Wednesday, 19 September 2012

A new room

In the last few days there have been three separate incidents that have underscored how little it takes to set me off and how much I try to be in control of those things that I think are in my realm of influence.  In the big things (like heart surgeries for example), I am fully aware that I cannot bring about outcomes so I am more than happy to say, "This serve is for You God" and I can be quite relaxed, knowing that God is in control and He is able.  However, if you mess with me on Kijiji or don't share my son's test results or (gasp!) change Josiah's room without calling me, I will be thrown for a loop.

This morning I called the nurse at 6:45 AM to find out how Josiah's night went.  That's when I found out that he had changed rooms last night at 11:00 PM while I was typing unaware.  Instead of being thankful that he was moved to a different room because he needs less care, Miss Attitude showed up and I welcomed her home.  Miss Attitude always focuses on principles and feels justified and righteous in her indignance.  There are many other preferable options than indignance but of course it feels good to be "right" and I want people to know how they can do better ... instead of reminding myself how often I fail to live up to others' expectations, and how often I miss the mark, and how much God has forgiven, and how much I need Jesus, and how God brings good out of the bad.

Josiah ended up having a nurse back for her first shift after being off for 8 months, backpacking around the world.  She was lovely and she said it was the perfect first shift because we were so nice.  The next time I'm thrown for a loop, I want to say, "Thank you Lord for the opportunity to see your goodness."  I'm guessing it might take a few practice runs.  Thankfully Graham is more centred than I am and helps me to keep things in perspective.  I'll end the introspection now so that I can tell you about Josiah.

He had a good morning.  He was off of CPAP for an hour and fifteen minutes and his breathing wasn't laboured.  He had two good physio sessions and I was able to hold him twice.  This afternoon he ended up desating to the 50s and it took quite a while to determine that the problem was due to one of his medications.  He was in the high 60s for quite a while on an oxygen rate of 75%.  I ended up staying until around 9:45 so it was a long day.  This was the first time I didn't leave during shift change; I just stayed with Josiah until the problem was (hopefully) solved.

He was much more alert today and his cough is stronger.  He focussed on the mobile and some of his toys for a while.  October 14 is the date when he will be allowed to push up on his arms so physio will need to work towards that.  I'll try to hold him more upright tomorrow and we may also try him on his tummy.  I was reminded tonight that I have a friend who has lots of experience working with infants who are behind or compromised in some way with their gross motor skills so she'll be able to give me some tips.  God is the perfect provider!

It looks like Josiah will get his drainage tubes out tomorrow - yeay!  I'm sure he'll also try being off of CPAP a couple of times again.

Emma Stewart is back in the PICU.  It is so often a roller coaster ride on our floor.  

Thank you so much for your emails, kind words, verses, and prayers!  We couldn't do this without you.  It is so encouraging to have your love and support.



P.S. Thankfully there were leftovers when I arrived back at RMH.  Rubbermaid had provided a delicious meal!


  1. Dear Elizabeth and Graham,

    Hear my prayer, O Lord, give ear to my supplications; in thy faithfulness answer me, and in Thy righteousness,
    Cause me to hear thy loving-kindness in the morning; for in Thee do I trust; cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto Thee. Psalm 143 verses 1 & 8.

    Now that Josiah has moved forward to his new room, Isaac will be able to visit him at the weekend, and your family will be reunited once more. Thank you God for Josiah’s progress and in the name of Jesus, Josiah will go from strength to strength.

    But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:57

    In the powerful name of Jesus, Emma Stewart recovers fully.

    The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous runneth into it and is safe. Proverbs 18:10
    Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee, because he trusteth in Thee. Isaiah 26:3

    Love and prayers from your auntie Julia.

  2. Thankyou for your honesty and openness, Elizabeth! We know you are only human, but it encourages us to be reminded of that. We will pray even more for your patience, wisdom, strength, compassion, etc. God never runs out of anything that we need!

    Aunt Sandra

  3. Elizabeth, you are so...real and full of integrity (of course!). Just remember that being human is how God made us! Yes, we keep praying that God will, by His healing hand and through His power, make all (organs, valves, oxygen levels, blood flow, lungs, heart)
    'things' work in Josiah's body, the way that He does want and is so able. This is not difficult for God at all. Prayer is changing Josiah's health and life! Amen! We pray for YOU, Josiah and Graham and Isaac at home along with all of the grandparents. Their are helping to hold everything together!
    "Stop and consider God's wonders." Job 37:14.....How things don't seem to be going quite right and then God comes along and makes us feel much better with His incredible love. Love, J. E.

  4. Aww Elizabeth, sometimes it's the little stuff that pushes us over the edge....well, me anyway! You are holding up extraordinarily well under tremendous pressure. What a great comfort to know that His mercies are new every morning! For all of us!!!

    I simply can't help but ask, "wasn't the meal from Rubbermaid a bit rubbery?" ahah! Sorry!
    Hugs, M
