Saturday, 25 January 2014

New rooms

Isaac helping to wash his walls on which he drew
I'm feeling sleepy but it's been a productive day.  Josiah's room is now officially Isaac's room.  I'm thanking God for the idea that popped into my head sometime this week.  I really wasn't sure about it but I decided to ask Isaac (after Graham said he was fine with it) if he would like to change rooms.  Right away he told me that he would like to be in Josiah's room and he's been excited about it ever since.  The switch happened today.  My parents dropped by to lend a hand and it didn't take very long. 

Isaac's old room is set up just as it was when Isaac was a newborn, though it is still a mess with a number of Josiah's things that I haven't dealt with yet.  Earlier this week I sorted all of our bins of baby clothes.  Everything was mixed up but now all the bins are labelled.  It will feel good to wash the newborn clothes and have them put away ready for the new baby.  It will also be odd to be prepared ahead of time but I think I'll like the feeling.

Isaac in his new room (not wanting to smile for the camera)
Isaac is very happy with his new room and I think it will be good that the new baby won't be in Josiah's old room.  I was thinking that I would picture myself rocking Josiah each time I rocked the new baby in the chair.  I'm sure that will still happen, and I'll be glad for the memories, but the different room will be helpful.   

I'm often picking up a few things at the grocery store on Saturday evenings.  I'm not sure if it's just at this time or all the time but the music that's played is often emotional and slow and even without knowing the words I'm always thinking of Josiah and I walk around in a bit of a fog.

I realized the other Sunday that we'd passed the six-month mark without me even noticing.  I guess I'm  further away from when he was alive every day and also closer to seeing him again. 

Graham and I are trying not to be anxious about this baby's arrival.  We're trying to follow Philippians 4:6-8 (below).  I have some labour angst (both previous births were a little traumatic in different ways) but mostly we're wondering what feelings will be brought up and how we'll do with lack of sleep.  I'm definitely more emotional when I'm tired, not to mention the crazy hormones that will do their thing.  I've also not had a birth in which  I deliver and then they hand me the baby and leave.  Both Isaac and Josiah were whisked away within a few minutes - I guess that's my comfort zone (I'm sure that sounds a little ridiculous).  I had NICU and CCCU nurses telling me what to do and I'm so thankful I did.  Of course, we're not hoping for drama.  Have I mentioned that I'm not a great juggler?  However, God has always provided and I know He'll be with us through the birth and transition period.  We will welcome our gift from God with joy.   

I enjoyed reading a book about parenting powerful children.  I think Isaac and I have some power struggles because my natural bent is to be a little too controlling.  I think being aware of this will hopefully help me to parent him better.  I'm also very challenged by the book Radical which I've mentioned previously. 

Thanks for your prayers!



Philippians 4:6-8

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Know fully

Isaac dressed as a duckling
In the car on the way home tonight Isaac said to me, "I have a sweet tooth.  Be careful Mommy.  I'm going to eat you."

I was able to cry this week.  It's been a while.  I was thinking about the fact that while I will definitely see Josiah again, he won't be the Josiah I held close and sang to on the morning of July 6, shortly before he died.  I realize that when I see Josiah I won't care about the fact that he's not an oxygen-deprived, blue, scarred, delayed 14-month old beautiful baby ... but in my present reality that's not necessarily a happy thought as I want my baby again.  I want to be his Mommy.  There is a loss.  There are things that will never be again.

1 Corinthians 13:12 tells us: "For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known."  So yes, I do believe that being with Christ and knowing fully will mean that I will have full and complete joy as well ... but for now I need to grieve my losses.  However, I am thankful that we do not "sorrow as others who have no hope" (1 Thessalonians 4:13). 

I'm perusing a book from the library:  When the Bough Breaks: forever after the death of a son or daughter.  Graham read this quotation to me from the book:  "This grief, Theodore realized, was one of the few separating things in their life together.  ... He learned then about the isolation of grief, even for those in the same grief.  Grief can't be shared.  Every one carries it alone, his own burden, his own way." (Page 101)  Some research shows that "for fathers, grief seems to decline much more rapidly than for mothers.  Grief tends to be particularly intense for mothers two years after the death, although this will diminish after more time has passed." (Page 108) Another bereavement researcher says, "The death of a child has a paradoxical effect on the relationship between the parents.  The shared loss creates a new and very profound tie between them at the same time the individual loss each of them feels creates an estrangement in the relationship.  The paradox of a new bond amidst estrangement is a central theme in the marital relationships among bereaved parents." (Page 122)  I think Graham and I have both been open and honest about where we're at in terms of our grief so that has helped us a lot, along with God's abundant grace and comfort.

Isaac's had a haircut
It's past my bedtime.

Thanks for your prayers!


1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus.
For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words.

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Some thoughts

Last week I wrote that Graham and Isaac were feeling better.  Then Graham had to return home from work on Monday and he didn't go into work on Tuesday due to his cold and then it hit Isaac for the rest of the week.  Isaac's library program started up again this week but we skipped it as it felt like -40 degrees outside - crazy.  Hopefully we'll be able to go this Tuesday.  I'm healthy and praying that I stay that way.

Earlier this week I was speaking with Isaac about Graham being at work.  Isaac said, "You don't need to go to work Mommy."  I decided that I wanted to know more so I asked him, "Why don't I have to go to work?"  He actually responded by telling me, "Because you're a woman and women don't work."  Oh my.  He's three!  No thank you.  What have I done?  I let him know that in fact I do work (giving examples) and that before he came along I worked a lot outside of our home and explained that many many women do work outside the home.   I'm thinking he's come to this conclusion for a few main reasons.  First, I speak quite a bit about how thankful we are that Daddy works hard all day so that I can stay home with Isaac and we thank Graham for working at his job and shovelling snow, etc.  I don't usually use the word work to talk about what I do at home.  Also, he's mainly exposed to me, Grandmas, and other stay-at-home moms though he would of course see women working at the grocery store, library, and places we would visit. 

Isaac has the idea that as he gets bigger and bigger, Graham and I will get smaller and smaller.  He told me that he'll make me lunch and supper when this happens. 

"I'm one of Josiah's books."
Isaac was looking through a box of "Josiah's books" during one of his quiet times.  He called me to come to him and when I arrived he was on top of the basket of books and told me that he was one of Josiah's books.  I told him that he was Josiah's favourite book. 

Isaac became most upset at supper yesterday because he told us he had eaten too much food and wanted dessert.  He told us that his supper went to his stomach but dessert would go to his head.  I left this one to Graham as he's better at getting Isaac to eat.  He told Isaac that he needed to eat two more bites and then he could have dessert.  Isaac said, no, he'd eat ten.  As it turned out, there were only seven bites left so he finished his plate and then ate a cookie. 

Isaac received some paints this Christmas so he painted his first painting with a paintbrush this week (he's done finger painting and Popsicle stick painting in the past). 

I've done quite a bit of baking this week.  I've been trying to use up things in my cupboard and freezer.  I bought ingredients and was hoping to bake for Christmas but that didn't end up happening.  Isaac usually likes to help me bake but he still leaves the room when I have to use the mixer as he doesn't like the noise. 

One perk of Graham working at the library is that he is able to borrow books from different libraries.  He ordered "For All The Saints?  Remembering the Christian Departed" by N.T. Wright.  You may recall my question about the period of time between one's death and resurrection.  I read most of another of N.T. Wright's books but I wasn't quite clear on where he stood (as this question wasn't the point of that book) but he's very clear in this book.

Grandma L. makes lovely sweaters!
He writes, "... all the Christian departed are in substantially the same state, that of restful happiness.  This is not the final destiny for which they are bound, namely the bodily resurrection; it is a temporary resting place."  Again he says, "I have tried to articulate what I take to be the solid, substantial and central New Testament hope, based on the death and resurrection of Jesus and the gift of his Spirit:  that all God's people in Christ are assured of being with Christ himself, in a glorious restful existence, until the day when everything is renewed, when heaven and earth at last become one, and we are given new bodies to live and love and celebrate and rule in God's new creation."  This rest includes awareness.  To me, this idea seems to correspond better to many passages about death in the Bible.  However, I think the Bible is vague about this time period - perhaps because the big excitement is the resurrection, not the time in between. 

I still find it a little obscure - resting but aware with Jesus and no body - and yet the idea of Josiah having a rest with Jesus is actually quite glorious.  I should confess that when I was little I daydreamed about going to school in my double bed in my pyjamas so the idea of a complete rest in paradise with Jesus sounds amazing!  It's easy to look back at our wonderful pictures of Josiah laughing and think that his life was like that but it wasn't.  I'd grab the camera and snap the picture when he was smiling (and we are so thankful for all those precious moments, photos, and memories).  We have some other pictures and videos that tell more of the reality.  He had a hard life.  He seemed most at peace when he was sleeping. 

I like what he writes about praying for the dead: "True prayer is an outflowing of love; if I love someone, I will want to pray for them, not necessarily because they are in difficulties, not necessarily because there is a particular need of which I'm aware, but simply because holding them up in God's presence is the most natural and appropriate thing to do ....  Now love doesn't stop at death.  In fact, grief could almost be defined as the form love takes when the object of love has been removed; it is love embracing an empty space, love kissing thin air and feeling the pain of that nothingness.  But there is no reason at all why love should discontinue the practice of holding the beloved in prayer before God."  Wright wrote of a professor and layman in the church whose three adult children had died "and he had come to realize that it was perfectly in order to continue to hold those beloved children before God in prayer ... because he wanted to talk to God about them, to share as it were his love for them with the God who had given them and had inexplicably allowed them to be taken away again."  Our prayers when Graham leaves in the morning and before bed include, "Please say hi to Josiah for us."  I ask God to tell Josiah I love him and miss him.

It's past my bedtime.  We had a lovely dinner at our friends' home this evening.  We're looking forward to church in the morning.

Thank you for your prayers!



Psalm 9:9-10
The LORD is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.  And those who know your name put their trust in you, for you, O LORD, have not forsaken those who seek you.

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Happy 2014!

New pyjamas
There's not much to report right now other than Graham says I'm nesting.  I think I'll need to nest for a couple of months in order to clear some space in our basement.  Last night and today I've been able to recycle and get rid of tons of old papers and course notes and odds and ends (this even included some high school notes!).  There are still lots of piles for me to tackle and I'd love to just keep going tonight until it's all dealt with but that would be unwise.  I'll go at it a pile and a box at a time.

Graham and Isaac have been a little under the weather but both are feeling better now.  

Each day I read the blog post from last year and remember.  Josiah went through a lot even those first couple of months at home when we hadn't figured out the right amount of morphine or the correct way to tape his face.  Thankfully Graham was able to be off of work until the 7th of January so that we could learn through the transition together.  God provided in so many ways.

I am excited that my new study Bible arrived yesterday.  I've started a new reading plan and I'm hoping to learn and grow.

In cleaning out the basement, I saw a little crib that I played with when I was a small girl.  I asked Graham what he thought about Isaac using it for some of his stuffed animals.  Graham was fine with the idea so I asked Isaac if he'd like me to put a crib in his closet and he was very excited.  He put a little lamb in it right away and covered him up and then told me that he needed to read the Bible to the lamb so he took out his Bible. 
Putting Lamb to bed in the crib
Then he knelt by the crib and prayed before leaving the room so that the lamb could sleep.

We're looking forward to getting together with our group members from The Coping Centre soon.  It will be good to see everyone again.

Thanks for your prayers!



Saying prayers for Lamb
Ephesians 5:1-2
Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children.  And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.