I asked her about giving Josiah milk every three and a half hours and she is fine with us trying that. We'll start this Saturday. This will allow me to start his last feed at 11:30 PM instead of 12:00 AM so I'll get to bed a little earlier.
Josiah had an alright day. He enjoys eating his solid food in the kitchen. He seems to be arching back his neck and head more which is often something babies do when they need more oxygen. His sleeping sats are lower as well. Oh how I would love to give his body more oxygen. I remember looking at him when he was on ECMO at the hospital the night before his last surgery. His lips were red because all of his blood was being oxygenated and pumped through his body. I had never seen him with red lips before. I just looked back at the photos and found one with the monitor showing his oxygen sats at 99%.
I didn't mention yesterday that we had a few hours of nursing last evening, hence we were able to get Starbucks and spend an hour on the couch. The show we were watching had someone die. They talked about the funeral home workers taking the body. How does a mother say, "You can take away his body now"?
I had some quality hide and seek time with Isaac. He told me where to hide three times in a row, which coincidentally was the same place that he hid. I usually look for him and say out loud things like, "Where is Isaac? He's not in the kitchen." Isaac mimicked me and narrated as he looked for me in different places until he came to where he knew I was hiding. What a joy!
My mom made a delicious dessert to share with us today, complete with chocolate hearts from Laura Secord. Isaac was thrilled.
I danced with my Valentine's today. Here's the song. I suggest you dance with your Valentine.
Thanks for all your prayers and support!
Psalm 16:8,11
I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me. ... You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever.
Happy Valentine's to all of you. We pray God's healing hands over Josiah's oxygen levels, as we believe in His words and stand upon absolute faith for that. We also have full trust in His will being done....on earth, as it is in heaven. Oh God, we know that you circle Josiah with so much more love than we ever could have. We thank you for his 10 months and we pray for miracles in his blood vessels. Much love and prayers.