Friday, 3 August 2012

Thank You MPCF!

This evening I left Josiah around 7:00 to come back to RMH and say goodnight to Isaac using Facetime.  How wonderful to be able to see my son in Kitchener from Toronto!  After that I discovered that a group of people had made dinner for people staying at RMH.  This is part of the Home for Dinner Program.  It was such a wonderful surprise to find chicken burgers, sweet potato fries, lettuce salad with peppers and tomatoes, blueberries, pineapple, and cookies!  I asked someone where they were from and the answer was the Michael Pinball Clemons Foundation.  God bless them!  I just checked out their website and their volunteers do this once a month!  The first time I experienced a Home for Dinner meal in April, I nearly cried.  It was such a blessing to come back from the hospital and meet strangers who had prepared a lovely meal!

I went back to the hospital and pumped around 8:30 and then I went to say goodnight to Josiah.  His night nurse will just let him sleep and she'll suction him if necessary.  He has been tolerating his feedings.  They started him with just 5mL and they increase the amount at each feed.  The goal is to get him to 90mL per feed.  He has been on lasix today and it seems to be helping to eliminate some extra fluid.  Many of his numbers were better today and he was awake a lot more than yesterday.  It was so nice to look into his eyes and see him respond to my voice.  

Now I need to correct some previous information.  The rounds happen 7 days a week but at different times.  There are no residents in this unit but the rounds include a doctor, fellows, nurse, nurse practitioner, respiratory therapist, and the dietitian.  As I indicated previously, some bacteria grew in his urine sample but they are not attributing what is happening to that.  All of the cultures taken in Kitchener came back negative.  Josiah may be able to get off of his ventilator tomorrow but we'll see what happens.  The doctor wants to see how he manages over the weekend before discussing his case on Tuesday.  That meeting will include all the doctors and surgeons. 

I met a man at dinner whose grandson recently had open heart surgery.  I met a woman tonight whose six-month old baby girl is waiting for a heart transplant.

By the way, Josiah is in his own room with his own nurse.  Nursing shifts are 7-7 roughly.  All of the nurses have been amazing.  It's time to pump and then go to sleep.  I can pump at RMH.  It has been advised that we don't walk outside at night around RMH so I'll probably get back here around 8:30ish each night.

I was able to have a nice surprise visit with a friend today (who makes amazing muffins!).

By the way, I forgot to let you know that when the transfer team was getting ready to change the Kitchener ventilator to their ventilator, they discovered their one did not work even though it was tested before they left Toronto.  This had never happened to the team before.  They ended up having to borrow GrandRiver's ventilator.  In the ambulance the nurse told me that in all her time working on the team she had only ever seen 3 people on the same ventilator as most are different.  If Josiah had been on a different ventilator the team would have needed to leave him and go get another one.  Thank you Lord!  Thanks for your prayers!



Psalm 34:4 - I sought the Lord and He heard me and delivered me from all my fears.

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