Isaac's new teacup |
Happy March!!! I guess we're having a March baby, though Baby Faulkner seems quite content to hang out inside me. He's probably hoping for some warmer weather before his arrival. On Tuesday my doctor said that his head was still quite high.
Isaac hasn't been feeling well yesterday or today so we'll be spending the day at home tomorrow. He had just had his bath last night and Graham was joking with him in his room. He suddenly said, "All this talking is making me sick." and then a few moments later he was sick. May God bless all the single moms who deal with sick children by themselves. I'm thankful Graham and I can work together.
Last Sunday Isaac said he didn't want to go to church, letting us know that "Bob the Builder doesn't go to church." I wasn't ready for this. I alternated between saying that he does go to church, he should go to church and talked about why we go to church.
We were watching some of the closing ceremonies of the Olympics last week. We asked Isaac what he would like to be in the Olympics. We were waiting to hear which sport he would choose when he told us that he would be a doctor there. At the time of this conversation, there was an orchestra playing on the screen so I asked him if he'd like to also play in the orchestra (preferably a bassoon or cello) but he said no. :) He prefers to focus on one thing at a time.
I enjoyed this random conversation with Isaac this past week:
Isaac: There was a driver on top of the wall. Humpty Dumpty looked up and said, "What are you doing up there?" Then the driver fell off the wall.
Mommy: Is that where Humpty Dumpty got the idea to fall?
Isaac: No. Jack and Jill gave him the idea.
Perhaps instead of a doctor he'll be a professor of comparative literature. :)
I did not enjoy this conversation with Isaac while at the breakfast table:
Mommy: Isaac, what are you making for dinner tonight?
Isaac: No.
Mommy: No? What do you mean?
Isaac: Woman.
Mommy: Pardon me?!
Isaac: You.
Mommy: Do you know that men can also make dinner?!
[At this point Graham decides to add that the top chefs are men!]
Isaac: I'm still little.
He knows that men bake as he likes to bake with me but usually he plays while I prepare dinner. I guess I should find a way to include him.
I bought a small tea cup set for Isaac (I guess it's actually an espresso set) so that we can enjoy tea time together after Baby Faulkner arrives. Hopefully it will be a special time for the two of us. He likes drinking tea (mainly milk).
Sometimes in the morning I ask Isaac if he wants to write Daddy a note on his napkin to put into his lunch bag. Isaac tells me what to write. He sometimes needs a little prompting at the end. I liked this one from earlier this week (see photo below). He always goes and shows Graham his note before packing it.
Isaac's napkin note for Daddy |
I can't cry directly about Josiah. I need to become sad about something else first and then I can sort of transfer my thoughts to Josiah and be sad about him. This week I was sad about all that Josiah had to go through - all the pain and suffering.
This week while in the waiting room at my doctor's office I heard a woman say that she was pregnant with her fourth child. I thought to myself that this should be my fourth child. It is my fourth child, though I just have one at home instead of three (we lost our first baby due to an ectopic pregnancy).
I recently received mail addressed to Josiah to let me know that his health card expires in April. Apparently I need to order a death certificate to cancel his health card, even though it will be expired and I won't be able to use it. If I do cancel it then they will take the health card from me. I like having it in my wallet. I guess I'll order a death certificate to have on hand.
It's been another productive day. The laundry is done, the house is neater, and I even submitted insurance claims, including the last two for Josiah - one for his ambulance charge last May (we weren't charged for his final ambulance ride) and one for his face mask to take ventolin. I didn't realize these would be covered until recently. It's an extra good day because all of the socks in Isaac's drawer have a matching partner.
Thank you for your continued prayers!
Matthew 22:37-39
And he said to him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbour as yourself."