Saturday, 4 January 2014

Happy 2014!

New pyjamas
There's not much to report right now other than Graham says I'm nesting.  I think I'll need to nest for a couple of months in order to clear some space in our basement.  Last night and today I've been able to recycle and get rid of tons of old papers and course notes and odds and ends (this even included some high school notes!).  There are still lots of piles for me to tackle and I'd love to just keep going tonight until it's all dealt with but that would be unwise.  I'll go at it a pile and a box at a time.

Graham and Isaac have been a little under the weather but both are feeling better now.  

Each day I read the blog post from last year and remember.  Josiah went through a lot even those first couple of months at home when we hadn't figured out the right amount of morphine or the correct way to tape his face.  Thankfully Graham was able to be off of work until the 7th of January so that we could learn through the transition together.  God provided in so many ways.

I am excited that my new study Bible arrived yesterday.  I've started a new reading plan and I'm hoping to learn and grow.

In cleaning out the basement, I saw a little crib that I played with when I was a small girl.  I asked Graham what he thought about Isaac using it for some of his stuffed animals.  Graham was fine with the idea so I asked Isaac if he'd like me to put a crib in his closet and he was very excited.  He put a little lamb in it right away and covered him up and then told me that he needed to read the Bible to the lamb so he took out his Bible. 
Putting Lamb to bed in the crib
Then he knelt by the crib and prayed before leaving the room so that the lamb could sleep.

We're looking forward to getting together with our group members from The Coping Centre soon.  It will be good to see everyone again.

Thanks for your prayers!



Saying prayers for Lamb
Ephesians 5:1-2
Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children.  And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

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