Monday, 27 August 2012

Josiah is now in surgery

Josiah was able to get into surgery at 11:15 AM instead of 1:00 PM today.  They are going to try to reopen the connection between the pulmonary artery and the heart (that had been shut during the last surgery).  If that doesn't generate the pulmonary blood flow he needs, then they may need to reverse some or all of the previous surgery, and do the BT Shunt procedure.  We are praying that things go well and that the "simpler" fix will work. 

We will of course keep you posted when we know more.  Thanks again for all your prayers. 


Graham and Elizabeth

1 comment:

  1. Graham and Elizabeth, Kathryn Wiltshire, of GKM (Scarboro Gospel Temple)is unable to access your blog, but would like to send you Isaiah 41:10, along with her greetings and prayers.
