Thursday, 28 February 2013

My helpful boys

Josiah slept well last night and awoke around 5:00AM.   Isaac slept until just before 6:00AM.  I sang a couple of songs to him while we watched the numbers change until the first number on the clock was a 6 and then he could go and see Daddy.

I was in the washroom when I heard Josiah cry just before 7:30AM.  I then heard Graham's footsteps and shortly after there was pounding on the bathroom door.  Josiah had pulled out his NG tube again.  I had been wondering whether to wait a couple of weeks and get his tube changed at the hospital when he has his next RSV shots or change it myself as the tube has been in just over a month.  He's a very helpful boy, answering my question for me.  We gave him an hour of freedom from the tube and then I inserted a new one.  I was a little worried that we might need to go to the hospital as I kept meeting resistance at the back of his nose but eventually I was able to get it in without resistance.  Of course, he was crying the whole time but it didn't take him long to calm down afterwards. 

Our new nurse is great and Josiah seemed to take to him right away.  Thank You Lord!  He has three children including an infant so he's used to babies.   

The dietitian came this morning.  Josiah has gained a lot of weight the last couple of weeks, approximately 40g per day.  The nurse thought that some of that might be fluid retention but we're going to cut back on the amount of formula he's getting.  His feeds will be the same volume but they will be less concentrated.

My parents were here this morning and then Graham's parents arrived late morning and stayed for the day.  I was able to enjoy a nap after lunch. 

Our pastor's wife dropped by to say hi and see Josiah. Josiah had another good day.  He had time in the exersaucer again as well as time on his mat. Yesterday and today at dinner he showed interest in his toes.  Yesterday it looked like he wanted to put his big toe in his mouth - I love seeing this interest.  Grandpa F. commented on how much better Josiah seemed since the last time he saw him. 

Isaac likes rhyming.  We've encouraged him in this endeavour.  He'll just say a word and then nonsense sounds that rhyme with that word.  Well, I discovered this evening that some nice words rhyme with some inappropriate words.  Isaac has no idea what he's saying but the sound is quite clear to anyone listening.  There's a lot to learn when you're two.  I'm really hoping he doesn't decide to show off his rhyming skills at church. 

When Isaac has done something that he knows he shouldn't do, he'll often say, "Listen and obey" because he's heard that many times from his parents.  Today, I took him to his room because he did something naughty and when we arrived he immediately climbed up on his chair saying, "Up on the chair."  He knows the drill.  It's a joy to watch him learning. 

Graham and I enjoyed a yummy "fruit with chocolate sauce date" in the kitchen tonight. 

Thanks so much for your prayers and support!  We are blessed beyond measure.  We love our boys.



Romans 5:1
Therefore, since we have been made right in God's sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us.

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