it.  Now we just have to pay for and order it next week.  I think Kohen wants to continue in karate.  Lily-Anna enjoys it but would like to try ballet if I can get her into the class at the community centre.  I now know the moment registration opens for the winter session and I will try my best to sign her up.  

Isaac is going to a soccer development program that he really enjoys.  I realize now how blessed I was at my small town elementary school in the '80s and early '90s where I was able to be on lots of school teams and go to off-site games and tournaments all through the school system (and because there were parents who were able to drive a carload of kids around).  I know Covid has affected some of that but things are very different now.  I'm thankful for all the great opportunities and good memories.  My kids are just making different memories.       

It's also great to be back meeting with the other women in the Bible study group I attend.    

Kohen and Lily-Anna participated in a Hallowe'en piano recital this weekend.  They both played very well.  Isaac asked to be signed up to do his Level 6 practical piano exam in January.  I love listening to my kids play the piano.  

It's time to say goodnight.  I want to be awake for Lily-Anna tomorrow so pictures may have to wait.  



John 6:35

The Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life.  Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty."

Friday, 30 September 2022

Fall Rhythms

While I love the summer and never like saying goodbye to it, it also feels good to get back into the swing of things. The routine of school and piano lessons, youth group, and packing lunches is familiar and comfortable. 

First day of school letters from me

All of the kids were excited to return to school. Isaac has especially enjoyed starting middle school even though he leaves almost an hour earlier. He has mainly biked to school so far, though Graham drove him one day when it was raining. It takes about twenty minutes to walk. I enjoy spending a little one-on-one time with him at the end of the day before I pick up his siblings. His school has instruments and he found out this week that he is able to play the trumpet, which was his first choice. His Uncle Andrew is planning to show him a few things on his trumpet to get him started. I'm looking forward to hearing him practice. Actually, now that we have an acoustic piano, it is delightful to listen to Isaac play his pieces as he was the only one who usually practiced on the electric piano with headphones. 

Kohen and Lily-Anna are also enjoying school. Lily-Anna has been happy to learn French. The school had their first Meet the Teacher Night since before Covid so it was nice to be able to see the classrooms and the kids' desks. I'm only slightly sad and reminiscent when I pass the doors that Isaac usually came out. Lily-Anna is thrilled that she gets to see Kohen and other friends outside during recess as the classes were kept separate in previous years due to Covid. 

I should also mention that we had a great end to the summer holidays. The kids enjoy going to a hotel from time to time so we found one in Brantford with a pool and then went to a lovely beach in Burlington the next day. I've never thought about Burlington as a beach location but the sand was great. It took me a long time to get into the cold water with the two youngest but Isaac thoroughly enjoyed working on a sand castle and Kohen, Lily-Anna, and I took turns burying each other. We were taught last summer to take a big shovel to the beach to help make a sand castle.  We stopped at Canadian Tire before the beach and bought a sun tent which has greatly improved Graham's feelings toward beaches. We should have bought one years ago given that Graham should stay out of the sun. Kohen and Lily-Anna and I took turns burying each other in the sand. I could look far along the sand to a pier and also the apartment buildings in downtown Burlington where my aunt and uncle used to live. I wish I could have gone to see them for a cup of tea. (Uncle Peter passed away in January and my aunt moved overseas in June.) 

After a rest day, we went to Bingemans Splash Works for a water park adventure. I braved a few slides that Isaac wanted me to go on. This was a gift from our wonderful neighbour and we had a great time. 

Kohen and Lily-Anna started karate lessons at our local community centre. They are looking cute in their outfits. I was too late to sign up Lily-Anna for ballet or gymnastics but she said she'd like to do this with Kohen. It has changed our Saturday mornings a little as I used to make a nice breakfast but perhaps I can switch to a brunch after their lesson. 

Our two youngest missed a few days of school during the second week of school due to cold symptoms.  This was not a surprise.  It would be lovely if getting sick is out of their system now. 

I have switched my role in Sunday School on Sunday mornings. I enjoyed teaching in the JK/SK class for my last volunteer shift. I was on a team with my two local nieces. Now I will be helping out as a small group leader for Lily-Anna's age as per her request. I'm looking forward to getting to know the kids better. 

Isaac helping Kohen on the piano

We said goodbye to a beautiful woman of God earlier this summer after she passed away due to a fall. Last Saturday we were able to celebrate Miriam's life and the life of her husband Ron Radley who passed away last year. They were both in our small group a number of years ago and have always been a blessing. Miriam's prayers were so beautiful and powerful and comforting. 

Lily-Anna attended two birthdays this month and is going to a party for two girls tomorrow and had to decline another invitation for a party at the same time. She may turn out to be our social butterfly. 

I took two short training sessions this month so that I can be a Strong Start volunteer at K and LA's school in October, helping kids one-on-one with literacy skills through games. I am looking forward to it. 

I had my annual visit with my rheumatologist in Toronto this month.  I decided to go there on the Go Train.  It was a delightful day.  The train wasn't busy at all so I decided to get more comfortable by taking my shoes off.  It was a little disconcerting to see that I had put two different socks on.  (How did I not notice this when I tied up my laces?!)  I knew I could take off my socks before my doctor noticed but I pointed it out to the nurse who took my height and weight.  She said she does it all the time.  

I read a book on the train and at Starbucks.  I had to transfer to a bus on the way home but who doesn't like riding on a double decker bus?  I was slightly tempted to sit on the lower level of either the train or the bus but then remembered that my kids would want me to go up higher.  Public transit over longer distances can be very peaceful and relaxing and being in the big city is a little invigorating.  I usually go with Graham and we enjoy a date at a nice Thai restaurant so I missed him but enjoyed getting reacquainted with Father Tim and my old friends from Mitford (the Jan Karon series).  Let me also say that I am a fan of the Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew (coffee).  Yum!  

Lily-Anna and I showed up at my parents' home at 6:00 to watch Queen Elizabeth's funeral.  Kohen was quite sad to have missed that adventure but no one heard him say he wanted to be woken up when I asked.  I was certainly sad to hear she had passed away.  

Our washing machine stopped working and we thought we might need to replace it as it is over 18 years old.  We decided to call a repairman and it was just the lid switch which broke because I put blankets in the machine.  He told me to stop doing that.  I wonder if that's the reason it broke a number of years ago.  When that happened, the repairman said we'd want to keep our machine as long as possible as it was built well.  

The kids wore orange shirts today and they can each tell me the reason it is called Orange Shirt Day at school. I'm thankful the kids are learning about the horrible situations that so many children and their families endured due to residential schools and the ramifications that are ongoing today. I'm thankful that God can bring healing and we can pray, listen, and learn. 

We have a busy day tomorrow so I'd better get to bed. 

Blessings, Elizabeth 

Psalm 103:6 
The LORD works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed.