Friday 31 August 2018

Summer Countdown

Four more days until school starts!  That still gives us time to get to Toronto Island and spend a night at a trailer.  The morning routine may be a little challenging next week.  I need to prepare for tomorrow so this may be shorter than usual.

Kohen starts JK!  He has a short interview on Tuesday and then he'll start full days on Thursday.  I'm looking forward to seeing how this transition goes.  We're going to miss him at home.  I'm going to miss my Kohen cuddles. 

Graham has had this past week off.  We had a nice visit with my brother's family near Ottawa.

As of tonight, we are officially cribless.  We set up Lily-Anna's bed last week and she has slept really well.  Tonight was actually the first night that she told me that she wanted to sleep in her crib and not her bed.  I told her that a baby needed her crib.  I'm not sure she was convinced that the baby needed it more than her.  We've also said goodbye to the changing pad and our awesome whale baby bath that all of our kids enjoyed over the years.

I'm a little sad to admit that it has taken us until Isaac is seven-and-a-half years old but today Isaac signed up for a bank account.  The kind lady at the bank didn't even make us roll his many coins.

Lily-Anna may be tempted to be a little bit of a bossy-bear.  She doesn't hold back in telling her brothers (and her parents) what she wants.  On the way to Ottawa she was telling Kohen to be quiet at one point.  We heard her say, "Quiet Kohen!  Upstairs neighbours!"  We live in what's called a 'stacked condo' so we have upstairs neighbours.  We clearly often tell the kids early in the morning to be quiet and remind them about our upstairs neighbours.  I guess we need to explain to Lily-Anna what this phrase means.   
Enjoying the rain in pajamas!

Kohen and Graham were having a chat.  Kohen was asking Graham how different animals attack their prey.  Graham said that a lion might look for the slowest hippo - perhaps one with a broken leg.  Kohen asked what a shark would do to get food.  Graham responded that he would tell him after his pajamas were on.  Kohen replied, "I know what I would do if I were a shark.  I would look for the slowest person.  Well, not Grandma because she's Grandma and I love her but if it was someone else's Grandma ..."

It was so special to spend some time with my cousin and his family from Northern Ireland.  We remember visiting with them in Northern Ireland when Isaac was about ten months old.  

All of the kids have been talking more about Josiah and missing him at various times.  Seeing TIFF advertised always reminds me of being in the hospital with Josiah.  We had a picnic at the cemetery tonight and watered Josiah's grave.  

Speaking of picnics, it's time that I pack one for tomorrow.

Thank you for any prayers.


Psalm 90:12
So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.

1 comment:

  1. I do hope school is going well for the boys, Elizabeth. I bet Lily-Anna misses Kohen when he's gone...probably very quiet around the house! It's amazing that she is in her own bed already - weeks and months are flying by. I'm glad Kohen would have mercy on his grandma! At almost 8 years old, Isaac is really filling his role as the big brother of the family very well, and he seems very protective of Lily-Anna...and has his own bank account - wow!
    Summer seems distant now...except for the scorching weather; I do hope you all had a good one. Christmas is coming! (sorry 🙄)
