I'm not sure where the last two weeks have gone but it's time to let you know what's been happening. On the 15th, Josiah was dedicated to the Lord at Waterloo Pentecostal Assembly. It was so wonderful to have all of our family present. That weekend Josiah met for the first time his other aunt and uncle from British Columbia as well as his aunt, uncle, and four cousins from Stittsville. After the church service we gathered at my brother and sister-in-law's home for the rest of the afternoon. Following lunch, we read some blessings over Josiah in the presence of our family. We send a huge thank-you to my brother and sister-in-law for inviting us to use their home for this and for being such amazing hosts.
Faulkner family on Josiah's dedication day, July 15, 2012 |
This past Tuesday we left at 5:15 AM to go to SickKids for what we thought would be a sedate echocardiogram for Josiah. I stopped feeding Josiah around 3:30 AM because he was going to be sedated. He was doing quite well until shortly before the test was to begin and then he was crying because he was hungry. This meant that when his oxygen saturation level was checked, it was quite low. Anyway, to make a long story short, Josiah wasn't sedated and I was told to feed him. He was happy to be fed but he certainly wasn't about to let someone probe his chest without crying. They were only able to get a few pictures and those pictures weren't very helpful. They tried a long time. It was quite a frustrating morning. However, the cardiologist was optimistic that Josiah will make it past four months before he needs to have surgery. The ideal age is six months. He also said that he'd looked at images from Josiah's previous echocardiograms and he thinks there is only
moderate leakage in Josiah's main valve, as opposed to severe leakage, so that's great news!
The next steps are for Josiah to have a cardiac catheterization in August (date not finalized) at SickKids. There will be appointments the day before the catheterization but after the procedure we will either be released or stay one night. He will have a general anaesthetic for this procedure in which a catheter will be put into a vein near his groin and then it will go up to his heart. The information they learn will help with the future surgery.
Yesterday we said goodbye to Graham's brother and sister-in-law and their wonderful children as they flew back to B.C. We're missing them already and Isaac has been talking about them. He had a lot of fun with his cousins.
Prayer Requests
- That Josiah would continue to do well and that his surgery would occur at the ideal time
- That the cardiac catheterization would go well (we'll let you know when we find out the date)
- That Josiah's reflux would improve. The medication seems to be helping but he's been quite fussy of late.
Thanks for your prayers!
Elizabeth and Graham
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