Friday, 3 August 2012

No More Tube!

Hi Everyone,

Josiah's tube was removed about two hours ago and he's been doing well.  At first they put a tent around his head with oxygen but that didn't stay on long.  He's breathing completely on his own and his oxygen saturation levels are good.  He's sleeping peacefully now but whenever he wakes up he cries.  His cry sounds much more weak and pathetic than usual but it's nice to hear him again.  I suspect the main reason for his crying is due to the fact that his last feed was at 6:00 AM.  They needed to wait at least four hours after a feed before removing the tube but there were a number of reasons that they needed to delay taking it out.  After removing it they need to wait at least four more hours as there is always a small risk that he would need to be intubated again during that time.  It's nice to see his entire cute face again, without all the tape for the tube.  That's all the news for now.  Thanks for your prayers!



1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the regular updates. Awesome to hear of answered prayers. Love you. AMOE
