I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! We've been enjoying our time with family. Last week was a full week and the celebrations continue. Tonight we'll celebrate New Year's Eve with Graham's parents. We'll say goodbye to 2013 and welcome 2014, a year that Josiah will never be part of (inside our time and space), except in our hearts and minds, photos and memories.
Christmas was nice. Thankfully there were some tears but we were also able to enjoy the day with family. We went to a Christian Reformed church service on Christmas morning. I grew up going to church on Christmas Day so it was nice to be able to do that again. The large church was packed. Of course we sang about Jesus coming as a baby and other things that brought Josiah to mind and tears to my eyes. I cry more easily when I'm out of my regular environment.
Watching city workers cleaning up branches |
On the Monday before Christmas, Graham and I went to SickKids to meet with Josiah's cardiologist who reviewed the autopsy report and gave us a copy. It was great timing to be able to receive this before the end of the year. We are both really happy we had the autopsy done. The cardiologist said that he recommends having one done as he thinks it helps the parents. It was a hard decision to make at the time last July as some medical personnel advised against it as we knew of Josiah's various conditions. I knew I wanted it done but I generally try to please people and not burden them and I knew this would cause more work and delay the funeral so I felt a little guilty. I was able to speak to other friends who had been in this situation as well as my friend's mother who is a pathologist (God provides in every way). Thankfully, Graham made the final decision that we should have the autopsy done.
The cardiologist said it's extremely likely that the cause of Josiah's death was his shunt. They found his shunt to be 40-50% narrowed which means that a lot less blood was getting to his lungs to be oxygenated. While there was no evidence of a clot, the doctor thinks a clot may have blocked the shunt, causing his death. Graham and I had never thought about this occurring and I hadn't been able to figure out how his heart could just stop so this was really helpful to hear.
I think it's a gift from God that we just had imaging of Josiah done about a month before his death. If we hadn't had it done, it would have been easy to think that we could have prevented this by having scans done. The imaging did not show severe narrowing of the shunt.
The autopsy was also able to confirm his earlier diagnoses. Apart from God intervening, there weren't good medical options for Josiah. While we never would have been ready to say good-bye to Josiah, God was ready to take him and we find comfort knowing that we will see him again.
This past Sunday our church family shared a feast at church followed by a baptismal and communion service. I love watching baptisms and hearing people's stories of how God made Himself known to them (our tradition has older children and adult baptisms and not infant baptisms).
Bingo the Bear is dead. Graham said he died quite a while ago but Isaac just informed me of this news last week (or perhaps I forgot). Bingo the Bear is one of the many characters in Graham's nightly stories which he makes up with Isaac's help. Isaac is one very blessed little boy to have new stories every night. Isaac told me that Bingo became sick and died and now has no more tubes.
Last week was also the first time that Isaac told me he was with someone in his room. He told me he was with a cat and then he went running down our hall and back with the cat (possibly holding his tail). He's often pretended with his stuffed animals but I think this was the first time everything was imaginary.
Josiah's gravesite in the snow |
Isaac uses one of our pillows as a "copy machine". The other day he copied himself so that there were four Isaacs. (I think this idea came up in one of Graham's stories). I asked how I would feed all of the Isaacs. Right away he copied an imaginary bowl of ice cream so that all the Isaacs had ice cream. I asked him to copy broccoli. He copied it for the other Isaacs but he didn't have any himself. Apparently not even pretend broccoli is to his liking.
I just finished reading "Undaunted: Daring to do what God calls you to do" by Christine Caine and now I'm reading "Radical: Taking back your faith from the American Dream" by David Platt. I'm very impressed that our local library had both of these books. Both are challenging and inspiring. Often when we're in the car together on a longer trip, I'll read to Graham. I read part of the first book to him and I want to read the second book to him.
I look forward to wishing you a Happy New Year in 2014. God has been so faithful and good to us in 2013. He has provided for us in every way. He will continue to help us grieve our sweet Josiah. We look forward to welcoming another son in 2014 and seeking God deeper, that our lives would glorify Him more and more. I'm afraid I'm much better at talking about this and reading about this than doing it - may that not be true in 2014.
Thank you for all your prayers!
Psalm 73:28
But as for me, how good it is to be near God! I have made the Sovereign Lord my shelter, and I will tell everyone about the wonderful things you do.