Isaac told me tonight that when he was little he looked out our front window up at the sky to see if he could see Josiah. He couldn't. A couple of weeks ago Isaac said, "I think Josiah's happier in Heaven than he was here." I do too. Isaac told me last week that he wanted to go to Heaven and asked if we could go. He wants to know why God hasn't called us home yet.
Josiah lived for 450 days after his birth. We thank God for that time with him. As of today, I have lived without him for 450 days.
We visited Ronald McDonald House Toronto on Saturday and ate our lunch at SickKids. Isaac has asked for a while to go back to RMHT to play in the playroom so I called them up and they were happy to accomodate. Isaac's also spoken about going to the Toronto farm that we visited while we stayed there so we were planning to do that as well but Isaac just wanted to play at RMHT. He played for a long time in the small play room and then outside on the playground that looks like a fire truck. It was a beautiful day and happily it included some Thai food for supper. You can't go wrong with panang curry.
Isaac is Mr. Observant. We were at an event in August at which most of the other women and girls were more dressed up than I was. I was helping him in the washroom and he asked me, "Where's your dress?" He has also recently realized that we have the smallest home of those he has visited. I was putting him to bed one night and he asked why our house isn't bigger. I was explaining to him how God provided our home and how we are so thankful for it and how I am able to stay home, etc. He told me he wants a huge house. He would have more fun in a bigger house. He would play more. I said that perhaps he would have a bigger house when he's my age.
I love walking Isaac to and from school. Thankfully the weather has been amazing. I was crunching leaves underfoot this morning. I love that sound! Each morning Isaac tells me that he doesn't want to go to school and then when I pick him up at lunch time he tells me that he had a wonderful morning. I've been able to volunteer with the class once and also do a couple of odd jobs for the teacher at my home. I like being part of this school community. I've been able to meet a few other moms as we wait for the kids to go inside. I've been encouraging Isaac to be a "Friendly Faulkner" to his classmates.
Graham and I both started attending Bible studies a few weeks ago. I googled "Women's Bible Study Kitchener" and found one not too far from where we live. It's been nice to meet some people there and I'm thrilled to be part of a study again. I'm also thankful that mine starts at 9:30 (Graham's study is at 6:30!)
I found Kohen's first tooth last week! It hasn't seemed to bother him very much. He's officially sitting up now. I like being able to leave him sitting with his toys.
Isaac has recently started drawing a lot more. It's such fun watching him grow and develop. I hope he always makes us stories. He told us the other day that he took Kohen with him to collect frogs in the tropical rainforest. Kohen was stung by a beetle that went into his heart and made it cold. The beetle didn't sting Isaac because it doesn't sting doctors (Isaac was a doctor). Isaac used his saw to get the beetle out of Kohen's heart.
Isaac told me that he and Bearamiah (one of his bears) went to see Pharoah in Egypt to make him happy. "Bearamiah sang The Lord is My Shepherd. I sang with him because I know the words so if he forgot some, I could help him."
The last few weekends we've actually been somewhat energetic. We've flown a kite for the first time with Isaac (at the cemetery) and gone for walks with Isaac on his bike. I'm happy to say that we've had homemade pizza two Fridays in a row and they tasted much better the second week. Isaac likes looking in the bread maker and putting on the toppings.
It was so wonderful to have a cousin visiting from Northern Ireland. Oh how I wish we lived closer to so many people.
Every so often Kohen will cry a lot and it will be hard to get him to stop. That takes me back to when we couldn't get Josiah to stop crying. For a split second I think maybe something's wrong with Kohen that wasn't found in the echo. Perhaps his oxygen saturation level is lower than it should be. I don't want to lose another child. I'm not sure if I'll be brave enough (strong enough) to do real sleep training with Kohen as that would involve a lot of crying (at least it did with Isaac). He goes down fairly well so maybe we'll get away without it.
Thank you for your prayers.
Revelation 21:4
He will wipe every tear from their
eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the
old order of things has passed away.
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