Saturday 31 March 2018

Time marches on!

Last day being 3 years old!
It's raining outside so I guess March is "going out like a lamb."  We are quite happy to welcome spring.  The boys each used their money to buy baseball mitts today and Isaac is looking forward to starting soccer in May.  Kohen is too young for the place Isaac goes but he enjoys practicing soccer with Graham. 

Kohen just started a 'Get Ready for Kindergarten' program at our library.  He was very excited to tell Graham that he went to the program alone.  I think he'll enjoy kindergarten and I'm glad he'll be older than Isaac was when he started.  He had his fourth birthday this month; it was fun to celebrate with family. 

At the bus stop
Graham had a couple of days off during March Break.  One of his work days he took all three children on the bus.  Graham's parents took all three for a night and Graham and I enjoyed a dinner out.  We picked them up the next day and headed for a hotel which had all of the necessary ingredients for the kids: a pool, a t.v., and breakfast in the morning. 

Graham now has a CPAP machine.  He's still in the transition stage of getting used to it but we're hoping it helps him feel more rested (and get more oxygen at night). 

Kohen's shoes, Isaac's hat, dressed to impress!
We have a new kitchen in our home ... and it's four feet tall.  I found a kitchen I liked on Kijiji and we decided to give it to the kids now rather than wait until Lily-Anna's birthday at the end of May.  They've been having fun with it. 

Graham was giving Kohen a bath and they were having a "meeting" to make sure that Kohen knows all his body parts.  At one point Kohen was saying, "Okay, now let's talk about hands.  Hands are kind of strange ...."  After the bath Graham said, "Kohen, that was a great meeting."  Kohen responded, "Actually, it was amazing!"

Lily-Anna bit her lip today while eating her lunch.  I consoled her and kissed her lip and then she said, "God" while pointing up.  Graham let me know that this meant she wanted me to pray about it, so I did.  We make tons of mistakes with the kids and most days I feel like I'm failing at this crucial role of motherhood ... but even my 22 month old knows that we need to go to God in prayer with our needs.  So, we're doing one thing right, at least. 

We get to celebrate tomorrow - the resurrection of Jesus Christ; the conquering of death; the new life offered to all; the beautiful hope of eternity; the freedom we can enjoy; the peace, joy, and love we can know; the grace and mercy we desperately need; the perfect plan of God; the comfort and wisdom of the Holy Spirit ....  There are so many reasons to celebrate.  I wish I could fathom it more.  I wish I could feel it.  I wish I could understand what Jesus did for me and you.

Treats at Daddy's work!
I've had more emotion lately.  I was reading Heidi and a book about a man who hid and saved Jews during the war and both times I had tears.  Kohen always wants to kiss and hug me and say sweet things to me when this happens.  It would be great to have those same tears about Jesus.

I hope you and yours can also celebrate tomorrow because Christ is risen!  Indeed, He is risen!  And that changes everything.

Thanks for any prayers!


Reading in comfort
1 Corinthians 15:54-57

54 So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: “Death is swallowed up in victory.”[g]
55 “O Death, where is your sting?[h]
O Hades, where is your victory?”[i]
56 The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law. 57 But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Isaac enjoying a sunrise


  1. Christ is Risen! In truth, He is Risen! Wishing you and your dear family a blessed celebration of the resurrection of our Lord Christ. Love these photos. Much love! cs

  2. Not sure where the time has gone, but I've missed two of your blog posts! Lovely photos of the children...its wonderful to watch them grow. Imagine - Kohen going to school in September! Does my heart good to see them all reading books. Spring is trying very hard to arrive - the children will love going out to play, no doubt!
