Saturday, 29 March 2014

A crummy snack

Peaceful in his wrap
God bless the makers of the Sleepy Wrap (now called the Boba Wrap).  It's been very helpful with calming Kohen when he's upset.  I remember Josiah really liking it as well.  Thankfully, Kohen has seemed to be a little less fussy the last few days and I've also been better able to deal with the crying/screaming when it does happen.  Those two things may well be related.

I was hoping Kohen would skip the baby acne but it arrived a couple of days ago.

We went to the headstone showroom this morning.  Isaac picked out his favourite one as well as the ones he said were the favourites of Kohen and Josiah.  We're hoping to pick the size and shape this week so that the stone can be ordered.  The cemetery would pour the cement base at the end of May and then we'd like to have the headstone in the ground for the anniversary of Josiah's death on July 6.  I think having a headstone will be good in terms of helping me to face the reality of Josiah's death.  It will also just be nice to have a marker of where his "body" lies.

Helping to measure
I ordered Kohen's birth certificate and social insurance number this week and then I ordered Josiah's death certificate.  It's so nice that all of this can be done fairly quickly and easily online. 

Isaac told me this week that Chippy and Skippy (a chipmunk and a squirrel - two characters from Graham's stories) went to heaven and visited Bingo Bob (a bear that Isaac said died) and then came back.  He said that Bingo Bob used to have tubes in his nose but now he doesn't in heaven.  We both thought it would be nice if we were able to visit Josiah in heaven. 

Isaac asked for a snack yesterday so I gave him all his options (all of which were healthy).  He then told me, "I want something crummy."  He specified that this could be a muffin.  I didn't have any muffins.  A little later he said, "I want something sugary."  I told him that apples have a lot of sugar but he didn't want an apple. 

Isaac's ship - I love the symmetry!
Thank you for your prayers!  We're looking forward to being in church tomorrow.



Romans 3:23-24
... for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, ...

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