Josiah had a better day today. He was fussy this morning but a stroller ride did the trick. He had a big nap this afternoon and he's sleeping peacefully now without any extra sedation. He was given extra sedation last night when his nurse was on break. He was on two litres of oxygen per minute until around 5:00 PM when he was turned down to one and a half litres of oxygen.
They increased his physio to three times per day as his x-ray showed his right upper lobe looking worse. This is the area that has repeatedly been problematic.
His 3:00 PM feed was my milk fortified with Goodstart formula. His is still being fed using his NG tube. When they are happier with his breathing, we can attempt oral feeds.
Thankfully he hasn't had fevers so I think he'll need to stop being diaper boy. I'm taking over a sleeper for him in the morning.
He is scheduled for a 10:00 AM hearing test tomorrow but he must sleep through it in order for it to work.
Tomorrow morning the team will discuss if it's time for us to move to our own room. I'll keep you updated.
Thanks so much for your prayers!
P.S. Thanks to TD Bank for a delicious dinner!
Hello Elizabeth and Graham.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;
Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 5 verses 19 & 20.
Elizabeth, you have coped with the moving excellently. It would be good if Josiah could stay with 24 hour care for another few days, but if he has to be moved to his own room because of other young patients, may you know that the Holy Spirit is with you and in Jesus' name, you have the confidence and reassurance that you will have renewed energy and healing and feel up to the challenge of the added responsibilities. It is good that familiar faces are there from time to time, hopefully now just on social visits or in the course of their duties. In the name of Jesus may Josiah be filled with energy from above, as he joins in enthusiastically with all the physiotherapy that is essential, and also with his occupational therapy. May the sessions be comfortable for him, as he coughs up the secretions, and as the lobe of his right lung becomes clear. His heart, lungs, muscles, breathing, blood vessels, circulation and sats are all getting better and better. Thanks and praise be to God as Josiah's temperature stays normal and he sleeps well at night. It is good that Josiah is being given his mummy's milk again.
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Philippians 4:13
Sometimes I think that Isaac is older than he really is, as he is such a sensible young child. He even took control of the situation when he fell out of bed. He may have forgotten what room he was in. As he is sleeping in a big bed now, precautions may need to be taken at home and at his grandparents' home, such as big cushions on the floor?
I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep; for Thou Lord, only maketh me dwell in safety. Psalm 4 v 8.
love and prayers from your auntie Julia.