Saturday, 10 May 2014

In Toronto

We travelled to Toronto today for an event hosted by the Paediatric Advanced Care Team from SickKids.  We met with other bereaved families who had children cared for at SickKids who died in 2012 or 2013.  It was a good afternoon.  I think Isaac's favourite part was working with Graham to make a sick doll that he said was Baby Josiah.  He put a bandaid on his leg and some tape on his face "to hold his tubes."  He hugged the doll a number of times and put it in the stroller to sleep.  (He also threw it around.)

At the end of the day there was a balloon release.  Isaac told me to write the following on his note for the balloon: "Dear Josiah, I love you.  Thank you for staying here some days.  Why did you pass away?  Love, Isaac xoxoxo"

Kohen has his two-month doctor's visit and vaccinations this past week.  On Tuesday he weighed 12.872 pounds and was 25 inches long.  He's above the 95th percentile for height and at the 76th percentile for weight.      

It was McHappy Day at McDonalds on Wednesday.  Graham took Isaac.  Money from certain items on the menu goes to Ronald McDonald Houses.  Apparently there were lots of people when Graham went. 

I feel like I'm out of the newborn fog.  It helps that the nights are good. 

Graham was telling me how he was missing Josiah one day this week.  I wish I could/would have those feelings along with the pain and tears.  It's been a long time since I've cried. 

It's time to sleep.  Thank you for your prayers!


Psalm 68:19
Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation.

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