Ready for a "grassy day" |
It's been a productive day. We now have an infant car seat in the car, the crib monitor is set up, and there are a number of items packed in a suitcase along with a list of things to add when the time is right. While I'm happy to wait another couple of weeks for Baby Faulkner to arrive, it's nice to feel that we have the basics covered in terms of our readiness. Baby Faulkner is kicking me as I type so he may well be anticipating some more elbow room.
Graham's parents visited with us this afternoon and helped watch Isaac and put a bookcase together with Graham for Isaac's room. That meant that Isaac's smaller bookcase could be moved back to the baby's room which means that I now have a place to put a glass of water while I'm nursing the baby at night.
Last Sunday Isaac did not want to go to church because he didn't want to go to Sunday School. This is odd for him. It took a few tries to get the real reason but finally on the way to church he said that his teachers tell him to "jump and sing." Graham said right away that he doesn't have to do this and that we'd speak with his lovely teachers. I am well aware from going with Isaac to the library program that he does not want to jump up and down, even though I encourage him to do so. I'm thankful that he was able to articulate his concerns.
When we were walking into church last week, Isaac said, "I want it to be a grassy day." (as opposed to a snowy day). I wouldn't be opposed to a grassy day.
Josiah's snowy plot |
We went to the cemetery last week but Isaac fell asleep in the car and there was lots of snow so Graham just took a few photos and I just stood by the car briefly.
Isaac came into our room one morning around 6:30 when he's allowed to get up. He went to Graham's side of the bed and said, "I'm checking if you're available Daddy." He really wanted to know if Graham's iPod was available so that he could play Endless Alphabet. We sometimes let him play the game between us in the bed if it will give us a few more minutes of rest.
Memorizing verses with Isaac is good for me. He chose the 'D' verse last week: "Do all things without complaining and disputing" from Philippians 2:14. I need that reminder.
Surprising Graham at his office |
I hope you had a Happy Valentine's Day. Isaac said that I have four Valentines: Daddy, Isaac, Josiah in heaven, and Baby-on-the-way. I'm a blessed woman! On Thursday I told Isaac that I would take him out for a treat for Valentine's Day. He asked if Daddy could be there so that gave me the idea of surprising Graham at work. I made some squares in the morning and then we went to Graham's office for our treat. I prayed that he would be there and it worked out well. We had our treat and then he went to a meeting.
I decided to take Isaac out for lunch. I've wanted to do something special with just him before the baby arrives and I know he enjoys restaurants. On the way to this surprise, I told him that he was Mommy's date. (Background information: He says that I can't eat him all up but that I am allowed to nibble on him). After I told him that he was my date, he responded, "I'm your date because you nibble on me" (referring to the edible date, of course). He then told me that he was a cupcake with dates and chocolate chips but that I couldn't eat the chocolate chips because they were sour. I'm quite sure he just wanted all the chocolate chips to himself. He told me the other day that I couldn't have a bite of his cookie because it was too sweet for me. I had told him previously that I needed to watch what sweet things I eat.
Mommy's little Valentine |
It was really nice to be out with Isaac. He was well behaved and a pleasure to be with. As it was when Josiah arrived, it will be a transition going from one boy to two and having to share my time. At least I know it will be a challenge this time in terms of missing one-on-one time. And of course, Josiah's needs were very different and Isaac is that much older so it will be a new experience.
I almost forgot to mention that Isaac is now registered for junior kindergarten, though we won't decide until August if or how often we want him to attend. He doesn't turn four until December and I'll be at home so I can watch him with his brother. On the other hand, I think he'll love school after he gets accustomed to it. After this March Break we are welcome to go to the school and take out a couple of books from the library each week.
Mommy's delicious date |
It's not hard for either Graham or I to look at Josiah's lovely photos. In some ways I wish that it were harder and brought tears. I would love to have photos of Josiah all around me but the ones in the larger photo frames that we used for the visitation and funeral are sitting on the floor in the corner of our room. I finally put some photos in a photo box in our living room. I'm always conscious of how Isaac might feel about having lots of Josiah's photos around. Eventually we'll have some sort of wooden memory box or a piece of furniture to have some of Josiah's items accessible to the boys and us. Right now we have two Rubbermaid bins in the basement with lots of Josiah's papers and odds and ends. The clothes and most or all of the toys will be used by the new baby. Eventually we'll also make a photobook and books of the blog, though I'll add photos and a few other things to the archives first. I think those will be very meaningful to have at hand and for the boys to have.
Alright, it's nearly time for bed. Of the three boys, I'm most nervous about this labour. I think with Isaac it was all new and I didn't have a clue what to expect in terms of pain. With Josiah I think we were so focused on Josiah's challenges and all the unknowns that went along with him that I didn't think much about labour. This time I have time to think ... and pray. Thank you for your prayers!
John 15:14,17
14 You are My friends if you do whatever I command you. ... 17 These things I command you, that you love one another.