Monday, 19 May 2014

Kohen's Dedication

Happy Victoria Day!  It's been a lovely day and a great weekend.  My brother's family who lives near Ottawa all made the trek to Kitchener on Friday evening.  The whole family celebrated my mom's birthday on Saturday and yesterday we celebrated Kohen's dedication to the Lord.  It was wonderful to spend time with family and friends.

Graham has written out a blessing for each of our boys to bless them on their dedication day.  We spoke these blessings over Kohen in the afternoon.  In the church where I grew up, the parents were always asked a set of questions pertaining to how they will raise their child (for example, "Do you commit yourselves to teach and influence your child for Christ both by word and example?") so my dad also asks us these questions during our home ceremony.  The questions were a good challenge and a reminder of the importance of our commitment.  I tell Isaac that the most important thing to us is that he knows, loves, and serves Jesus.    

My birthday was this past week.  I asked God for the gift of tears.  I did get a few.  I worked on designing Josiah's headstone in the afternoon and I wanted to go to the cemetery in the evening.  I did let Graham buy me a drink from Starbucks on the way home.  I watched most of the funeral again in the evening, although even that didn't elicit tears.  I think my favourite part is getting the funeral director to open up the casket during the service for Isaac's benefit. 

Graham liked Isaac's description of his tall dresser.  He said it's a "bunk bed for clothes."  If Isaac disobeys while getting ready for bed, the consequence is often losing one of his stories about Chippy and Skippy that Graham makes up.  One evening this past week Graham told Isaac that he'd lost a story and it was a really good one about Chippy and Skippy in a submarine.  Graham told me that Isaac then used great logic to convince him that it was actually a less interesting boat story that he had lost and not in fact the exciting submarine story.

Isaac was playing with a truck this week in which he placed a toy backpack in the windshield.  He told me it wasn't a backpack so I asked him what it was.  He thought to himself and then told me it was a JPS.  I asked if he meant a GPS and he agreed. 

Isaac was given a helium balloon this week while visiting his grandparents.  It blew out the back of their parked car and Isaac was just beside himself and couldn't stop crying.  My sweet boy told my mom that Josiah must have wanted the balloon (in heaven).  He wanted a hug when he returned home and he told me the story with new tears in his eyes.  My parents bought him a new balloon that says, "You're so special."

We received some great advice in a card written by friends.  They wrote, "We pray you would see yourselves the way God sees you - so completely precious, loved and the joy of his heart!  Parent with this confidence because its impact will sink deep into your children's lives ...."  We are blessed with great friends.

Thank you for your prayers.


Exodus 14:13
And Moses said to the people, "Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the LORD, which he will work for you today.  For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see again.  The LORD will fight for you, and you have only to be silent."

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