Friday, 31 August 2012

Funny Rhythms

Josiah has had another relatively calm day.  He's had funny heart rhythms that a number of fellows and doctors have been trying to figure out.  An EP (electrophysiology) fellow was consulted and he seemed quite fascinated with what he was seeing.  If I heard correctly, he hypothesized that Josiah may have two AV nodes firing, given that he has right atrial isomerism.  They were going to study his ECG reports.  I haven't heard if they've determined what's actually happening but he's currently on continuous pacemaker at 165 bpm as well as medication to maintain a correct rhythm.  He's also on a cooling blanket set to 35 degrees. 

Josiah had a sponge bath today and another bed sore was found on his head but it hasn't opened so there shouldn't be risk of an infection.  He is quite puffy.  Once the rhythm issue has been sorted out, I believe they will increase his lasix which will reduce the fluid.  He takes a lot of muscle relaxant and sedation to keep him from moving. 

I feel guilty writing that I had a good nap this afternoon, knowing that Graham is at least as exhausted as I am and he's been at work all day.  He'll come with Isaac tomorrow morning.  I'm going to work on some laundry now.  Hopefully the rest of the residents don't have the same idea. 

It's August 31 and I arrived here on July 31.  It's amazing to think of all that's happened over the month.  God is so faithful and His grace is more than sufficient. 

I've been listening to the song, "I Lift My Eyes Up" this week based on Psalm 121 and today someone sent me the same verses:

I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip—
he who watches over you will not slumber;
indeed, he who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.

I can't imagine not knowing where my help comes from.  He never sleeps but He "grants sleep to those He loves." (Psalm 127:2).  Only once have I been unable to sleep when I tried to nap during the day.  I haven't missed sleeping one night (though the nights may have been shorter than I would have liked, usually due to pumping).  Thank You Lord for the gift of sleep!




  1. The world is a better place when "mom" gets a chance to sleep ;) Glad to hear such a good report!

  2. hello Elizabeth and Graham.
    His mercies are new every morning. Lamentations 3 v 23.
    How excellent is thy loving kindness, O God! therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of thy wings. Psalm 36 v 7.
    "I will restore you to health and heal your wounds," declares the Lord. Jeremiah 30:17. In the name of Jesus I claim this for little Josiah.
    have a comforting and bright family day together with your sons, Isaac and Josiah.
    love and prayers from your Auntie Julia.

  3. I can so identify with your month-long hospital journey. From May 22nd until July 3rd, my sister and I were caregivers for my parents 24/7 as my father was admitted to hospital for 22 days with multiple issues. Once discharged, the next dilemma was homecare which took multiple resources and meetings to co-ordinate. Through this journey, with many life-threatening episodes, I remember praying at the hospital: "Dear God, no matter what happens, I want it to be Your Plan." And so I peacefully accepted each day's events knowing that I was standing in faith for my Saviour to oversee people and circumstances.

    I recognize that same emphasis in your story of Josiah. You are exemplary examples of faith warriors who are trusting God for His Plan. In that acceptance, comes peace. In addition, I felt covered by the prayers of many friends, and WPA prayer warriors. This helped provide strength and endurance. And then there was Pastor Marshall visiting and praying in the hospital corridors at all hours just like he has done for you and Graham.

    So know, that you are not alone. I am just one of your many prayer warriors who are seeking God's wisdom for your family and the doctors at Sick Kids.

    This morning, I read about an old neighbour's untimely death and when I saw that donations could be made to Sick Kids' Hospital, I immediately thought of Josiah. I made that donation this afternoon.

    Paul said: "In all our troubles I am still full of courage."
    2 Cor.7:4

    Nancy R.
