It's been a busy evening over here with a Praetorian Guard, a policeman, and a dinosaur who hasn't been feeling well. All are now asleep but the dinosaur could awake at any moment and need her Mommy. This is one sweet dinosaur but when she gets a fever, she often tells me that I seem so very far away even when I'm right beside her. So, I hold her in my arms and remind her that she can feel me so I can't be far away.
I am surrounded by candy as I type. The kids had time to sort their candy, but not time to do their trades so my living room floor and table will stay covered with candy until tomorrow.
It has been such a beautiful October! I have loved watching the leaves change colour and fall. It was lovely to get to the forest and walk through the leaves.
The month began with a visit to the Seiling Family Farm where we met other families from our church and enjoyed seeing the animals. The bunnies were pretty cute.
The next day we went to a small theatre for a musical concert that included Isaac's piano teacher. I was excited to expose the kids to this and hopefully inspire them. I thoroughly enjoyed it but next time the two youngest may be left with Grandma and Grandpa to be inspired in other ways. Thankfully we were at the very back and end of a row and it was dark so children who needed to move around were able to do so. Hearing, "When is this over?" in a not-quiet-enough whisper, is a little stressful for me. They were able to let our their steam at a park afterwards.
I'm enjoying my new role at church every other Sunday morning. The kids range from Grade 1 to Grade 5 and we spend the first part playing games or building with Lego or drawing, etc. It's a nice way to chat and get to know the kids better. Later there is a discussion time in small groups with prayer time at the end. I try to make sure that everyone in the small group knows everyone else's name. I still have lots of names to learn in the whole group.
It was lovely to get together with family for Thanksgiving and birthday celebrations. The grandparents all joined us the one day for chili and my side of the family (those who are local) all met together for a delicious turkey dinner and sweet treats to celebrate my nieces' 16th birthday.
I've really enjoyed volunteering with Strong Start in the school. I usually spend some time prepping one morning and then meet with three children separately another morning to play games that practice letter sounds. Thankfully the schedule is very flexible as I often need to change my time as someone is sick at home.
Kohen and Lily-Anna have been enjoying karate on Saturday mornings. They tested for their red belt last weekend and earned it. Now we just have to pay for and order it next week. I think Kohen wants to continue in karate. Lily-Anna enjoys it but would like to try ballet if I can get her into the class at the community centre. I now know the moment registration opens for the winter session and I will try my best to sign her up.
Isaac is going to a soccer development program that he really enjoys. I realize now how blessed I was at my small town elementary school in the '80s and early '90s where I was able to be on lots of school teams and go to off-site games and tournaments all through the school system (and because there were parents who were able to drive a carload of kids around). I know Covid has affected some of that but things are very different now. I'm thankful for all the great opportunities and good memories. My kids are just making different memories.
It's also great to be back meeting with the other women in the Bible study group I attend.
Kohen and Lily-Anna participated in a Hallowe'en piano recital this weekend. They both played very well. Isaac asked to be signed up to do his Level 6 practical piano exam in January. I love listening to my kids play the piano.
It's time to say goodnight. I want to be awake for Lily-Anna tomorrow so pictures may have to wait.
John 6:35
The Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty."