Well, we made it to 4D. Thank You Lord! That's the D Wing of the fourth floor. We were transferred around 1:00 PM. Josiah had a good sleep last night - in his stroller - but he has been fussy all day except for the two times I was able to take him for a stroller ride. Thankfully, we were put in the step-down room where there are three other children and 24-hour nursing. I'm hoping we'll be able to stay in the step-down room all weekend, instead of going to our own room, but it will depend on who is sick and needs the space.
I think I've been more tired today than I have been at any time over the last three months here. I'm not sure of the exact reason for this but I'm going to go to sleep as soon as I finish this post and then I'll get up to do one more pump a little later. No one wants to rock the boat now that we're finally out of the CCCU so the nurse practitioner told me that Josiah won't start oral feeds until Monday.
The single ventricle team decided that Josiah will not have his picc removed and he won't have the dye study which would show whether or not the clot in Josiah's heart is growing. They don't want to risk compromising Josiah's last good access site for a picc line, especially given that he is off intravenous medications right now. Technically, both his left arm and his left femoral area are free of clots (as opposed to the right sides) but they wouldn't want a picc is his left arm as it could negatively affect vessels that need to be in good condition for a future surgery.
It's time to lie down and close my eyes. I look forward to seeing Graham and Isaac tomorrow night and I hope we are able to be at RMH together for the weekend. If Josiah is in his own room, one of us might need to sleep at the hospital. Thank you for your prayers!
P.S. Thanks to Torys LLP for an amazing dinner tonight. I had salmon coated with sesame seeds and a delicious glaze.
Hello Eliabeth and Graham.
ReplyDeleteIn the precious name of Jesus, may Josiah settle in and comfortably stay in this room for several days with 24 hour nursing care and that you Elizabeth will sleep soundly for the next few nights and nap during the day when Isaac is sleeping. God grant Isaac to be understanding and be happy just to be in your presence and have a cosy, pleasant and gentle weekend. Elizabeth, may you be renewed with energy, good health and confidence when Josiah and you are eventually moved to your own room. Elizabeth, you are to be highly commended for being determined and persevering with supplying Josiah with nutritious mother’s milk, and Josiah will feel the benefit again from Monday onwards.
Praise ye the Lord. Praise God in His sanctuary: Praise Him in the firmament of His power.
Praise Him for His mighty acts: praise Him according to His excellent greatness. Psalm 150 verses 1&2.
It certainly has been a positive week and in Jesus' name Josiah will sleep well tonight and wake refreshed and will be delighted to see his daddy tomorrow and go for many more stroller travels. The following Biblical verses are for you Graham.
For thou shalt eat the labour of thine hands: happy shalt thou be, and it shall be well with thee.
Thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine by the sides of thine house: thy children like olive plants round about thy table.
Behold, that thus shall the man be blessed that feareth the Lord. Psalm 128 verses 2-4.
Love from your auntie Julia.
Watching from a window view, this has been an amazing God-week and we know that when He starts a good work, He is faithful to complete it. As such, we must be faithful to believe and believe in the completion. May we give God all the glory over and over and over. Praise to His strength, wisdom and power.
ReplyDeleteAs for a tired mommy, oh how we bless you with sweet sleeps for the nights to come and on the wkd. May God give Josiah that extra 24 h care for several days, just because of His great love.
We will praise Him for His ways are perfect in whatever He chooses.
Love, J. E.