I actually forgot to post until now. We were in bed, praying before sleep, and I remembered that I needed to post. I find the late night feed more difficult when I've already been sleeping so it will be easier tonight.
Josiah had a pretty good day. He pulled off his face tapes this evening but I caught him before he did any damage and then I changed his tapes. Our new taping process is working better than our old one. It's not perfect but we're getting closer. A pharmacy called me back today and said they had found the pediatric arm restraints I'd asked about so I ordered a pair. I'm not sure how much it will change because I don't want him wearing them during the day but at least we won't have to wonder at night if he's going to pull out his tube or nasal prongs.
I pulled out a pair of overalls from the cupboard for Isaac to wear this morning. He immediately told me of a character in one of his books that wears overalls (Little Critter). I wish I had his memory. Isaac now has a Potty Time chart on the bathroom wall and stickers to use on it. He was very excited and tried to go on the potty two times in a row. We'll see if the excitement lasts until tomorrow.
We ate some delicious soup tonight for dinner. I think it was borscht. It reminded me of the borscht that my uncle made when I was a little girl.
It's time to say goodnight. Thanks so much for all of your prayers!
Romans 3:22-23
We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ. And this is true for everyone who believes, no matter who we are. For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God's glorious standard.
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