Friday, 28 September 2012

Another weekend begins

Graham and Isaac arrived before 9:00 PM.  Isaac woke up but he snuggled into my neck as I carried him upstairs and he soon fell asleep.  Carrying him in is one of my favourite moments of the week.  Graham went to park the car at SickKids and then he'll have a visit with Josiah before heading back here.

On rounds this morning the doctors said to try Josiah off CPAP two times today for three hours each time.  During this morning's trial he lasted for two and a half hours.  They were planning the second trial for 5:00 PM but around 3:00 PM his sats stayed in the high 60s and his breathing was more laboured so the RT would not try him off again.  For most of the day he was fever free but he developed one later this afternoon.   

This week I've usually stayed with Josiah until shift change at 7:00 PM and then I've tried to get back to RMH quickly to say goodnight to Isaac on FaceTime before I pump and eat dinner.  Tonight there were leftovers from a wonderful dinner hosted by Deloitte. 

I caught Josiah putting his fingers from his left hand in his mouth so that was wonderful to see.  It's funny how he may not want to grasp onto one of his toys but he'll grab onto the side of his CPAP strap and pull on it.  It will be wonderful when we're able to say goodbye to CPAP.  Josiah seems to have very sensitive skin so he has a number of duoderm dressings on his face to protect him from the CPAP mask.  He's developed a sore between his nostrils where part of the mask sits. 

The nurse removed the dressing from the scar down his chest yesterday.  It's been healed for a while.  I've seen it before and it looks quite good.  He certainly has a number of scars on his body from the various lines he's had and his thighs are covered with marks from his enoxparin injections.  I was practicing giving a needle to an orange today.  One of these days I'll need to graduate to Josiah whose skin does not remind me of an orange.  

My brother, sister-in-law and nephew are heading to Toronto tomorrow from the Ottawa area.  It will be wonderful to see them. 

Thank you to everyone for your support and prayers!





  1. Much love to you all. Following the updates every day. Have a wonderful time with M & M and give them my love too. I hope to see ALL of you when I'm back in Canada in December. My mum is flying to Geneva tonight and has been busy all this week practicing her French which (to be honest) sounds utterly comical but she is determined to purchase her own coffee and croissant. Your extended family is all with you in spirit, we love you and stand by you through the ups and downs. Have a super weekend with Graham and Isaac. I hope Josiah stays strong and stable. Blessings, cousin. xo Tash

  2. Hello Elizabeth and Graham,

    In the name of Jesus, Josiah temperature is normal and remains so, as every part of his body functions well. Josiah’s breathing stamina increases and his little facial sore and all the other marks are being healed quickly. Thank you God.

    Say hello to Matthew and Michaela for me, and may you have a very pleasant time together. I ask and thank God for His protection for their safe and straightforward travelling. Isaac will be pleased to see dear young Owen or the handsome Kieran.

    Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him and bless His name.
    For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting; and His truth endureth to all generations. Psalm 100 verses 4&5.

    Love and prayers from your auntie Julia.

  3. Enjoy your entire wkd and we ask God to bring joy to each day. May His wisdom be yours for every situation over and over. We are trusting. You will be so acutely aware of every gesture and movement which he makes with his hands or his feet. May you truly feel as if you are each safe in His arms at all times.
    Love and prayers with God's footsteps before you, J. E.
