Sunday, 25 November 2012

Settling in

Mommy and her boys
I ended up sleeping in Josiah's room again last night after starting out in my own bed.  He needed some morphine in the night.  I have high hopes for a good sleep tonight.  He cries out a lot but he is often able to go back to sleep.  A potential side effect of one of his drugs is vivid dreams or nightmares.  We hope his sleep is not disturbed by any fear.  It's always sad to see fear in his eyes.   

Josiah has wanted to be held and cuddled more the last couple of days.  I assume his body has adjusted to being held upright.  He prefers to be held while we are standing and rocking (just like Isaac did) but he sometimes lets us sit down with him.  It's nice to feel like we are able to give him some comfort in this way.  He also likes to grasp my hair with his fingers and put it in his mouth.  He'll often be soothed if I give him my hair when he's crying.  This is a gift to me as he won't take a soother and I can't nurse him to comfort him. 

Graham and I both had naps today which helped.  This morning while Isaac was enjoying church Josiah had his daily visit with the nurse.  We then gave Josiah a bath and put him in the swing which he didn't enjoy.  He spent some time in his chair and on his mat though he was fussier today.  He also slept in both mom and dad's arms.  It just takes the right number of bottom pats to calm him down. 

Yesterday, the last of the gentian violet came off his lips.  He still has some under his fingernails but it's nice that his face isn't purple any more. 

We meet our day nurse tomorrow.  He is coming at 8:00 AM and staying until 4:00 PM.  This will be an interesting transition to say the least.  We're praying that it goes smoothly and that Josiah loves his nurses and that Isaac adjusts to having an extra person in the house.

It's time to get ready for bed before the next feed.  We missed being with our church family today.  We're not sure what our outings will look like but we're taking this one day at a time.  We certainly feel very loved and blessed.  Thank you for your prayers!


Elizabeth and Graham


  1. hey Elizabeth, If there is anything i can do for you please dont hestiate to ask. Even if its just doing laundry, getting you some groceries or playing with Isaac. Wednesday and Thursday i work until 11 so i could give you a hand in the afternoon. my cell number is 519-492-1726

  2. Hi Elizabeth,

    I just received the link to your blog from Heather this morning, so I haven't had the chance to catch up yet on all of the happenings in your life. I must go now as I start my peds rotation today. I can be reached by email at first + maiden name @ My thoughts and prayers are with you. Kirsty
