Friday, 31 October 2014

He Has Overcome

As a result of a tragic accident, my aunt has passed away.  I last saw her in 2011 when we visited Northern Ireland.  She loved Jesus, knew joy, had such a wonderful infectious laugh, told great stories, had compassion, and was very generous.  She was a beautiful woman and a loving wife and mother.  I wish I had known her better.  One day I will.

She is in the presence of her loving Saviour.  Tragedies don't make sense.  They are not supposed to make sense.

I hesitate to embed the song below as it sounds joyous.  As my family meets tomorrow it will not be a joyful occasion but one of grief.  As N.T. Wright said in regard to those who experience a loved one's death: "Death is a monster; death is horrible."

However, we praise God for Jesus, for redemption, for good out of bad, for the coming resurrection, for the hope that lights our hearts and the peace that only God can give.  We do not forget that Jesus has overcome this world.  We stand in defiance of our enemy.  Our God reigns and will forever do so.      

Dear Auntie Heather, I expected I would see you again on this side of glory.  I am sad to know that won't be the case.  I am sad for your family.  We miss you and love you.  I am so thankful to know that we will all celebrate together one day.  This song is for you with love from Elizabeth (More Than Conquerors by Rend Collective):

John 16:33

33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”