Saturday, 16 June 2012

2 Months Old!

Josiah turned two months old on Wednesday!  He also received his immunizations the same day and thankfully he did not react to them.  At his visit to McMaster on Tuesday his weight was recorded as 12 pounds and his cardiologist was very pleased with how he's doing.  The doctor's main concern is the leakage in Josiah's primary heart valve.  We won't know if the leakage has increased until his next echocardiogram near the end of July.  He said it's possible that the BPCS surgery (explained in a previous post) would reduce the load on the heart and that the leakage would decrease without needing to do anything to the valve.

Isaac also had an important day this week - he is now a year and a half.  He certainly makes us laugh but he also keeps us on our toes as he tests the limits.  Does disciplining your child get easier over time?!

The attempts at bottle feeding haven't gone well yet.  The main advantage to being able to bottle feed is that the doctors could easily increase his caloric intake in hospital if necessary after surgery.  Of course, if he didn't need surgery until he could use a sippy cup, that would work too (this would involve one or two miracles!)

Josiah has had very fussy feeds of late.  We'll talk to the paediatrician about this on Monday.  We're having him sleep on a slight incline and that has improved the nights to some degree though he's still on Elizabeth a lot.

It was nice to visit Listowel Pentecostal Church a couple of weeks ago (where Graham's parents attend).  We appreciate all the people there praying for our family.

Apart from visits to the paediatrician, Josiah's next heart visit is at McMaster on July 12th so there may not be much news until then as we're praying that all continues to go well.

Prayer Requests:

  • That the leakage in Josiah's heart valve would stop
  • Wisdom as we discipline
  • That Josiah would learn to take a bottle and that he would feed well
  • That Josiah would consistently sleep in his crib

Thanks for your prayers and support!  We are blessed beyond measure.  God is good.  We are thankful for the last eight years of marriage that we celebrated on June 12th.  Where does the time go?


Elizabeth and Graham

P.S. We're looking forward to Josiah's dedication to the Lord on July 15th.  All of his grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins will be there, including those from Ottawa and British Columbia!!!

P.P.S. In honour of our anniversary last week, we thought you might enjoy this song by JJ Heller. 

1 comment:

  1. My chidren are in their 40s and it's harder than ever to discipline them :}

    Seriously though, Graham and Elizabeth, I am so glad things are looking much brighter for Josiah. I will keep you all in my prayers. They are both such good-looking boys!

    Oh, and congratulations on your wedding anniversary!
