Thursday, 31 August 2023


Well, school starts in six days and I think my kids are ready.  They have shoes and backpacks and full pencil cases.  They are all able to reuse their backpacks.  Kohen knows how to pick them as his has lasted since JK and is going strong.  I guess I should make sure their pants are still long enough as it's been a while since those have been worn.

The tooth fairy comes tonight

Kohen had his last swimming lesson tonight and I'm really happy with all the progress he's made this summer.  He did three front flips off the diving board tonight.  

It's been a different summer as I haven't always felt the best but we've made good memories.  We had a great time at the trailer in Kincardine.  Our wonderful neighbour bought it this summer and generously invited us to use it whenever Graham had holidays!  That was such an amazing gift as we hadn't made plans at that point.  

Kohen had been looking forward to going to his friend's VBS for months.  He was able to enjoy three days but missed the last two days as he was invited on a family camping trip.  In the past, there has been an annual Daddy-Daughter camping trip which Graham and Lily-Anna joined my brothers and their daughters on last year.  This year one of my nieces had to work so they decided to invite some boy cousins.  Kohen was able to go and catch some fish along with Graham and Lily-Anna while Isaac and I had a few days together.  

It was very nice to have some one-on-one time with Isaac.  We watched some Star Wars shows and had a number of treats and we took one of his friends to Bingemans Water Park for a few hours. He also made his first delicious cheesecake.  We found a place to get Bubble Tea and also discovered that we can now get Bingsu locally.  We may try that before school starts.  Isaac has good memories of eating Bingsu with his cousins in B.C.

We also had a picnic at Shades Mills with family and set up the tent in the backyard of my in-laws.  The summer's not over yet.  We still have a few more days of fun.

Isaac has mowed his grandparents' lawn this summer.  We've had so much rain that he hasn't missed a week and the grass has stayed green.  I've actually enjoyed the rain this summer as every time it rains I'm so thankful that I don't need to water the plants (or feel guilty for not watering the plants).

I had my sixth needle this past Sunday.  It's the first time that Graham has given it to me.  I've always injected into my stomach but the past two times I've chosen the thigh and I think I'll continue that.  I also asked if I could have the pre-filled syringes and that's been a good change too.  Scents are bothering me more and I am nauseous from time-to-time and am more fatigued.  I think my arthritis symptoms are improving.  It usually takes six to eight weeks for the medicine to work.  

Rolling out pizza dough

I showed a funny video to Isaac from The Holderness Family which included a number of slang words that I had never heard.  Isaac hears all of the words at school.  I looked the words up and still don't understand how to use them all.  

Oh, I almost forgot!  We went out to see the moon last night!  It was a rare blue supermoon.  We drove to the cemetery to try to get away from the lights.  We all walked down our street but then Isaac stayed home to read while the rest of us went to the cemetery and enjoyed the moon.  

It's time for bed so I will say goodnight and see if I can grab some photos.  



Psalm 34:18

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.