Friday, 7 September 2012

Weaning Morphine

Today Josiah was weaned from being on 70 of morphine to 60 of morphine (I forget the units but it's a lot of morphine).  There was a procedure going on in his room this morning with another patient so I wasn't able to see him until around noon.  When I did see him he looked a lot calmer than yesterday but I found he became a little more restless as the day went on.  His eyes looked much less glassy than yesterday.

This morning's x-ray showed that his right lung was partially collapsed so he is now having physio twice daily to try to remove more of the secretions from this lung.  His one eye is a little red and he had a fever tonight so they've sent a bunch of blood work and samples to culture and we should find out the results of those tests between 24 and 48 hours.  His two head sores are looking better. 

In terms of his feeds, he is now given one ounce of portagen every three hours via his NG tube.  With the increase in the amount of his feeds over the last couple of days, it is looking like his chest drainage may also be increasing.  If this continues it could be a sign that the area of his lymph system that was nicked during the surgery on the 15th may not be healing.  If they decide that's what's happening, the care map for this condition directs that he not have any oral feeds for five days.  We'll see what happens overnight and tomorrow.

I saw Josiah's surgeon briefly today and he said he was happier with Josiah's numbers.  A lot of the nurses are coming by his bed and saying how much better he looks.  It was great to have my parents visit today.  My dad thanked my nurse for all the care being given to Josiah and she answered, "We love him." She also said that if his lung looks better tomorrow, we could try to hold him. 

Graham and Isaac are on the way.  I've put a mattress on the floor and I'm hoping Isaac will be excited to sleep in his own bed tonight.  It will great to all be in the same city for the weekend.

It's time to put some things out of Isaac's reach so I'll say good-night.  Thanks for reading and for all your support.  We appreciate your love and prayers!




  1. Hello Elizabeth and Graham,

    In the name of Jesus, Josiah's temperature is lowering to normal as his lung secretions are loosening and are being removed easily by suction. His eyes are being soothed and are clear and healthy. Josiah’s lymph system is healing as is his whole body. His heart rate is good. Brave Josiah is relaxed and content. Glory be to God our Heavenly Father. I pray that Isaac is comfortable and sleeps well at night and you will all have a joyful weekend together.
    He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think. Ephesians 3 v 20.

    Love from your auntie Julia.

  2. So glad to hear that Josiah is weaning off the morphine now and looking less glazed over. I am amazed at how much his little body has handles and am in awe of God's careful creation of our bodies. He made Josiah's every little bit and can heal him fully and help him recover. Praying for his recovery process, and for Isaac's sleep this weekend. And that you both get to hold your little one tomorrow! What a blessing to have such a loving health care team surrounding you. I praise God for that caring nurse.

    Jenn & David & Theo
