Sleeping on Mommy |
I saw a lactation consultant on Wednesday and she said that I have an overproduction of milk with a very fast let-down so Kohen struggles with being able to swallow all the milk. For some feeds he just comes off of me as soon as the milk comes and screams. This happens over and over again. That gets old in a hurry. I often eventually call Graham to come and take him to try to calm him down and to give me a little break. I took an advil today. The screaming had seemed to be more of an evening thing but he did this for both a morning and afternoon feed today. I'm hoping this doesn't mean it's getting worse. He also seems to cluster feed at least once a day. Both of these things make me hesitant to go out with both boys at the moment. When he's not feeding, Kohen is usually sleeping.
Daddy and his boys |
It's time to record some Isaac sayings so I don't forget them:
I've told Isaac the difference between his 2% milk and my skim milk. He asked me the other day, "My milk has fat in it?" I said it did. He then said, "Does your milk have thin in it?"
Brothers |
If Isaac disobeys during the evening when he is getting ready for bed, his consequence is to lose one of Daddy's stories. Daddy usually tells three stories. The last couple of nights he has lost one story. I think we're going to have to change our tactics because he no longer minds losing the first story. If Graham tells him he's lost a story, Isaac responds, "That was the bad story. I have two good stories left."
Isaac likes to tell us about things he did when he was one or two years of age. He also sometimes talks about when he is four years old. He thought we might buy him a baseball helmet when he turns four. He obviously understands the concept of buying things. He suggested to Graham that a reward for good behaviour could be going to the store and buying him a watch and an iPod. I guess the timbit treats just aren't cutting it.
It was wonderful to have a visit from a friend this week.
I had at least one good cry this week. I looked at Josiah's picture and thought, "We have a dead baby. People aren't supposed to have dead babies." I cry and then it passes.
Sadly, we attended a funeral for Graham's uncle this week. This wonderful man will be greatly missed.
Thank you so much for your prayers!
Psalm 62:8
Trust in him at all times, O people;
Pour out your heart before him;
God is a refuge for us.
Like Isaac, Elizabeth, you had a habit of falling asleep in the car while denying it. Until that time when my mum woke you up because she'd accidentally driven onto a parade route and told you to wave. I think that put an end to sleeping in my mum's car at least. Big hugs to you all. Thinking of you and keeping you in prayer. Tash