Saturday 30 June 2018

School is out!

In reference to my last post, tomorrow never came.
Thanks for the photo Uncle John!

We have had a great start to our summer!  It is so lovely to have my Uncle John and Auntie Dorothy and Uncle Richmond and Auntie Joanne from Northern Ireland visiting.  I will be sad to see them go. 

Isaac finished grade two on Thursday and then we went to the beach on Friday with all the local family (Graham took the day off).  The kids enjoyed being in the water.  Isaac's favourite part was learning to kayak with some tips from his aunt and cousins.  The boys now say they want to buy a kayak.  Actually, Kohen told Isaac he would buy Isaac one for his birthday (which is in December).

After returning home from the library
It is has been a busy couple of months full of birthday and anniversary celebrations, soccer season, a piano recital, marriage retreat, a Blue Jays game, and a new counter, sink and faucet for our kitchen.  Sadly, my swimming lessons are over for now.  Adult lessons are not offered at our local pool during the summer.  I was thrilled to be able to swim 6 lengths without stopping during our last lesson.  Now I just need to work up the nerve to go to the pool during lane swims.

I best not forget to mention the Royal Wedding.  I put my alarm on at 5:00 AM and surprised mom by showing up in her bedroom with scones (I made the night before) by 5:30.  Graham streamed the wedding at home once the kids were up so that they could appreciate their British heritage too, along with the scones. 
Watching the Royal Wedding while eating scones

It was fun to go to a Farm Program with Kohen these last two months.  It was special to have time with just him.  

This is usually the weekend when we plant flowers at Josiah's grave (because that's what everyone does at the beginning of July, right?!)  We are currently experiencing a heat warning (Graham said it felt like 45 degrees today).  It's 10:30 at night and it feels like 35 degrees.  We enjoyed the cool of our basement today.  Thankfully we have air conditioners in the kids' rooms.  I'm hoping we can plant some flowers on Monday, Canada Day - in time for the 5th anniversary of Josiah's death next Friday. 
On Mother's Day

Oh, how did I forget to mention that Lily-Anna is potty training?  I think she's doing quite well.  I'm trying to decide when to switch her into a single bed from her crib.  Tonight she told me she wanted to sleep on the floor.  I asked her if she wanted a big bed.  She sounded very interested until I told her that we would say good-bye to her crib.  Then she was ready to sleep in her crib.

Miss Fix-It
I'm guessing we turned Lily-Anna's carseat around from rear-facing to forward-facing around three months ago.  She still regularly says with excitement, "Turned around!" after we get in the van and start driving.  The boys find this annoying but I find her genuine thanksgiving endearing.

Soccer medal
When I leave Lily-Anna for the night, I often ask her who is always with her watching over her and who loves her.  She tells me, "Jesus."  I tell her that I have to go but that she can talk to Jesus and sing to Him.  A few times she has told me, "Can't see Him."

I had been playing an old cd in the van that the kids hadn't heard before.  One of the songs on the cd is about communion.   I don't think Kohen could have heard the song more than twice but then one day at our table during lunch I heard him say, "Lily-Anna, when you eat bread it's God's body.  When you drink wine it's Jesus' blood."  Let me take this time to confirm that Lily-Anna and Kohen have likely never seen wine, let alone had it with their lunch! 

I was teaching Kohen how to subtract a number during lunch.  He then told me, "If there are two 10s and you take away two 9s, there's 2."  I was surprised as I don't think he knows that 10 and 10 make 20.

Isaac's regular treat at school is a granola bar.  I wanted to give him an extra treat on his last days of school so one thing I bought was a bag of Oreo cookies.  I also gave Kohen and Lily-Anna one after lunch.  Lily-Anna took the Oreo apart and said, "That's beautiful."  I was at the kitchen counter and Kohen came up and gave me a hug from behind after eating his Oreo.  I asked, "Is that a thank-you hug?"  Kohen answered, "Yes.  Those are better than Tic Tacs.  Those are the best stuff I have ever eaten."  A minute later he came and gave me lots of kisses, saying, "You are the best Mommy."

Isaac told me that he thinks people are wired for two things - candy and stories.  I know I am!  I picked up a book at the Wallenstein store (what a great store!) called, "No Tears in Heaven" about twelve families who had children who died.  I really enjoyed reading the stories and crying through some of them.  I found their faith inspiring.  While full of grief, these parents also believed that the death of their child was God's will.  I can see where much comfort comes from proclaiming the sovereignty of God.

I've been able to cry a few times lately including when Graham and I enjoyed watching "I Can Only Imagine" and the PBS version of Little Women.

It's 11:11 - dance time - and there are fireworks outside my window (well, I can hear them).  Happy Birthday to my nephew Kieran today and Happy Birthday to my cousin Natasha tomorrow.  And, Happy Canada Day!
Our acrobat playing wii

Thanks for any prayers!


P.S. Graham bought a bike so he and the boys have enjoyed some outings. 


  1. Good morning Graham and Elizabeth: It is a joy reading your blog and watching (vicariously) your children grow and develop. Their comments are so wonderful and full of life and fun. I hope you have a great Canada Day. Try to stay cool. Bye for now, Christy

  2. Really missed you last month! And it's amazing how much the children have changed in that short time...especially Isaac. He is growing up quickly. You must be looking forward to Isaac practicing with his kayak - on ice 😄! Elizabeth, it blesses me to see the children reading. I pray they never lose that enjoyment. Love all the photos...always lovely to see you and Graham too! Many blessings to you all...
